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Why It’s Still Okay To Hold Banks

Feb 05 2014

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report argues why perceived overvaluation is not a reason to sell Australian bank stocks.

Your Editor On Twitter

Jan 31 2014

This week’s Tweets on Twitter by Your Editor.

Don’t Panic, It’s Just A Buying Opportunity

Jan 29 2014

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report outlines we he does not subscribe to the theory January determines market direction.

Your Editor On Twitter

Jan 24 2014

This week’s Tweets on Twitter by Your Editor.

Relative Values: The Carry Trade In 2014

Jan 23 2014

Kathleen Brooks of FOREX.com explains forward effects of diverging monetary policies on currencies.

Invest More As The Dollar Dives

Jan 22 2014

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report discusses the positive flow-through to equities of a weaker Aussie dollar.

Your Editor On Twitter

Jan 17 2014

This week’s Tweets on Twitter by Your Editor.

The Supply Shortage In The Gold Pits No One Is Talking About

Jan 16 2014

Profit Confidential’s Michael Lombardi believes it is time to consider buying beaten down gold mining stocks.

Do I See A Secular Bull Market Looming?

Jan 15 2014

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report discusses why he remains bullish Australian stocks in 2014.

This Is It, From FNArena, Until Next Year

Dec 20 2013

FNArena is now enjoying our annual break. Stock Analysis, The Short Report and other data will remain up to date and available throughout the break.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle