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China’s Growth May Be Ten Percent

Nov 15 2012

While many argue China’s latest 7.4% growth rate looks overstated given other statistics, DBS Group argues it may actually be understated.

China’s Baton Change Won’t Alter The Field

Nov 13 2012

As China prepares for a change of leadership what’s in it for global markets?

Postcards From China

Nov 09 2012

Analysts find the best place to assess the Chinese economy is from on the ground in China, and several have reported back from their sojourns, including to the biannual Canton Trade Fair.

The US Election Result And Asia

Nov 08 2012

BlackRock’s heads of Asian equities and fixed income discuss the impact of the post-election US government make-up on Asian economies and markets.

Asia: The Global Driver

Oct 19 2012

Where is global growth going to come from in 2013? DBS Bank asks the question with regard weak foreign demand for Asian goods.

Why Do Chinese Households Save So Much?

Sep 04 2012

China’s huge savings are met with both awe and suspicion. This column discusses the high savings rate and its implications using data from 1960 to 2009.

China Slowing Faster Than Assumed?

Aug 27 2012

The Dallas Federal Reserve has entered the debate on the discrepancy of China’s rubbery GDP figures and seemingly inconsistent weak electricity data.

Warning: China Reaching Critical Point

Aug 22 2012

Brokers have investigated the state of China’s manufacturing and property sectors to arrive at potentially grim conclusions.

China And Food Price Reality

Jul 31 2012

If Chinese meat consumption continues to push toward Western levels, there will not be enough grain in the world to feed the animals consumed.

Disputing China’s GDP Numbers

Jul 26 2012

Many an analyst has pointed to weak Chinese electricity production as a reason why China’s June quarter GDP must be overstated by Beijing, but ANZ argues the case.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle