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Calling Beijing: China Flash PMI Falls

May 24 2012

A drop in HSBC’s flash estimate of China’s May PMI is not good news but may help hasten a policy response from Beijing.

Beijing Forced Into A Rapid Policy Response

May 14 2012

Beijing’s weekend policy response to weak April data is welcome but perhaps a little slow.

But What About India?

May 09 2012

If Europe isn’t getting all the attention China is, but no one ever mentions India when perhaps, given current problems, it should.

China Takes Another Step Towards Maturity

Apr 16 2012

Beijing’s announcement it will expand its range of yuan peg to the US dollar, allowing for further appreciation, has been welcomed across the globe.

China’s Confusing Economy

Apr 02 2012

A big jump in China’s official manufacturing PMI belies a fall in HSBC’s independent calculation. The official number appears to counter recent hard landing fears, but what is really going on?

What Will India Look Like In 2025?

Jan 24 2012

Why India’s successful transformation into the world’s third largest economy cannot be taken for granted.

China In 2012

Jan 19 2012

Post the December quarter GDP result release, analysts discuss China’s economic prospects in 2012. Will we all climb another wall of worry like we did in 2011?

China Is Turning Into A Nation Of Consumers

Dec 07 2011

Despite rising inflation, the emerging Chinese consumer wants to keep spending.

Don’t Worry About China’s Property Market

Nov 29 2011

Commonwealth Bank offers nine reasons why one should not be concerned by an orderly decline in Chinese property prices.

Looking For Signs Of EMU-Related Funding Stress In Asia

Nov 24 2011

GaveKal reports circumstances are rapidly changing for Emerging Countries too with cheap foreign credit harder to find.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle