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Chinese Data Slightly Disappointing

May 11 2011

China’s CPI was up 0.1% in April to provide a 5.3% annual measure, ahead of expectations.

India Slams On The Brakes

May 04 2011

A desperate 50 basis point interest rate rise has hit Indian markets and growth prospects in response to March headline inflation of 9%.

China Tightens Further

Mar 22 2011

Global issues have not stopped Beijing further tightening monetary policy through another bank reserve increase.

China’s Inflation Problem

Mar 17 2011

Japanese impact aside, China’s monetary policy is now focused firmly on controlling inflation. And the big culprit is oil. Is there any relief in sight?

Asian Equity Investment Requires Caution

Mar 15 2011

DBS remains positive on Asian equity markets but sees potential problems ahead in the next three months. The Australian market is a proxy.

Beijing To Speed Up Tightening?

Mar 09 2011

Beijing is taking further steps towards bringing its financial framework in line with IMF standards – a move that should lead to accelerated currency appreciation, CBA suggests. But also potentially faster tightening.

China Is Worried Too

Feb 25 2011

MineLife’s Gavin Wendt reports China is watching global turmoil closely.

Australia’s New China

Feb 02 2011

ANZ compares the numbers over the last decade to show just how rapidly Australia’s trading ties with India are growing in significance.

Beijing’s Strategy Paying Off?

Feb 01 2011

Growth in China’s manufacturing sector eased again in January according to Beijing reflecting local rate rises while Australia’s sector remains in the doldrums.

China’s Price Problems Are A Monetary Problem

Nov 29 2010

This column titled “A good example of dealing with macro problems using micro tools” was published by VoxEU under the title “China’s price problems are a monetary problem”.

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