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Unstable Foundations: The Risks In Relying On A Post-Pandemic ‘Snapback’ In Infrastructure

Oct 01 2021

The fact superfunds and other large asset managers are now scrambling to obtain ownership of listed, long-duration infrastructure assets does not prevent that society post-covid might remain different from pre-covid, with consequences for some of these assets

Factor Powerhouse: Value Plus Quality

Sep 30 2021

Research by The Leuthold Group suggests better returns await those investors who combine cheaper asset prices (‘Value’) with a Quality assessment

Why Sell Great Businesses For The Mediocre?

Sep 28 2021

Bob Desmond, Head of Claremont Global, explains why selling Quality companies for a short-term value ‘advantage’ is not by default the best strategy to follow

Banks (Need To) Go Big On Digital Revolution

Sep 21 2021

With rapid digitalisation a key characteristic of our post-pandemic world, traditional banks are expected to keep pace with global trends. The Asia Pacific banking sector, in particular, appears behind global peers when it comes to digitisation, and a strong shift is needed to retain market share

Beating The Biotech Blues

Sep 14 2021

Janus Henderson’s Andy Acker explains why small and mid-cap biotechs have seriously underperformed, and why a strong recovery could be expected

Investment Strategies For Inflation and Tapering

Jul 14 2021

As equity markets continue to rise, investment managers scan the world for opportunity with an eye on inflation and the commencement of tapering by the US Federal Reserve

China’s Trade With US: Down But Not Broken

Jul 13 2021

While further trade decoupling between China and US/rest-of-world would hurt China the most, there’s no corporate or political appetite for the costs or disruption associated with severing trade with the world’s second largest economy

Spice Up The Portfolio With A Twist Of Mega Caps And Secular Megatrends

Jul 07 2021

US equities offer easier access to mega caps and secular megatrends that have boosted investment returns over the decade past. Shareplicity’s Danielle Ecuyer argues it’s still not too late to hop on board

Africa’s Pivotal Shift Towards Green Energy

Jul 01 2021

A handful of countries on the African continent have the potential to alleviate future shortages of minerals needed to drive green energy solutions, but investment, political, regulatory and infrastructure hurdles linger

Charting A New Course In The Shipping Industry

Jun 09 2021

As 2021 is exposing many of the flaws and fragilities of the global shipping industry, disruption seems but the logical response. However, reforming the industry is far easier said than done

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle