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Shrinking China Labour Force Has Global Impact

May 10 2021

China’s labour force is shrinking and the consequences will be global, predicts ANZ Bank

Winners And Losers In A Net Zero China

Apr 28 2021

Serial changes to China’s energy mix, needed to achieve its pledge of reaching peak emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060, will create tectonic shifts in commodity markets

Artificial Intelligence & International Trade

Apr 27 2021

Dr Han-Wei Liu discusses the dilemma facing the World Trade Organization as AI-related trade conflicts come to the fore

China In Africa: Implications For Australia

Apr 23 2021

China is spending US$40bn a year in Africa. Longer term consequences can include Australia’s exports of iron ore

Companies Benefiting From Global Trend Towards Government Insolvency

Apr 21 2021

In search of a solution to ever-expanding debt-to-GDP ratios, Dr Roy van Keulen offers some food for thought, alongside a few ideas of companies likely to benefit

Sony And The “Financialization” Of Music Catalogues

Mar 30 2021

Curtis Cifuentes explains how Sony has cashed in on the revival of music industry revenues now streaming has reached a critical mass

Investment Strategies For A Global Recovery

Mar 29 2021

As the global economy swings from the recovery phase to expansion there are important policy and market implications for investors

The Case For Emerging Markets Investment Part II

Feb 24 2021

After emerging markets have weathered pandemic storms, equity and currency strategists chart a course for investors in a region considered a core holding by professionals

The Case For Emerging Markets Investment Part I

Feb 17 2021

While traditional structural issues may weigh on some investors, many others seek out emerging markets for a core holding, by virtue of sheer size and growth prospects

‘It Will Get Worse Before It Gets Better’

Feb 11 2021

‘It Will Get Worse Before It Gets Better’ – The Global Economy in the covid-19 Vaccine Era

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle