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Is The Fed Going To Cut?

Jul 24 2019

Wall Street is pricing in a -25 basis point Fed rate cut this month as a 100% chance. Brandywine Global ponders whether such a certainty may be misguided.

The Global Fiscal Panic

Jul 09 2019

As global recession looms, analysts warn of a fiscal panic that will grip the world as monetary policy easing reaches its limits. Australia is not immune this time.

Dancing Closer To The Exits

Jun 24 2019

Ahead of the Herd’s Rick Mills outlines various indicators of an upcoming US recession in today’s context.

QE For Life?

Apr 09 2019

As the world slides back into easy monetary policy to avert slowing growth, Saxo Bank contemplates the potential for another decade of quantitative easing.

From Weak To Strong Hands, A View From The Equity Market

Jan 15 2019

Weakness in equity markets around the globe tells us more about the markets than it does about the global economy, argues Head of Framlington Equities Asia, Mark Tinker.

Saxo’s Ten Outrageous Predictions For 2019

Dec 20 2018

Each year Saxo Bank ends the year with a list of unlikely but underappreciated events which could send shock waves through financial markets.

Is Cheap Oil Good For America?

Dec 19 2018

The president wants low interest rates, and a low oil price, believing that to be good good for the US…

Global Equities Outlook For 2019

Nov 13 2018

Jacob Mitchell of Antipodes Partners looks ahead to 2019 in the context of tariffs and the risk of the Fed getting it wrong.

China Versus The US

Oct 30 2018

As Wall Street tumbles, Mark Tinker of AXA Investment Managers questions whether the US really is winning the trade war.

A View From The Global Equity Market

Oct 23 2018

Mark Tinker of AXA IM discusses the numerous headwinds currently buffeting equity markets and a US-China economic Cold War that could be a feature for the foreseeable future.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle