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Praemium Gambles On Marketing Spend

Feb 14 2018

Brokers have hurriedly reviewed forecasts as Praemium has significantly increased sales and marketing expenses to take advantage of the structural shift occurring in Australia’s investment platform and advice industry.

Class Makes Progress Despite Competition

Feb 13 2018

Strong uptake in cloud-based SMSF software continues to underpin the outlook for Class although competition has put pressure on margins.

Uncertainty Stymies Integral Diagnostics

Jan 30 2018

Integral Diagnostics performed strongly in the first half and FY18 guidance was recently upgraded but not all brokers are happy with the outlook.

Rapid Expansion Potential With LiveTiles

Jan 29 2018

LiveTiles has a large addressable market for its pre-configured software tiles and apps. Moelis initiates coverage on the stock.

Kogan Primed For Significant 2018

Jan 23 2018

Canaccord Genuity expects online shopping provider Kogan.com to have a stellar 2018, with the business experiencing strong and accelerating revenue growth.

UltraCharge Lines Up China’s Battery Market

Jan 22 2018

Lithium battery material provider, UltraCharge, has recently signed up to a deal with Sinochem Lantian involving commercial scale manufacturing of its electrolyte solution.

Challenging FY18 For Japara Healthcare

Dec 20 2017

Challenging conditions continue for Japara Healthcare, which has flagged a weak first half, and lower FY18 guidance, in the wake of a severe flu season that has affected occupancy.

Is Aconex In Play?

Dec 19 2017

Oracle’s bid for Aconex represents a substantial premium. Brokers suggest a counter bid, while highly unlikely, cannot be completely ruled out, but nor can the regulators be ignored.

McPherson’s Looking Better In FY18

Dec 18 2017

Moelis welcomes the divestment of the McPherson’s home appliances division, expecting the company to now concentrate on growing its health & beauty business.

Genex Powers Up Pumped Hydro

Dec 13 2017

Genex Power is positioned to benefit from changes occurring in the National Electricity Market. Canaccord Genuity initiates coverage with a speculative Buy rating.

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