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Mantra Accommodates Strong Upside

Sep 03 2014

Brokers found little to be negative about in accommodation operator Mantra Group’s maiden FY14 result and outlook.

iSentia’s Strong Growth Revealed

Sep 02 2014

Media intelligence service iSentia’s maiden result as a listed entity was ahead of prospectus forecasts. Several brokers analyse its potential.

Netcomm Achieves Scale, Enhancing Potential

Aug 28 2014

Netcomm Wireless reached a critical mass in earnings in FY14 and expects a substantial ramp-up in FY15 on the back of its NBN involvement.

NEXTDC Poised For Strong Revenue Growth

Aug 27 2014

NEXTDC has five data centres up and running and is poised for cash flow to ramp up substantially, with earnings likely to turn positive in FY15.

Dick Smith May Raise Competitor Hackles

Aug 20 2014

Dick Smith is off to a strong start in FY15 and brokers suspect the electronics retailer will provoke a competitor reaction.

BioProspect Developing Mental Health Diagnostic

Aug 07 2014

BioProspect is developing a new diagnostic test for mental illness and Baillieu Holst initiates coverage on the stock.

Lynas Running Out Of Money, Again

Aug 04 2014

Lynas’ June quarter production report has signalled the urgency of a debt restructure, or Lynas will need to raise funds again.

Netcomm Aims For High Growth M2M

Aug 04 2014

Netcomm Wireless is shaping up to be a major player in high-growth M2M technology and Moelis initiates coverage.

Amcom Showcases The Cloud

Jul 29 2014

Amcom has a contract with Melbourne University which has potential to elevate the company’s standing in the burgeoning cloud computing space.

Algae.Tec Moves Forward In India

Jul 22 2014

Reliance Group has increased its investment in Algae.Tec as progress is made on a pilot biofuel plant servicing an Indian oil refinery.

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