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Why We Sold Out Of Patties Foods: The Ugly Coles And Woolworths Duopoly

Sep 24 2013

Microequities has exited a profitable position in Patties Foods given the risks of fighting against a duopoly based not on retailing prowess, but on government-sanctioned power.

Algae.Tec Powers Up

Jul 02 2013

Carbon capture and biofuel production pioneer Algae.Tec has signed a deal with NSW’ largest coal-fired power station to construct an adjacent capture/production facility, believed to be a wold-first for coal-related industry.

Austin Becoming A Strong Shale Contender

Jun 12 2013

Austin Exploration is making progress in highly prospective areas of the Eagle Ford and Niobrara unconventional oil and gas regions.

REVA Medical Opens Opportunity In Stent Market

Jun 03 2013

REVA Medical has commenced recruiting for a CE Mark trial of its new stent product, which has Bell Potter assessing the potential of the stock.

Quickstep, And The New Frontier Of Composites

May 24 2013

Composites manufacturer Quickstep has not been disadvantaged by government indecision on either side of the Pacific over the new Joint Strike Fighter, but rather has used the time to its own advantage.

Don’t Lose Focus On Vocus

Apr 15 2013

Microequities suggests recent weakness for Vocus Communication ignores earnings growth potential from acquisitions and the rollout of the company’s fibre network.

BigAir: Looking Beyond The FY13 Results

Mar 11 2013

The market responded hastily and impatiently to BigAir’s weak FY13 result, rails Microequities, given acquisitions will really hit their straps in FY14.

GI Dynamics: Opportunity In Diabetes Control

Mar 08 2013

As the population of diabetics increases alarmingly a company with a device to control the disease has the world at its feet.

Corum Ltd: Why We Will Not Be Investing Anytime Soon

Feb 06 2013

Microcap specialist Microequities explains why it remains at arm’s length from software company Corum Ltd.

Bionomics On Threshold Of Discovery

Jan 30 2013

Biotech stock Bionomics is undervalued as its therapeutics program has been enhanced with the acquisition of Eclipse, according to Bell Potter.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle