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Breville Quietly Conquering America

Jun 21 2012

Breville Group continues to deliver growth from its international operations and this sees Moelis reiterate a Buy rating on the stock.

Central Petroleum Has Re-Rating Potential

Jun 19 2012

Central Petroeum has one of the world’s largest onshore oil and gas acreage positions and given the potential for a re-rating DJ Carmichael initiatives coverage with a Spec Buy rating.

NIB Holdings: (Special) Dividends With Upside

Jun 18 2012

Macquarie has initiated coverage on private health insurer NIB Holdings pointing at an attractive valuation and a focus on capital returns.

SFG Australia Offers Upside Plus Yield

Jun 12 2012

SFG Australia shares offer upside from ongoing growth in funds under management plus an attractive dividend yield, reports stockbroker Moelis.

Modest Growth Supports Programmed’s Value Proposition

May 31 2012

Programmed Maintenance Services beat consensus with its full year results and modest growth expectations for FY13 see all brokers in the FNArena database rate the stock a Buy.

Neuren Story Getting Better

May 25 2012

Neuren Pharmaceuticals is making progress with its traumatic brain injury drug and Bell Potter reiterates a Buy rating.

Brain Explosion

May 17 2012

Brain Resource is commercialising its world leading database on brain function and the potential growth on offer makes the stock a Buy in the view of Bell Potter.

High Conviction For Neon Energy

May 03 2012

DJ Carmichael rates Neon Energy as a Speculative Buy given upside potential from both exploration and an expected farm-in agreement.

Riedel Offers West African Upside

Apr 26 2012

DJ Carmichael rates Riedel Resources a Speculative Buy given upside potential from the group’s assets in Burkina Faso and West Africa.

Big Things Ahead For Jumbo

Apr 26 2012

A strong market position and good earnings growth potential are enough for Moelis to initiate coverage on Jumbo Interactive with a Buy rating.

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