Daily FNArena News - Technicals

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Low Risk Entry Into Caltex

Jun 20 2017

Michael Gable of Fairmont Equities suggests Caltex is sitting on support.

ASX200: Not Out Of The Woods

Jun 19 2017

Craig Parker of Moat Capital notes support held last week for the ASX200 but danger remains on the downside.

CSL Marching Higher

Jun 15 2017

The Chartist suggests hold it if you’ve got it, otherwise wait for a pullback to get into CSL.

Seek Finding Weakness

Jun 14 2017

Michael Gable of Fairmont Equities suggests selling in Seek has further to run.

ASX200: Poised

Jun 13 2017

Craig Parker of Moat Capital suggests the 200-day moving average could prove support for the ASX200, or a break-down level.

S&P500 At Risk

Jun 08 2017

The Chartist suggests this is not the time to be overexposed to US market upside.

Join The Evolution

Jun 06 2017

Michael Gable of Fairmont Equities suggests the gold price is supporting an upward trend for Evolution Mining.

ASX200: Short Term Uptrend

Jun 05 2017

Craig Parker of Moat Capital suggest the signals are for short term ASX200 strength, but only short term.

JB HiFi Remains In Downtrend

Jun 01 2017

The Chartist reports the technicals are reflecting the fundamental issues currently facing JB Hi-Fi.

Can CBA Bounce From Here?

May 30 2017

Michael Gable of Fairmont Equities suggests selling in Commonwealth Bank may be nearing an end.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle