Feature Stories

Previous Stories

The Outlook For 2017: Australia

Dec 22 2016

Equity strategists and economists provide their views and forecasts for the Australian economy and stock market in 2017.

The Outlook For 2017: International

Dec 19 2016

Equity strategists and economists provide their views and forecasts for the global economy in 2017.

A New Era For Australian Banks

Oct 05 2016

Are Australian bank returns on equity really too high? What lies ahead for the banking sector?

Where Are The Buying Opportunities In A-REITs?

Sep 29 2016

For those wanting to partake in A-REIT investment brokers take a look at where the buying opportunities lie, given recent underperformance of the sector.

LNG: A Problem Of Surging Supply

Sep 22 2016

As the long-awaited Australian ramp-up in new LNG production capacity begins to manifest, the issue is one of global oversupply.

FNArena Reporting Season Monitor August 2016

Sep 20 2016

A summary of the previous session’s corporate earnings result releases, including broker views, ratings and target price changes and beat/miss assessments.

The Power Of Lithium

May 27 2016

Lithium is the latest “hot” commodity, despite having already been so in the past. But this time the rise of the lithium battery is making the realistic difference. What is the outlook for lithium, and how can investors jump on for the ride?

Oz Equity Strategy And the Currency Conundrum

Apr 27 2016

The Fed-related rally in the Aussie dollar is confounding preferred equity portfolio allocations but strategists suggest holding on to the theme.

Whereto Now For Australia’s LNG Producers?

Apr 21 2016

The oil price may have bounced substantially but broker views on where it’s now headed vary, which impacts on views on Australia’s major energy stocks.

China: Where Is It Headed?

Mar 22 2016

In light of increased global anxiety over a slowing Chinese economy, economists assess the issues facing the world’s vital growth engine.