Feature Stories

Previous Stories

‘Tis The Season To Be Worried

Dec 02 2010

Gerry Harvey fears Christmas might be dreadful for retailers. Australia’s economy continues to fracture into mining and energy on the one hand and everyone else on the other. And everyone else is slipping further behind.

Are ETFs The New CDOs?

Nov 10 2010

Debate over the advantages and risks of a rapidly growing exchange-traded fund market have begun to rage in the US. Could we be heading down another path to disaster?

Australian Banks: The Battle At The Margin

Sep 30 2010

The market is concerned the big Australian banks are not the investment proposition they once were, and that margins will come under further pressure. Not all analysts agree.

Retail’s Downward Paradigm Shift

Sep 28 2010

The market is building in an assumed consumer recovery in 2011 on the strength of the Australian economy. But strategists argue such assumptions ignore a post-GFC change in the consumer mindset.

A Rough Road to Recovery – The Global Economic Outlook

Sep 27 2010

Economists debate the likely path of the global economy over the next twelve months. It’s all about policy.

Resource Sector Valuations Under The New Tax Proposal

Jul 07 2010

Analysts compare the impact of the new MRRT and PRRT tax proposals to the previous RSPT proposal.

An Introduction To Spread Trading

Apr 19 2010

Hedge funds often seek to profit from low-risk trades by engaging in “spread” or “pairs” trading. This article (first published for subscribers a week ago) by Aliom Futures’ Jay Richards provides stock market investors with an introduction to spread trading as an alternative avenue of return.

Is UCG The Next CSM?

Mar 23 2010

Coal seam methane has been taking the spotlight – this month it’s Arrow Energy – but Big Oil has also been sniffing around Australia’s fledgling underground coal gasification industry.

Big Win For BHP Coal, Iron Ore Next?

Mar 09 2010

BHP has just settled its first ever quarterly coal contract with the Japanese, a move that cannot be underestimated in its importance and which may have similar ramifications for iron ore.

FNArena Launches Its New Investor Education Series

Feb 05 2010

FNArena has launched its new Investor Education service, delivered as a series of short webinars available on the website.