There are a handful of UCG projects underway in Australia, but well advanced in the race to commercial production is Energie Future – an Australian company with UCG interests in the US.
Politicians like to throw money at the concept in order to win votes on both sides of the climate change debate, but is “clean coal” just a smokescreen? Or is it as easy as U-C-G? Investors may wish to take note.
Australia has become very excited about LNG. But does Australia’s LNG industry really have any hope against world gas powerhouses, particularly Qatar?
A short term correction may be in the cards, but what of the longer term China effect? And how are the various metals and minerals placed?
Is the commodity rally a genuine reflection of improving demand conditions, or just a speculative accident waiting to happen?
FNArena on Monday launched a new service on its website that allows looking two years ahead, while comparing EPS growth, valuation and dividends on a relative basis against ASX200 constituents.
This forlorn metal is contemplating a new lease of life.
The rally has lost momentum, it would seem. Perhaps this is a pattern we could have foreseen based on history?
Few economists disagree that, ultimately, the US dollar is in a downtrend. But unlike previous dollar declines, this time it is emerging markets against which the dollar is overvalued.
Everything you always wanted to ask about trading currencies, plus some more.