Feature Stories

Previous Stories

Costing Carbon Trading

Mar 26 2007

What carbon trading scheme will Australia adopt? How hard will it be on industry initially, and how much of the cost can be passed on in prices? What is the financial impact?

Could Australia Suffer A Mortgage Crunch Too?

Mar 07 2007

China’s stock market collapse was simply another negative for a US market suddenly very nervous about mortgage defaults. How is Australia faring?

Investing In A Carbon-Traded World

Feb 09 2007

Some form of carbon trading will be in place in the next few years. This now seems as inevitable as climate change itself. How should an investor respond?

Trading Relative Movements In Copper and Mining Equities Boosts Returns

Feb 07 2007

An analysis by Barclays Capital shows investors can boost returns by trading relative movements in the copper price and mining equities rather than investing directly in either asset class.

Reality Check: China’s Increasing Energy Intensity

Nov 30 2006

Any notions that China will increase its energy efficiency, meaningfully substitute oil and coal use with renewables, and reduce climate changing pollution, are fanciful, GaveKal concluded, following a seminar this month.

The Age Of Silver

Nov 24 2006

Once the forgotten metal, silver has staged a revival of late. And while gold is taking the limelight as far as bullish sentiment is concerned, some experts believe it is the silver price that really could be set to explode.

Australia’s Unavoidable Recession

Nov 15 2006

Debt will send Australia into a recession just as surely as it did Japan last decade, according to Dr Steve Keen. The RBA is looking the wrong way.

You Gotta Have Faith: The Rise And Rise Of Paladin Resources

Oct 30 2006

Obscurity to uranium major in three years? You have to be impressed by Paladin. And it would seem the company’s star is still on the ascendancy.

Is The First World Worker Under Threat Of Extinction?

Oct 25 2006

Factories in Sichuan. Call centres in Bangalore. The first world is getting richer but its workers are not. How long can this last?

How To Invest In Gold

Sep 27 2006

FN Arena takes a look at the latest means by which Australian investors can directly or indirectly invest in gold.