Feature Stories

Previous Stories

Australian Banks: Strong Tailwinds

Mar 19 2021

Rising bond yields, rising margins, ongoing growth-to-value rotation and the prospect of higher dividends have brokers remaining bullish on the banks. But a resurgent housing market may yet prove an impediment

February 2021 Result Season: The Wrap

Mar 05 2021

The February result season saw the average beat-to-miss ratio of forecasts absolutely smashed. Does that make it the best season ever?

2021 Investment Outlook Part II

Dec 22 2020

If the virus has achieved one thing, it is to prompt governments across the globe to pour stimulus into new technologies and renewability that will drive strong demand for Australian resources

2021 Investment Outlook Part I

Dec 17 2020

Despite strong stock market gains form the March low, consensus is that Australia, and the world, will see further gains on robust 2021 earnings growth

Life After Covid, Part V

Nov 20 2020

FNArena’s Life After Covid series wraps with a look at industry trends, geopolitical challenges and problems the Australian economy alone will have to face

Life After Covid Part IV

Nov 16 2020

Eight months down the track we have a second wave, a vaccine hopeful, changing attitudes in society and massive fiscal support, which may lead to the “zombification” of economies

Australian Retail: Whereto From Here?

Oct 13 2020

It’s been more than seven months since the initial nation-wide lockdown dramatically changed consumer behaviour. As restrictions ease, will everything go back to “normal”, or has the future of retail been altered forever?

Rudi’s Comprehensive 2020 Results Review

Oct 02 2020

A comprehensive assessment of Australia’s corporate results in February and August 2020, amidst coronavirus pandemic and fall-out, economic disruption, more extreme central bank policies and ongoing tension between the world’s two super powers

Australian Banks: Back To The Future

Sep 30 2020

The Treasurer has re-eased bank lending restrictions recently tightened as a result of the Royal Commission, in order to stimulate the economy. Will it work?

August 2020 Result Season: The Wrap

Sep 09 2020

The August result season could be called “best ever” in terms of beats to misses, but in 2020, such a conclusion would be misinformed