
SMSFundamentals is an ongoing feature series dedicated to providing SMSF trustees with valuable news, investment ideas and services, in line with SMSF requirements and obligations. Apart from specific SMSF-oriented insights and articles that can assist SMSF investment strategy, this section also includes practical tips and insights from registered experts.

Previous Stories

SMSFundamentals: Know Your High-Yield ETFs

Dec 12 2012

With yield highly in demand in today’s investment environment, research house Lonsec warns against assuming all high-yield ETF listings are the same.

SMSFundamentals: Planners – You Have Been Warned

Nov 01 2012

Investment researcher Lonsec and actuarial consultant Milliman have produced a joint white paper explaining the challenges facing the super industry, arguing today’s financial planning models have it all wrong and suggesting how advisers need to change their approach in order to stay relevant.

SMSFundamentals: The Longevity Trap

Sep 20 2012

An Australian aged 65 has a higher life expectancy than an Australian aged 30. If this statistic seems illogical to you, perhaps you have underestimated your super requirements.

Switzer Super Report: The Rules Of SMSF Property Investing

Sep 14 2012

Chris Gray of the Switzer Super Report provides some guidelines for property investing within a self-managed super fund.

SMSFundamentals: Steady Income And A Hedge vs Inflation

Sep 07 2012

JP Goldman of the Switzer Super Report argues the case between property, shares and inflation-linked bonds.

SMSFundamentals: The Shift To Real Asset Investment

Sep 06 2012

Fund managers will allocate up to 25% of their portfolio into “real” assets, JP Morgan suggests, and SMSFs should not miss the boat.

SMSFundamentals: Caltex Comes To The Hybrid Market

Aug 06 2012

Paul Rickard of the Switzer Super Report evaluates the Caltex subordinated note issue for investors.

SMSFundamentals: Inflation-Linked Bonds As A Wealth Store

Jul 30 2012

ILBs are a popular safe haven asset class offering protection against the longer term wealth erosion effect of inflation, which cash does not offer.

SMSFundamentals: Credit – The Forgotten Asset

Jul 18 2012

Bentham Asset Management’s credit investment funds are returning 9-10% at a time when credit as an asset class has become forgotten outside of equities and/or cash and fixed income, despite a better risk/reward balance.

SMSFundamentals: Utilities And Reliable Yield

Jul 04 2012

Listed utilities have already outperformed the stock market but low-risk, solid yields are still on offer for those requiring income.