Tag Archives: Banks

article 3 months old

Oz Banks: Results, Outlook, Premiums And Dividend Yields

- APRA imposed rules will only have minor impact on banks' profits
- Subdued outlook forces banks into cost control
- Overall reliance on offshore funding declining further
- Question marks about CBA's natural market premium

By Greg Peel

Australia's banks breathed a sigh of relief last week when the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority unveiled its new liquidity requirements in light of the Basel III international regulatory amendments made as a result of the GFC. Basel III included strict new rules providing not just capital requirements for banks but also liquidity requirements which force banks to hold a level of quality liquid assets on their balance sheets, such as sovereign bonds.

(A lot of good sovereign bonds have done the European banks prior to the new rules even being in place, one might say.)

The issuance of sovereign bonds nevertheless requires a government to need to borrow, which in turn implies a budget in deficit. Problems thus arise for countries in which the budget is in surplus or heading back to surplus, such as Australia, suggesting limited bond issuance and thus difficulty for banks to comply with liquidity rules. Anticipating this issue, Basel III makes provision for other assets to be deemed eligible by local authorities, which APRA has addressed. What banks have been more concerned about, however, is just what penalty cost APRA would impose on banks for assets outside Basel's guidelines given the Authority had flagged its own stringent approach that would be potentially even stricter than that of Basel's.

The good news is that while the banks and bank analysts had feared a charge of anything up to 50 basis points, the 15 basis point charge announced by APRA falls well short of even the low end of expectations. Residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) have been included as eligible and APRA's rules have diverged very little from Basel III. Bank analysts are in agreement that the cost to the Big Four banks will be minimal, in the order of 1% of earnings.

Over the past few weeks ANZ Bank ((ANZ)), National Bank ((NAB)) and Westpac ((WBC)) have reported full-year results on their September year-end cycles and Commonwealth Bank ((CBA)) has provided a first quarter update on its June year-end cycle. All up the results came in a little below analyst expectations but not to the extent of being a major concern. The main source of earnings miss was weaker than expected investment bank trading profits which is hardly a great surprise with market activity currently very depressed on low volumes. This is a swing factor which clearly can rebound at the first sign of a rebound in market confidence. It is also the primary source of income for Macquarie Bank ((MQG)) which has been duly suffering as a result.

As far as commercial banking operations are concerned, the word “subdued” is popular among analysts and bank managements. Demand is subdued and outlooks are subdued with a widespread lack of consumer and business confidence clearly the driver. This means profit growth has stalled providing flat quarter on quarter results and pressure on margins. On the positive side, the banks are pushing to control costs and bad and doubtful debt charges are back to manageable mid-cycle levels after the great scare of the GFC.

The one bank that bucked the trend to some extent was NAB, which sequentially grew profit and expanded returns and margins. NAB's result reflected its aggressive competitive stance taken earlier in the year. That stance has further been rewarded by the RBA's November rate cut given three of the Big Four have passed on all of the 25 basis points to variable rate mortgage customers, while NAB only handed back 20 basis points, providing a nice little 5bps buffer.

NAB's 5bps buffer will also help the bank ride through the next financial year, suggests Credit Suisse, when history suggests the aggressive loan growth of FY11 will become a drag on margins in FY12. In FY09 it was Westpac and CBA who went in hard on the back of the government's first home buyer stimulus which came back in their faces with greater than peer margin declines in FY10. Of the Big Four, NAB is also the bank which will be worst impacted by increasing funding costs, but in that instance the new covered bond initiative will help to reduce reliance on offshore funding.

Indeed, this shall be the case for all banks. While RMBS in the US in the form of CDOs were largely to blame for the GFC, there is no reason a “prime” RMBS, featuring quality mortgages, low loan-to-value, full documentation etc cannot be a viable AAA-rated security issued by a AA-rated Australian bank. It's just that all mortgage securities have now been tainted. However, another problem with the US market was that of beneficial ownership, such that even today the US courts are still trying to sort out who actually ended up with the risk on mortgages within defaulted CDOs.

Covered bonds are an alternative in which the bank does not package up mortgages and on-sell them, thus relieving themselves of the risk, but instead keeps the mortgages and the risk and simply on-sells the interest payment income stream to yield-thirsty investors. Covered bonds have long been popular in Europe and are now allowed to be issued in Australia, thus offering Aussie banks with another means of reducing their reliance on offshore funding (note also that covered bonds can be issued on assets other than mortgages, such as car loans etc).

This reduction of reliance on offshore funding was another major theme of the recent bank reporting season, and the main offset to otherwise dreary outlooks. Australian banks were caught in the GFC holding little in the way of deposits (Australians were borrowing, not saving) and a lot in the way of RMBS and dirt cheap offshore funding. The GFC sent offshore funding costs through the roof and shut down the RMBS market, forcing Australian banks to cut dividends and raise dilutionary capital as they put aside large chunks of funds for the bad debt explosion they feared was about to hit.

Today Australian banks boast much higher tier one capital ratios and significantly higher levels of deposits which they've achieved through aggressive competition for Australia's now historically high rate of savings. Covered bonds will provide another source of domestic capital to help insulate Australian banks from an onerous need to source offshore funding at a time those rates are rising again due to the European debt crisis. Were we to see “another Lehman” in Europe, this time around the Big Four are in a much safer position.

In actual fact, the more subdued Australia's credit demand growth is, the less offshore funding the banks will need. It's not exactly the sort of trade-off you want but right at the moment it's probably better to bungle along in a “subdued” environment on lower risk than to increase funding risk in the face of what might dangerously transpire.

On that basis Macquarie notes European concerns have meant Big Four credit default swap (CDS) prices are now back where they were a couple of months ago when markets went into a tailspin over Greece and the US credit rating downgrade. What Macquarie points out, however, is that CDS prices are an unreliable indicator for Australian bank funding costs which are typically 30-40bps cheaper than CDS prices imply. Macquarie also notes the benefit of covered bond issuance is worth around a 50-70bps buffer over unsecured wholesale funds as well.

The implication is that were the Big Four to come up against much elevated offshore funding costs again when they come to roll their 2012 maturities, they would suffer only a minor and manageable few basis points of margin decline. More of a concern would be any related drop in Australia's terms of trade (global recession, lower Chinese exports, lower Chinese imports from Australia) which would see the RBA cutting more aggressively and bank deposits losing their appeal for Australian investors.

As we stand now, Australian banks share prices have rebounded quite sharply out of the European-led depths of earlier months which saw yields at must-have levels. As far as JP Morgan is concerned, for one, we can no longer argue that the Big Four are “cheap”. On the other hand, Deutsche Bank is happy to boldly take an above-consensus stance.

Deutsche's bank analysts believe Big Four bank valuations are still “compelling” as they expect double-digit returns over the next 12 months. They are looking for 9% earnings growth in FY12 and 7% in FY13 on better than expected margin performance, cost controls and ongoing bad debt reductions and the prospect of increased dividend payouts. Deutsche's earnings forecasts are sitting 5% above consensus.

A consistent theme to come out of the earnings season was nevertheless agreement that CBA's performance was the least inspiring. While analysts have been suggesting for a couple of years now that CBA's traditional premium for size over the others, which translates into a higher afforded PE ratio, means CBA shares offer the least value, now there is a general view that premium is no longer justifiable and should erode.

The flipside to CBA is NAB, and here brokers remain positive with the caveat that NAB remains the most risky given its UK exposures. ANZ's story is still one of what it might be able to derive from its Asian expansion (with deposits important here) while Westpac is all about spending to improve systems while cutting costs on the other side.

FNArena last updated the banking sector in late September when global markets were in a particularly volatile state. At that time our stock analysis table looked like this:

It's now late in November and in the interim we've seen quite a sharp bounce, only to see that bounce again under threat as European and US debt issues continue to weigh. Today our table looks like this:

There have been only slight changes to consensus target prices and from a rating perspective, NAB has lost one Buy rating and CBA has gained one Sell since September. These moves have not changed the overall consensus order of preference and it's not hard to see why, with analysts setting a target for NAB 20% above yesterday's closing price compared to only 6% for CBA.

The stand-out column remains those fully-franked yields on the right hand side which have proven very tempting for many investors. The problem is, of course, that no matter how many times it is pointed out that Australian banks are in a much safer position than many elsewhere it will not stop the market, and particularly foreign investors, selling down Australian bank shares in times of macro panic.

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article 3 months old

Top Ten Weekly Recommendation, Target Price, Earnings Forecast Changes

By Chris Shaw

In another week where downgrades have dominated, brokers in the FNArena database have lowered ratings on 12 stocks while upgrading just four. This brings total Buy ratings to just a touch under last week's 57.7%.

Among the upgrades was BlueScope Steel ((BSL)), Macquarie moving to an Outperform rating from Neutral on expectations the “new” BlueScope will be a closer play on the domestic economic cycle. This reflects a reduction in some loss making export operations as part of an operational restructuring. 

Macquarie expects the market's confidence in BlueScope will lift as the proposed cost out story and earnings improve, which should be enough to drive a re-rating of the stock in time. Earnings and price target have been adjusted not only by Macquarie but also by the likes of JP Morgan.

A strategic review by Goodman Fielder ((GFF)) has also prompted an upgrade by Macquarie to Neutral from Underperform, the broker taking a slightly more optimistic approach to new management's proposed cost out story. Improved valuation also supports the upgrade in rating, as do increases to earnings estimates. At the same time Macquarie has trimmed its price target for the stock.

JP Morgan meanwhile has upgraded to Overweight from Neutral on Lend Lease ((LLC)), driven by what it sees as a solid medium-term earnings growth outlook and an attractive valuation at current levels. The broker has also identified some positive near-term catalysts such as new work for Valemus and good mixed-use and residential development pipelines. Forecasts and price target have also been adjusted.

Sonic Healthcare ((SHL)) enjoyed an upgrade to Neutral from Sell by UBS, the broker now adopting a more positive stance on opportunities in the UK pathology sector as outsourcing momentum increases. Factoring in the potential also saw UBS adjust its price target higher for the stock.

On the downgrade side, Aston Resources ((AZT)) has been downgraded to Neutral from Outperform by Macquarie to reflect uncertainty from board changes arising from a difference of opinion in relation to corporate strategy. 

While the Maules Creek project continues to offer promise, the board issues have seen Macquarie remove a previous takeover premium, which also means a cut in price target. A similar boardroom issue at Mount Gibson ((MGX)) has also seen Macquarie downgrade to an Underperform rating from Neutral previously.

Both UBS and BA Merrill Lynch downgraded Campbell Brothers ((CPB)) during the week, both on valuation grounds to reflect recent share price gains. In both cases the brokers moved to Neutral ratings from Buy recommendations previously, though BA-ML did lift its price target slightly.

Recent outperformance was also enough for JP Morgan to downgrade Coca-Cola Amatil ((CCL)) to Neutral from Overweight, while earnings estimates have been trimmed in anticipation of another wet summer impacting on demand. 

Citi's downgrade on Commonwealth Bank ((CBA)) to Sell from Neutral is based on the view a new CEO will be looking for growth avenues, so potentially putting some downward pressure on the share price. As well, Citi's view is the recent trading update by the bank implies a slow start to the new fiscal year. 

A strategy day was enough to prompt RBS Australia into making minor changes to its model for Iluka ((ILU)), with earnings and price target both adjusted. While the stock now offers an attractive yield there is potentially less growth on offer, which supports the broker's move to a Hold rating. Other brokers have also adjusted earnings forecasts and targets for the stock post the update.

While Incitec Pivot's ((IPL)) full year earnings broadly met expectations Credit Suisse downgraded to a Neutral rating from Outperform, this reflecting a tempering of expectations in coming years. Price target was unchanged, so the downgrade was a valuation call by the broker. Others in the market have made modest changes to earnings forecasts and price targets.

Valuation also explains Citi's downgrade of James Hardie ((JHX)), as the company delivered a solid 2Q update with some signs of volume and margin improvement. Price targets and earnings estimates have been adjusted modestly across the market on the back of the quarterly result.

For MAp Group ((MAP)) valuation is also an issue in the view of JP Morgan, who has downgraded to Underweight from Neutral given the share price is now in line with its estimate of value. Also supportive of the downgrade is the stock is trading at a premium to the market, this despite the possibility of softer passenger numbers in coming months. 

Peet ((PPC)) delivered a weak update and a lowering of earnings guidance for the full year caused brokers to quickly adjust forecasts and price targets. Both UBS and Macquarie downgraded to Neutral ratings from Outperform previously, as weak operating conditions and capital levels suggest outperformance is unlikely in the shorter-term.

In terms of other changes to broker models, earnings expectations for Lynas Corporation ((LYC)) have seen minor changes following a site visit to the LAMP facility in Malaysia, while a solid quarterly for associate companies has prompted some minor increases to earnings estimates and price target for Cabcharge ((CAB)).

A revaluation of projects has seen BA-ML make a minor increase to its price target for Santos ((STO)), while earnings forecasts for Crown ((CWN)) have also seen minor changes following a solid quarterly result from the MPEL venture in Macau.

Changes in depreciation and amortisation charges have caused Credit Suisse to lower earnings forecasts for Alacer Gold ((AQG)), while Sims Group ((SGM)) selling Australian Refined Alloys has prompted some minor model changes on the part of brokers covering the stock.

While Elders ((ELD)) delivered an improvement in full year earnings, the result still falls short of acceptable according to RBS Australia, with both RBS and Citi adjusting forecasts and price targets as a result.

A disappointing AGM update has seen Macquarie lower earnings forecasts and price target for Salmat ((SLM)), with JP Morgan and Credit Suisse also reducing their estimates. For BHP Billiton ((BHP)) a fall in price target reflects changes to commodity price assumptions from Macquarie, while Credit Suisse has also tweaked its model. 

ARB Corporation ((ARP)) is expected to experience some difficulty in sourcing parts given flooding in Thailand, where most of its products are sourced. Both Macquarie and Credit Suisse have adjusted estimates, with the former also trimming its price target for the stock.


Total Recommendations
Recommendation Changes


Broker Recommendation Breakup
Suisse,Deutsche<*br*>Bank,JP<*br*>Morgan,Macquarie,RBS<*br*>Australia,UBS&b0=124,121,128,106,90,147,195,158&h0=74,92,80,118,87,94,106,80&s0=39,16,14,6,27,21,7,12" style="border-bottom: #000000 1px solid; border-left: #000000 1px solid; border-top: #000000 1px solid; border-right: #000000 1px solid" />


Broker Rating

Order Company Old Rating New Rating Broker
2 GOODMAN FIELDER LIMITED Sell Neutral Macquarie
6 Campbell Brothers Limited Buy Neutral BA-Merrill Lynch
7 Campbell Brothers Limited Buy Neutral UBS
11 INCITEC PIVOT LIMITED Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
13 MACQUARIE AIRPORTS Neutral Sell JP Morgan
14 Mount Gibson Iron Limited Neutral Sell Macquarie
15 PEET & COMPANY LIMITED Buy Neutral Macquarie


Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 ALZ 50.0% 67.0% 17.0% 6
2 LLC 71.0% 86.0% 15.0% 7
3 BSL 43.0% 57.0% 14.0% 7
4 IFL 57.0% 71.0% 14.0% 7
5 QAN 75.0% 88.0% 13.0% 8
6 BXB 63.0% 75.0% 12.0% 8
7 SHL 63.0% 75.0% 12.0% 8
8 SGT 50.0% 57.0% 7.0% 7
9 AZT 75.0% 80.0% 5.0% 5

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 PPC 100.0% 67.0% - 33.0% 6
2 CPB 57.0% 29.0% - 28.0% 7
3 MAP 50.0% 33.0% - 17.0% 6
4 ILU 88.0% 75.0% - 13.0% 8
5 IPL 63.0% 50.0% - 13.0% 8
6 JHX 25.0% 13.0% - 12.0% 8
7 CCL 75.0% 63.0% - 12.0% 8
8 BLY 88.0% 86.0% - 2.0% 7

Target Price

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 AZT 12.088 12.870 6.47% 5
2 JHX 6.391 6.609 3.41% 8
3 ILU 19.938 20.456 2.60% 8
4 QAN 2.125 2.166 1.93% 8
5 LLC 9.729 9.836 1.10% 7
6 SHL 12.804 12.908 0.81% 8
7 CPB 49.024 49.327 0.62% 7
8 ALZ 2.985 2.990 0.17% 6
9 CCL 12.459 12.478 0.15% 8
10 BXB 7.601 7.608 0.09% 8

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 PPC 1.817 1.445 - 20.47% 6
2 IPL 4.150 3.931 - 5.28% 8
3 SGT 2.820 2.700 - 4.26% 7
4 BSL 1.363 1.356 - 0.51% 7

Earning Forecast

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 AZT 25.275 39.460 56.12% 5
2 LYC 0.540 0.580 7.41% 4
3 CAB 53.333 54.450 2.09% 5
4 JHX 29.712 30.223 1.72% 8
5 CHC 22.467 22.800 1.48% 6
6 IPL 32.054 32.413 1.12% 8
7 CPB 283.886 286.857 1.05% 7
8 STO 61.163 61.775 1.00% 8
9 CWN 54.025 54.525 0.93% 8
10 MAP 7.259 7.287 0.39% 6

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 PPC 12.833 7.108 - 44.61% 6
2 GBG 1.157 0.771 - 33.36% 6
3 AQG 67.394 59.400 - 11.86% 5
4 SGM 128.943 115.414 - 10.49% 7
5 ELD 5.525 5.000 - 9.50% 3
6 SLM 35.350 32.017 - 9.43% 6
7 SFH 8.520 8.120 - 4.69% 5
8 AIO 10.025 9.650 - 3.74% 8
9 BHP 418.629 403.328 - 3.66% 8
10 ARP 57.225 55.625 - 2.80% 4

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article 3 months old

Icarus Signal New Entries For Today

Daily update on share prices and consensus price targets.

By Rudi Filapek-Vandyck

May I have your attention, please? Something's happened which we haven't been able to witness in a long time now... shares in Commonwealth Bank ((CBA)) of Australia are approaching the consensus price target. Actually, this did happen already a few weeks ago, as shown on the chart below, and equities went back into a dive after that. So this is actually the second time it happens inside one month.

To complete the picture: Westpac ((WBC)) also brushed with the consensus price target as at the end of October, but National ((NAB)) and ANZ Bank ((ANZ)) still had a gap to close at the time. Now that dividends have been paid out (all except CBA), and share prices retreated on Italy-itis, most gaps between share prices and targets are somewhere in between 9-11%, so there's plenty of room to appreciate still.

For those readers who are as yet not familiar with my personal "Market Indicator That Never Fails", when banks' share prices move past consensus price targets this is a firm signal investor risk appetite has once again surged to elevated levels. My personal risk appetite indicator has helped me identifying all sell-offs in Aussie equities in the years past before they took place, so it's probably a good habit to pay attention to these observations.

So how should we interpret CBA's re-emergence on Icarus' radar? I think it is yet another sign that risk appetite is in an uptrend. Given three of the Big Four banks still have plenty of room to move, this would suggest risk appetite and share prices in general have a lot of space to appreciate still, before valuations and overall exuberance are getting "dangerous" again.

In the meantime, the October-November rally is pushing new names onto Icarus' radar every day now, without taking many away at the same time. The number of stocks trading within the vicinity of consensus target has now grown to 26, with newcomers (apart from CBA) including Coca-Cola Amatil ((CCL)), Cochlear ((COH)), REA Group ((REA)) and Myer ((MYR)).

There are now 34 stocks trading above target, including newcomers Wesfarmers ((WES)), QR National ((QRN)) and Platinum Asset Management ((PTM)). Meanwhile, Fortescue Metals ((FMG)), OneSteel ((OST)) and Tap Oil ((TAP)) all joined the Bottom 50.

Investors should consider the information and data are provided for research purposes only.

Stocks <3% Below Consensus

Order Symbol Current Price($) Consensus Target($) Difference(%)
1 PBD $ 0.05 $ 0.05 0.00%
2 MYR $ 2.55 $ 2.56 0.51%
3 COH $ 54.49 $ 54.84 0.64%
4 TSO $ 0.51 $ 0.52 0.98%
5 CCL $ 12.24 $ 12.46 1.79%
6 CQR $ 3.26 $ 3.32 1.87%
7 MSB $ 7.91 $ 8.08 2.09%
8 REA $ 12.85 $ 13.14 2.23%
9 VBA $ 0.39 $ 0.40 2.31%
10 CBA $ 49.61 $ 50.87 2.55%
11 SDG $ 0.90 $ 0.92 2.79%

Stocks Above Consensus

Order Symbol Current Price($) Consensus Target($) Difference(%)
1 WES $ 32.95 $ 32.94 - 0.03%
2 CTX $ 13.28 $ 13.26 - 0.13%
3 APA $ 4.45 $ 4.44 - 0.16%
4 QRN $ 3.43 $ 3.42 - 0.32%
5 PTM $ 3.87 $ 3.81 - 1.55%
6 MTS $ 4.28 $ 4.21 - 1.73%

Top 50 Stocks Furthest from Consensus

Order Symbol Current Price($) Consensus Target($) Difference(%)
1 OST $ 1.01 $ 1.62 61.09%
2 FMG $ 4.81 $ 7.70 60.00%
3 TAP $ 0.69 $ 1.09 59.56%

To see the full Icarus Signal, please go to this link

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Find out why FNArena subscribers like the service so much: "Your Feedback (Thank You)" - Warning this story contains unashamedly positive feedback on the service provided.

article 3 months old

Top Ten Weekly Recommendation, Target Price, Earnings Forecast Changes

By Chris Shaw

The past week has proven to be a more balanced one for broker rating changes, the eight brokers in the FNArena database upgrading five ratings while downgrading seven stocks. Total Buy ratings now stand at 57.7%.

Among the upgrades was RBS Australia lifting its rating on Collection House ((CLH)) to Buy from Hold post a trading update that showed ongoing earnings momentum. While an equity raising is expected the size should be modest and given the move will reduce balance sheet leverage RBS sees the decision as a positive.

Also upgraded during the week was Computershare ((CPU)) after the company announced it had received approval for the acquisition of BNY Mellon Shareowner Services. Macquarie saw the announcement as enough of a positive to move to an Outperform rating from Underperform previously, given the long-term growth the deal should deliver.

Brokers across the market have adjusted earnings estimates and price targets for Computershare, not only to reflect the acquisition and two other small bolt-on deals, but to also include AGM earnings guidance that implied still weak operating conditions.

UBS upgraded Myer ((MYR)) post a quarterly sales result that met expectations, which for the broker implies evidence of some form of positive momentum building into the Christmas sales period. While no other ratings were adjusted brokers in general lifted earnings estimates and price targets for Myer on the back of the sales result.

An upgrade to Outperform from Neutral for Qantas ((QAN)) by Macquarie is a reflection of a de-risking of the earnings profile, this following some industrial resolutions. Macquarie has also lifted its price target but lowered earnings for FY12 to account for the airline paying compensation to passengers impacted by the recent grounding. 

On the downgrade side of the ledger, Australian Pipeline Trust ((APA)) saw two downgrades during the week, Macquarie and Credit Suisse moving to Neutral ratings from Outperform previously to account for a less attractive valuation following recent gains for the former and a sector review by the latter. 

Credit Suisse similarly downgraded Diversified Utility and Energy Trusts ((DUE)) to Neutral from Outperform as part of its sector review, while Macquarie has downgraded SP Ausnet ((SPN)) to Neutral from Outperform on the back of a fall in price target. The change reflects cuts to earnings forecasts to account for higher interest costs and a delay to some earnings.

Citi downgraded CSR ((CSR)) to Neutral from Buy post the interim earnings result, this as management downgraded the outlook for coming periods at the time of the result. Cuts to earnings estimates and price targets reflect ongoing headwinds, a theme identified also by others in the market.

Expectations of further falls in employment advertisement volumes have seen BA Merrill Lynch downgrade Seek ((SEK)) to Neutral from Buy, the move accompanied by cuts to earnings estimates and price target. As BA-ML points out, the current share price implies an unemployment rate of 6.0% for Australia, meaning there is downside risk if conditions in the labour market worsen beyond this level.

Citi has moved to Neutral from Buy on White Energy ((WEC)) to reflect uncertainty from news JV partner and coal supplier PT Bayan plans to increase the cost of feedstock coal. The move means increased risk to production expectations at the Tabang plant and so creates enough uncertainty for Citi to take a more cautious stance. The share price tanked following the news.

Ongoing uncertainty as to the full extent of recall issues for Cochlear ((COH)) has prompted Credit Suisse to downgrade to an Underperform rating from Neutral previously. The removal of a previous multiple premium sees the broker lower its price target for the stock as well.

With Citi initiating coverage on Miclyn Offshore ((MIO)) with a Buy rating and $2.15 price target overall ratings and the consensus target for the company have improved, while targets for Brambles have been adjusted slightly post a solid quarterly trading update. 

One consequence of the industrial issues at Qantas is an increase to earnings estimates for Virgin Blue ((VBA)) as both BA-ML and JP Morgan expect earnings to receive a boost from the company having picked up additional traffic in recent months.

Better than expected interim guidance from Seven Group ((SVW)) has seen earnings forecasts lifted across the market, while signs of a recovery for Macmahon ((MAH)) have prompted Macquarie to lift its full year numbers.

JP Morgan now sees a better US market outlook for Aristocrat ((ALL)) and has adjusted its numbers accordingly, while Telecom New Zealand ((TEL)) has seen some minor changes to valuation models leading into structural separation.

The announcement of $50 million in losses related to the flooding in Thailand has led to brokers lowering earnings estimates for Insurance Australia ((IAG)), while commissioning delays have caused Deutsche Bank to lower forecasts for Lynas Corporation ((LYC)). A similar delay to first shipments from Karara have prompted cuts to earnings estimates and price targets for Gindalbie ((GBG)).

Weak interim guidance was enough for brokers to lower forecasts for Perpetual ((PPT)), while difficult trading conditions have seen Credit Suisse trim forecasts for Boral ((BLD)). Orica ((ORI)) has also seen earnings estimates lowered to reflect additional costs stemming from the forced shutdown of the Kooragang ammonia storage facility.


Total Recommendations
Recommendation Changes


Broker Recommendation Breakup


Broker Rating

Order Company Old Rating New Rating Broker
4 QANTAS AIRWAYS LIMITED Neutral Buy Macquarie
6 CSR LIMITED Neutral Neutral Citi
8 SEEK LIMITED Buy Neutral BA-Merrill Lynch
9 SP AUSNET Buy Neutral Macquarie
10 SP AUSNET Buy Neutral UBS


Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 CPU 14.0% 57.0% 43.0% 7
2 BXB 63.0% 75.0% 12.0% 8
3 MYR 13.0% 25.0% 12.0% 8
4 MIO 67.0% 75.0% 8.0% 4

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 APA 63.0% 38.0% - 25.0% 8
2 SEK 88.0% 75.0% - 13.0% 8
3 COH - 25.0% - 38.0% - 13.0% 8
4 MRM 80.0% 67.0% - 13.0% 6
5 DUE 50.0% 38.0% - 12.0% 8
6 TSE 50.0% 40.0% - 10.0% 5
7 SGT 50.0% 43.0% - 7.0% 7

Target Price

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 CPU 8.526 9.277 8.81% 7
2 MIO 1.970 2.015 2.28% 4
3 MYR 2.509 2.563 2.15% 8
4 BXB 7.581 7.626 0.59% 8
5 APA 4.430 4.443 0.29% 8

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 TSE 2.922 2.788 - 4.59% 5
2 MRM 3.500 3.433 - 1.91% 6
3 COH 55.315 54.840 - 0.86% 8
4 DUE 1.796 1.785 - 0.61% 8
5 SEK 7.309 7.265 - 0.60% 8

Earning Forecast

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 VBA 2.614 2.871 9.83% 7
2 SVW 78.100 81.900 4.87% 4
3 MAH 5.800 5.933 2.29% 3
4 ORI 195.563 199.613 2.07% 8
5 ALL 10.688 10.863 1.64% 8
6 MIO 21.072 21.377 1.45% 4
7 TEL 18.347 18.532 1.01% 8
8 EGP 20.538 20.725 0.91% 8
9 APA 19.163 19.288 0.65% 8
10 IAG 26.725 26.875 0.56% 8

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 LYC 0.850 0.540 - 36.47% 4
2 GBG 1.157 0.771 - 33.36% 6
3 IGO 15.760 12.820 - 18.65% 5
4 DUE 11.169 9.569 - 14.33% 8
5 PPT 154.100 135.400 - 12.13% 7
6 OST 17.043 15.114 - 11.32% 7
7 CSR 17.525 16.225 - 7.42% 8
8 CPU 54.560 51.497 - 5.61% 7
9 PRU 23.600 22.517 - 4.59% 6
10 BLD 26.550 25.425 - 4.24% 8

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article 3 months old

Computershare Reinstates Growth Profile

- Computershare granted approval for BNY Mellon shareholder registry acquisition
- Acquisition a positive as it boosts earnings growth during a downturn
- Brokers lift forecasts and price targets, one rating upgraded

By Chris Shaw

Having announced the proposed acquisition of the shareholder registry operations of BNY Mellon in April of this year it has been a long wait to finally receive regulatory approval for Computershare ((CPU)). Yesterday the US$550 million deal was approved and should now close early in January of next year.

Acquiring the BNY Mellon assets is something of a game-changer for Computershare, as UBS notes the deal will give the company around 70% of the US transfer agency market. It also offers a scale platform from which further unit cost reductions can be achieved as around 950 transfer agency clients and about 900 staff are being added.

The big plus of the deal, comments JP Morgan, is it provides Computershare with earnings per share (EPS) growth over the next two or so years, even allowing for a still subdued corporate activity and interest rate environment.

As JP Morgan points out, this will help offset what was expected to have been a subdued earnings outlook offered at Computershare's annual general meeting later this week. Now, with the acquisition being approved, securities brokers across the market have lifted earnings expectations.

As examples, JP Morgan has increased its EPS estimates by 5.6% in FY12 and by 9.9% in FY13, while Citi increases its numbers by 1% and 6% respectively. Deutsche Bank has actually trimmed its FY12 forecast by 4% but increased its FY13 forecast by 11%. Consensus EPS forecasts for Computershare according to the FNArena database now stand at US57.4c for FY12 and US68.5c for FY13.

Risk to these forecasts appears to be to the upside, in part because Computershare may be able to achieve synergies above the level currently expected as the BNY Mellon operations are fully integrated in coming years.

As well, Computershare has also recently acquired SLS and Serviceworks and these are expected to add to EPS by as much as 8% from FY13. RBS Australia suggests these deals have been positive moves by management, as Computershare has added growth during a downturn in its markets.

UBS has been a little more cautious on the BNY Mellon purchase in the sense that the market appears to have over-reacted to some extent. The share price yesterday rose by more than $1.00 per share on news the deal had been approved, whereas UBS suggests an increase of 70-75c may have been more appropriate.

Having said so, UBS does accept the BNY Mellon deal improves the earnings growth trajectory for Computershare, especially given management's solid track record with respect to synergies and integration of acquisitions.

The increases to earnings estimates across the market means increases to price targets. The FNArena database now shows a consensus price target for Computershare of $9.58, up from $8.42 prior to the BNY Mellon purchase being approved. Targets range from UBS at $8.75 to JP Morgan at $10.20.

Macquarie has made the only change in rating among brokers in the database, upgrading Computershare to Outperform from Underperform. This reflects the view Computershare now should be priced as a growth stock in the Australian market, given the combination of earnings stability and operational leverage to the upside is rare in the current trading environment.

Overall the database shows Computershare is rated as Buy four times and Hold three times, Credit Suisse similarly arguing there is value in Computershare at current levels that justifies an Outperform rating. 

The Hold argument is well stated by Citi, which suggests the market backdrop for Computershare remains difficult. This is evident in the broker's move to cut expectations for corporate actions revenue. When this tough outlook is added to the strong share price gains seen yesterday, valuation appears appropriate at current levels in Citi's view.

Computershare today is trading lower and as at 11.30am the stock was down 14c at $8.30. This compares to a range over the past year of $6.55 to $11.37. The current share price implies upside of around 14% to the consensus price target in the FNArena database.


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article 3 months old

Top Ten Weekly Recommendation, Target Price, Earnings Forecast Changes

By Chris Shaw

The tide appears to have well and truly turned in favour of ratings downgrades on the Australian market, as over the past week brokers in the FNArena database have pushed through 18 cuts in ratings compared to just four upgrades. This brings total Buy ratings to 57.6%, down from 58.2% previously.

A resilient interim earnings result from Macquarie Bank ((MQG)) was enough for BA Merrill Lynch to upgrade to a Buy rating, the change also a reflection of what the broker sees as strong valuation support at current levels. 

As BA-ML points out, if current funding sources prove sustainable the value available from annuity-style income alone is enough to justify most of the current market value of the bank. This implies upside when an improvement in market conditions boosts earnings in other divisions. Others in the market have adjusted forecasts and price target for Macquarie post its profit result.

QR National ((QRN)) was also upgraded, Deutsche Bank moving to a Buy rating from the potential for upside to volumes, which should translate into increased earnings. Further justifying the upgrade in rating was Deutsche's new numbers translate to an increase in price target.

BA-ML also upgraded Santos (STO)) to Buy during the week, this following a review of its model resulting in a revaluation of the group's assets. While the value of the GLNG assets were reduced, this has been offset by increases to the value of the Cooper gas assets.

Expected price tension in gas markets in the coming year should be a further positive and support BA-ML's upgrade. Price target has also been increased modestly. Credit Suisse went the other way, downgrading Santos to Neutral on the back of recent share price outperformance.

A restructuring of debt and a capital raising by Transpacific Industries ((TPI)) has seen both RBS Australia and Credit Suisse upgrade to Buy ratings from Hold previously. The improved balance sheet removes some headwinds in the view of RBS, while management will be able to focus on operational rather than financial issues and this should boost the company's financial performance according to Credit Suisse.

On the downgrades side, OneSteel's ((OST)) revision to earnings guidance on the back of lower iron ore prices saw brokers cut earnings forecasts and price targets significantly. Both Deutsche Bank and RBS Australia downgraded ratings to Sell and Hold respectively, reflecting concerns over debt covenants and ongoing tough market conditions.

While quarterly production for Aquila Resources ((AQA)) was solid, RBS Australia has still downgraded to a Sell rating, this reflecting the broker's concern over the company's ability to raise sufficient cash to meet its development ambitions. This implies a capital raising is a possibility in coming months.

A similarly disappointing production report from Kingsgate ((KCN)) saw both Deutsche and Citi downgrade the stock to Hold from Buy previously, with targets and earnings estimates cut accordingly. A disappointing quarterly from Paladin ((PDN)) was also enough for RBS to downgrade to Hold from Buy, with earnings and price target also reduced.

Australian Pipeline Trust ((APA)) has been downgraded on valuation grounds by Macquarie following recent share price gains, while valuation has seen Credit Suisse make the same shift to Hold from Buy on Australian Worldwide Exploration ((AWE)) while RBS Australia issued a similar downgrade for Consolidated Media ((CMJ)).

UBS also downgraded Mirvac ((MGR)) to a Hold following a review of sector valuations, while Citi resumed coverage on Spotless ((SPT)) with a downgrade to a Neutral rating as tough market conditions have caused the broker to lower earnings expectations. Price target was also reduced.

Ongoing increases to the N5 implant failure rate have Credit Suisse concerned enough about Cochlear ((COH)) to downgrade to an Underperform rating on the stock, with the broker also cutting its price target.

Ongoing tough market conditions are behind Deutsche Bank downgrading to Hold from Buy on CSR ((CSR)), the broker also lowering earnings estimates and price target leading into the company's interim profit result. James Hardie ((JHX)) was downgraded by both Credit Suisse and JP Morgan, in both cases the rating moving to Underperform from Neutral.

Harvey Norman ((HVN)) copped two ratings downgrades to Neutral from Outperform post a 1Q sales result that showed the company has had to sacrifice margins to defend market share. Brokers across the market also lowered earnings estimates and price targets for the stock on the back of the report.

For Iron Road ((IRD)) it was a review of magnetite projects and changes to foreign exchange assumptions that saw RBS Australia downgrade to a Hold rating from Buy, the broker's price target also being reduced.

Tatts ((TTS)), GPT ((GPT)) and Blackmores ((BKL)) were also downgraded during the week, with valuation the key factor in the decisions of brokers to lower ratings for the three stocks, while tough ad market conditions saw forecasts, price target and rating for Ten Network ((TEN)) lowered by RBS.

Earnings and price targets for AMP ((AMP)) were trimmed to reflect weak fund flows in the September quarter, while construction delays have pushed out earnings expectations for Lynas ((LYC)) and this has resulted in Deutsche Bank also trimming its price target for the stock.

A mixed quarterly result has seen earnings estimates and price targets revised for Independence Group ((IGO)), while earnings expectations for Qantas ((QAN)) have come down to account for the impact of the grounding of the group's fleet and the industrial action of recent weeks.

Slightly lower than expected production for OceanaGold ((OGC)) has seen a trimming of earnings estimates and price targets, while it has been a similar story for earnings expectations for Horizon Oil ((HZN)) post its quarterly.

On a more positive note, earnings expectations for Campbell Brothers ((CPB)) have been lifted slightly following two bolt-on acquisitions by the company, while National Australia Bank's ((NAB)) result was enough to see minor increases to earnings estimates. Forecasts for Miclyn Offshore ((MIO)) have also moved higher as the company is to acquire the balance of Samson Marine it doesn't already own.


Total Recommendations
Recommendation Changes


Broker Recommendation Breakup
Suisse,Deutsche<*br*>Bank,JP<*br*>Morgan,Macquarie,RBS<*br*>Australia,UBS&b0=125,119,129,104,88,144,193,159&h0=73,92,77,118,88,94,106,77&s0=39,15,14,6,26,22,7,13" style="border-bottom: #000000 1px solid; border-left: #000000 1px solid; border-top: #000000 1px solid; border-right: #000000 1px solid" />


Broker Rating

Order Company Old Rating New Rating Broker
1 MACQUARIE GROUP LIMITED Neutral Buy BA-Merrill Lynch
2 QR NATIONAL Neutral Buy Deutsche Bank
3 SANTOS LIMITED Neutral Buy BA-Merrill Lynch
4 Transpacific Industries Group Ltd Neutral Buy RBS Australia
8 COCHLEAR LIMITED Neutral Sell Credit Suisse
10 CSR LIMITED Buy Neutral Deutsche Bank
13 IRON ROAD LIMITED Buy Neutral RBS Australia
14 JAMES HARDIE INDUSTRIES N.V. Neutral Sell Credit Suisse
18 ONESTEEL LIMITED Buy Neutral RBS Australia
19 ONESTEEL LIMITED Neutral Sell Deutsche Bank
20 PALADIN ENERGY LTD Buy Neutral RBS Australia
21 SANTOS LIMITED Buy Neutral Credit Suisse


Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 TPI 17.0% 50.0% 33.0% 6
2 MQG 43.0% 57.0% 14.0% 7
3 AMP 75.0% 88.0% 13.0% 8

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 KCN 60.0% 20.0% - 40.0% 5
2 BKL 67.0% 33.0% - 34.0% 3
3 OST 86.0% 57.0% - 29.0% 7
4 HVN 50.0% 25.0% - 25.0% 8
5 TTS 57.0% 38.0% - 19.0% 8
6 GPT 50.0% 33.0% - 17.0% 6
7 AWE 86.0% 71.0% - 15.0% 7
8 MGR 86.0% 71.0% - 15.0% 7
9 SIP - 14.0% - 29.0% - 15.0% 7
10 CMJ 57.0% 43.0% - 14.0% 7

Target Price

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 TPI 0.842 0.872 3.56% 6
2 MQG 30.611 30.999 1.27% 7
3 CWN 10.263 10.350 0.85% 8
4 SIP 0.583 0.587 0.69% 7
5 MGR 1.369 1.371 0.15% 7

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 OST 2.104 1.619 - 23.05% 7
2 HVN 2.558 2.321 - 9.27% 8
3 KCN 9.444 8.804 - 6.78% 5
4 PDN 2.456 2.333 - 5.01% 7
5 TEN 1.090 1.036 - 4.95% 8
6 AMP 5.244 5.141 - 1.96% 8
7 TTS 2.410 2.363 - 1.95% 8
8 NWS 18.720 18.483 - 1.27% 7
9 COH 55.315 54.840 - 0.86% 8
10 CSR 2.805 2.798 - 0.25% 8

Earning Forecast

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 IMD 20.467 22.040 7.69% 3
2 AIX 22.300 23.033 3.29% 6
3 DMP 35.250 36.317 3.03% 6
4 FLT 185.338 188.838 1.89% 8
5 NAB 265.138 267.775 0.99% 8
6 MIO 20.904 21.070 0.79% 3
7 NWS 130.886 131.913 0.78% 7
8 CPB 282.029 283.886 0.66% 7
9 CTX 115.817 116.483 0.58% 6
10 BPT 4.040 4.060 0.50% 5

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 PDN 2.074 - 1.623 - 178.25% 7
2 LYC 4.475 0.850 - 81.01% 3
3 IGO 24.334 12.820 - 47.32% 5
4 AQP 31.065 16.798 - 45.93% 5
5 OST 24.343 15.114 - 37.91% 7
6 QAN 20.513 15.075 - 26.51% 8
7 AWE 8.857 6.871 - 22.42% 7
8 OGC 18.673 15.449 - 17.27% 3
9 HZN 2.720 2.425 - 10.85% 4
10 TEN 7.963 7.204 - 9.53% 8

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article 3 months old

The Overnight Report: Europe Plunges Back Into Disarray

By Greg Peel

The Dow fell 297 points or 2.5% while the S&P lost 2.8% to 1218 and the Nasdaq dropped 2.9%.

Across the world right now those with any reason to care are likely wishing the once globally insignificant economy of Greece could be set up on a kicking tee and booted as far into the Mediterranean as possible where it can sink or swim on its own, and no one would much care which. Perceived as lazy tax cheats, the people of Greece will potentially now determine whether or not the world will plunge into Depression in order that the Greek lifestyle not be compromised.

It was early yesterday morning Sydney time that news came through of a declaration from Greek prime minister George Papandreou that the new Greek bail-out deal, which includes strict austerity measures and is at the fundamental centre of last week's announced plan to save Europe, must be put to the Greek people in a referendum. Europe and the US had been more focussed on problems in Italy at the time but falls on Asian zone markets reflected this renewed uncertainty. 

When European markets reopened last night both the French and German stock indices plunged 5%, led down by those banks that last week looked like they might be out of trouble. The Dow fell from the Wall Street open and by lunch time was down 320 points.

Then news came through from the Greek opposition party that a referendum would not have parliamentary backing and the idea was thus “dead”. The Dow bounced 100 points. Right at the death, however, Papandreou reiterated his intentions and as we head into the Asian zone opening today, barring any further news wire bomb shells, the Greek government will go to parliament proposing a referendum be held in January. 

The implication is thus that having last week seen light at the end of the European debt tunnel, the world will be plunged back into darkness again for another two months. Merry Christmas.

However, if anything is certain in Europe it is uncertainty, and the capacity of European politicians to complete stuff things up at the final hurdle. Papandreou supposedly now must survive a confidence vote challenge in parliament this Friday. If he loses, a Greek general election must surely follow. When will that be held? Perhaps an interim coalition government can be formed which would put Greece back on track to accept the austerity measures rather than put them to the people. If Papandreou wins, then the question will possibly be asked of the Greek people whether they are happy with the strict new austerity measures. You know the Greek people – they're the ones you see on tele rioting in the streets in protest over strict austerity measures. 

Polls suggest 60% of Greeks are opposed to those measures. Yet another poll suggest 70% of Greeks do not wish to leave the euro. And one can only presume Greece must exit the eurozone if it votes down the bail-out package. It would no longer be eligible for EU-ECB-IMF support. Greece would fully default on its debt and send European banks into bankruptcy, setting off a chain of destruction across the globe.

Where the hell does all of this put us? Tomorrow night the G20 leaders meet in Cannes. It previously seemed if that meeting would simply provide solidarity around the proposed European plan but now the onus has fallen on those leaders to link arms and announce a globally coordinated contingency strategy. Papandreou is due to meet with Merkel and Sarkozy at some point and you can imagine how friendly that exchange might be. Not only are Italian sovereign debt yields blowing out to default-potential levels but French yields are on the move as well.

We just don't know. Global financial markets are not trading on value, earnings expectations and economic data any more. They are trading on headlines and right now the vagaries of the Greek constitution. Tonight the Fed will release its latest statement on monetary policy and Bernanke will hold a press conference. No doubt he will reiterate that QE3 is loaded into the chamber ready to be fired if need be. Yesterday's RBA rate cut is beginning to look prescient.

It did not help the global cause last night that it was manufacturing PMI day, and that the numbers were not encouraging.

Australia's result was actually the most promising given a rise to 47.4 in October from 42.3 in September. That's a solid slowing of the rate of contraction, but still it represents contraction. China's official PMI disappointed with a fall to 50.4 from 51.2 to mark the lowest level in nearly three years. By contrast, the HSBC equivalent (which leans more to SMEs than the official number does) rose to 51.0 from 49.9 to confirm the first return to expansion in four months.

The news elsewhere was all bad, and all worse than expected. The UK found a brief moment to celebrate when its first estimate of September quarter GDP came out at a better than expected 0.5% growth, but the relief was short lived when it was revealed the UK PMI had plunged to 47.4 from 50.8. The eurozone PMI was not expected to fall as low as 47.2 from 48.8, and after a month of increase from August to September the US PMI fell again to 50.8 in October from 51.6.

The euro continued its rapid reversal last night sending the US dollar index up another 1% to 77.30. The Aussie took on board the rate cut as well as the stronger greenback to fall 1.8 cents to US$1.0344. Torn between the stronger dollar and reignited risk, gold was basically steady at US$1719.50/oz.

It is a rare session when aluminium is amongst the biggest losers on the LME, but on renewed fears and weak PMIs it fell 4.5%, beaten only by nickel's 5% fall. Copper fell 3%. West Texas crude dropped US$1.44 to US$91.75/bbl but Brent remained steady at US$109.54/bbl.

Investors again piled into US Treasuries sending the ten-year yield down another 14 basis points to 1.99%. In less than a month that yield has seen 1.7%, 2.4% and 2.0% again. That's up 40% and down 17% in price terms, and you think stock markets have been volatile.

Speaking of volatility, only last week the VIX was sitting at a comfortable 25. Last night it closed at 35.

The SPI Overnight fell 61 points or 1.4%.

Oh and just in case we didn't have enough bad news, the fallout over the MF Global bankruptcy continues. There is now a suggestion MFG's sour investments were not funded only by retained earnings but by client deposits as well. There has been accusation and denial from either side, but if true then a lot more people are going to lose at lot more money.

Aside from the Fed meeting tonight Wall Street will also learn the ADP private sector jobs number for October, and locally Westpac ((WBC)) will release its full-year result today and Woolworths ((WOW)) will hold a Strategy Day.  

Has Papandreou lost the plot or does he simply feel it is his democratic duty as representative of the Greek people to provide them with a choice? Whatever the answer, he sure isn't helping. 

Rudi will make his appearance on Switzer TV (Sky Business, 7-8pm) tonight and not yesterday as previously reported.

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article 3 months old

Can The Markets Be Kind To Macquarie?

- Macquarie's result weak but no shock
- Costs, staff and divs cut but is it enough?
- Stock well leveraged to market improvement
- Inexpensive but is it time to buy?

By Greg Peel

“Following the release of the European financial package,” declares Goldman Sachs' equity strategy team, “we believe there is potential for the macro risks, which have been dominating investor sentiment and driving equity risk premiums higher, to diminish as we head into the end of the year”.

Goldmans has backed up that belief by increasing the cyclical exposure of the strategists' model portfolio and reducing the defensive stance it has maintained up to now. Out goes the defensive toll collector Transurban ((TCL)) and in comes the cyclically exposed building products manufacturer James Hardie ((JHX)). And along with James Hardie comes Australia's battered and war-torn investment bank, Macquarie Group ((MQG)).

The “upgrade” for Macquarie from the GS top-down analysis team is at odds with the broker's own bottom-up stock analysts. They retain a Hold rating following the release of MQG's first half FY12 earnings result on Friday. While acknowledging that stock analysts limit their views mostly to a 12-month horizon, while strategists are more inclined to change views on an open-ended time scale, the disparity of opinion amongst representatives of the same broking house accurately reflects a more general market view on the company which no longer carries the tag of “The Millionaires Factory”.

I last reviewed analyst opinions on MQG following the release of its full-year FY11 result in a report entitled Macquarie A Matter Of Faith. Ever since the GFC destroyed MQG's previously successful infrastructure fund model, the Group has been forced to revert to being basically a common or garden investment bank once more. Such businesses rely on market sentiment and turnover, on demand for advice, broking services and investment opportunities, and on trading profitability potential. In short, it's difficult for an investment bank to make money when markets are weak and volumes are low. Unfortunately such conditions have been the state of play ever since 2008.

It was never going to be easy to predict just when global market sentiment would “normalise” in the wake of the historically rare event that was the GFC. No one was ready for Greece to become an issue in early 2010 and again in early 2011, leading the whole European debacle to dominate the last two years of activity. All Macquarie management has been able to offer at successive six-monthly earnings updates in the interim is guidance based on the caveat of “if market activity improves”. It hasn't, so management has been forced to successively downgrade earnings expectations. As Goldman Sachs stock analysts suggest, “[Friday's] result has seen a continuation of the downgrade cycle which has further delayed MQG's recovery to mid-cycle returns”.

The longer market sentiment remains subdued, the longer MQG must endure weakening earnings results, and thus the longer the path back to an improved return on equity (ROE). Macquarie could boast ROEs of 20% pre-GFC but at the moment it's lucky to reach 10%. Analysts see 20% as possible again one day but are looking to at least 15% in the shorter term if markets can improve. The longer that improvement takes, the more MQG bleeds and the more it is forced to cut costs and reduce staff. The risk is that such cost-cuts are held up by management on fear the bounce will come immediately after and upside recovery potential will be crimped. It was a matter of faith, analysts then suggested, that MQG was not doing much about cost cutting at end-FY11.

Since then, the European situation has come to a head, and we've suffered two of the most difficult trading months on record in August and September. No one was expecting MQG to post anything other than another weak trading result. It would simply come down to a matter of degree. As it was, the result mostly fell short of analyst expectations which had already been trimmed in the past quarter. As Credit Suisse points out, the “miss” was related to exactly the area one would expect – the Capital Markets division.

On the other hand, analysts note fees from funds management and other “annuity-style” activities (those which provide more predictable earnings flow largely immune to specific market movements) were solid and better than expected. BA-Merrill Lynch values that “annuity” business at $28.86. The analysts suggest that even if one were to assume zero income from Capital Markets activities, another $7-14 of value could be released for the Group. Macquarie shares closed on Friday at $25.15.

Citi is following a similar trajectory in suggesting MQG's current share price implies an ROE of only 7% by FY14. If the Capital Markets businesses can reach at least an ROE of 10% by that time, Citi believes the stock should be trading 20% higher.

Aside from missing expectations and once again watering down guidance, management made two important announcements on Friday. The first was on the subject of cost cuts and the second related to an intended share buyback. MQG may well be struggling but it is not about to go out the back door. A Basel III update at the result release was welcomed by analysts and we can't forget the big dividend due the Group shortly from the MAp Group ((MAP)) restructure.

Analysts welcome an announced dividend cut. Shareholders may not welcome this news but announced cost-cutting initiatives including a reduction of 485 staff should provide a sufficient trade-off going forward. Dividends can only be paid to MQG shareholders after bonuses have been paid to MQG staff. However, on the matter of cost cuts more than one broker questions whether they go far enough.

Citi suggests “there remains scope to go even harder on costs” and UBS believes MQG needs to “right size” the investment bank to deliver more appropriate returns across the cycle. A headcount of 15,000 is down 3% but “still appears too high for MQG's revenue potential,” says UBS.

On the matter of a proposed share buyback, analysts were universally supportive as this will go some way to assisting that much needed ROE improvement. However, only an intention to buy back was announced rather than an actual buyback being confirmed. While analysts believe management will be determinedly true to its word, there is a lot to be done before a buyback can proceed. MQG needs to optimise its capital structure, exit legacy businesses, raise hybrid capital, grow retained earnings and receive APRA approval. “This may take a while,” says UBS. At least 12 months by JP Morgan's reckoning.

Yet as noted, the true bottom line for MQG is quite simply whether or not market conditions can improve. Brokers were expecting a better result on profit, dividends and outlook on Friday “but these are extraordinary market conditions,” notes Citi, “and the stock may continue to rally if investors are relaxing their extreme aversion to risk”.

In other words, investors stand to do very well out of MQG if market conditions can just start heading back towards “normal”. This would imply positive market direction and a bit more certainty than has been the case in 2011. Or 2010. If markets can't do so then MQG is in for further downgrades and an even longer path back to the ROEs it once boasted. It then comes down to whether the market has now sufficiently priced down MQG. On that, analysts remain divided.

RBS (Buy) is happy to acquire MQG stock at current levels which it calculates to be 0.9x net tangible asset valuation. Merrills (Buy) agrees, and also points out an attractive 0.7x book value. Credit Suisse (Outperform) likes the book value too as well as an implied 7.7x forward PE. Citi (Buy) is forecasting less risk aversion from markets ahead and it, too, makes note of MQG's 10% discount to net tangible assets.

Deutsche Bank (Hold) suggests it's too difficult to know just when markets will return to “normal”. JP Morgan (Neutral) believes management has laid out a clear path towards ROE improvement but “it is too early to 'pay ahead' for these prospects”. Goldman Sachs (Hold) suggests a ROE greater than cost of equity looks an achievable goal over the next 2-3 years, but “the risk to earnings remains high”.

All brokers have trimmed their FY12 earnings forecasts. Of the seven brokers covering MQG in the FNArena database, four have a Buy or equivalent rating and three a Hold or equivalent (Goldmans is not in the database and Macquarie is not allowed to rate itself). There are no Sell ratings. The consensus price target was impacted by moves both up and down post-result, and is today at $31.00 compared to $30.61 prior to Friday. The uncertainty of whether or not markets can “normalise” from here is nevertheless reflected in the wide target range, from $27 (UBS) to $40 (Credit Suisse).

Find out why FNArena subscribers like the service so much: "Your Feedback (Thank You)" - Warning this story contains unashamedly positive feedback on the service provided.

article 3 months old

Top Ten Weekly Recommendation, Target Price, Earnings Forecast Changes

By Chris Shaw

As companies have updated outlook commentary at annual general meetings over the past week, stockbrokers have reacted by making double the number of ratings downgrades to upgrades. Among the eight brokers in the FNArena database eight ratings were upgraded this week against 16 downgrades, meaning total Buy recommendations have fallen to 58.2% from 58.7% previously.

One to enjoy an upgrade in rating was Wotif.com ((WTF)), with BA Merrill Lynch lifting its rating to Neutral from Underperform. The upgrade reflects both minor changes to estimates following updated guidance from management and underperformance by the stock over the past 12 months that has improved the value on offer. The show stopper during the week was biotech Pharmaxis ((PXS)) who finally received product approval from Europe which saw investors jumping back in the shares and stockbrokers (3) lifting their ratings and price targets.

SingTel ((SGT)) was also upgraded to Overweight by JP Morgan, this to account for the expectation Singapore's NBN project will solidify the company's dominant position in that market. Regional asset earnings growth should also be solid and this sees the broker ahead of consensus with its earnings forecasts. Alacer Gold was upgraded too, by two notches to Buy by Credit Suisse.

Southern Cross Media ((SXL)) saw an initiation of coverage with an Outperform rating by Credit Suisse and this has lifted the consensus recommendation for the company. In the view of the broker, while ratings are under pressure and advertising is weaker this appears priced into the stock at current levels.

On the downgrade side Oz Minerals ((OZL)) saw RBS Australia move to a Hold from Buy previously on the back of changes to commodity price assumptions and foreign exchange forecasts. Kingsgate Consolidated ((KCN)) was similarly downgraded to a Hold rating by RBS. Earnings estimates and price targets were also adjusted, the move on OZL by RBS following similar downgrades a week earlier by UBS and Credit Suisse.

Brokers have continued to react to Super Retail's ((SUL)) move to acquire Rebel Sport with Citi the latest to downgrade to Neutral from Buy previously, with associated changes to earnings estimates and price target.

ResMed ((RMD)) was similarly downgraded by Credit Suisse following a Q1 result that showed the group's markets were relatively challenging at present. Earnings estimates and price targets for ResMed across the market have also been revised on the back of the result.

Following an investor day JP Morgan suggests the market may have gotten a little ahead of itself with respect to the outlook for WorleyParsons ((WOR)), so the broker downgraded to Underweight from Neutral. The change in rating has been accompanied by adjustments to earnings estimates and price target.

Caltex ((CTX)) has also received a few changes to ratings in recent sessions, both BA Merrill Lynch and Citi downgrading to a Neutral rating on valuation grounds while Credit Suisse has upgraded to a Neutral rating on the back of an increase in price target on news of a rationalisation of operations at the Kurnell refinery.

Valuation has come into play for Computershare ((CPU)) as adjustments to RBS Australia's model and target have been enough to prompt a downgrade to a Hold rating, while Credit Suisse has done the same with Wesfarmers ((WES)). Relative pricing grounds have seen UBS cut its rating on Charter Hall Retail ((CQR)) to Hold.

Some minor changes to its model have caused RBS to lift earnings and price target for Adelaide Brighton ((ABC)), while BA-ML has gone the other way in cutting forecasts and target for Insurance Australia Group ((IAG)) given a tough market for insurance margins and some capital issues. 

Leading into next week's result Macquarie has cut its target for CSR ((CSR)) on the back of some adjustments to estimates, which follows a similar move by UBS earlier this month.

Earnings forecasts have been lifted for Regis Resources ((RRL)) following a solid quarter of production, while estimates for Santos ((STO)) and Woodside ((WPL)) have similarly increased post respective production reports.

Still strong exploration activity levels have prompted RBS to lift forecasts for Imdex ((IMD)), which has also generated an increase in price target. The changes follow similar adjustments made by BA-ML and Deutsche Bank. 

Further progress at Maules Creek has seen RBS lift earnings estimates for Aston ((AZT)), while a solid quarterly report from Webjet ((WEB)) has been enough for BA-ML and UBS to lift earnings estimates and price targets.

Changes to earnings estimates for Panoramic ((PAN)) are more a reflection of changes to expectations for commodity prices and foreign exchange rates than operational issues, but weaker production and sales have been behind cuts to expectations for Gloucester Coal ((GCL)).

Forecasts for Macquarie Atlas ((MQA)) have come down post a slightly weaker Q3 traffic result, while weaker nickel prices are impacting on earnings estimates for Western Areas ((WSA)). On the back of a reasonable quarterly production report there have been modest changes to estimates for Atlas Iron ((AGO)), while the announcement of a capital raising has resulted in adjustments to estimates for Transpacific Industries ((TPI)). 

Tough operating conditions have seen forecasts lowered for GWA International ((GWA)), while changed commodity price and forex assumptions have prompted a lowering of earnings estimates for BHP Billiton ((BHP)).


Total Recommendations
Recommendation Changes


Broker Recommendation Breakup
Suisse,Deutsche<*br*>Bank,JP<*br*>Morgan,Macquarie,RBS<*br*>Australia,UBS&b0=123,122,130,105,88,146,196,160&h0=75,90,77,118,88,92,104,76&s0=39,15,12,5,26,21,6,13" style="border-bottom: #000000 1px solid; border-left: #000000 1px solid; border-top: #000000 1px solid; border-right: #000000 1px solid" />


Broker Rating

Order Company Old Rating New Rating Broker
1 ALACER GOLD CORP Sell Buy Credit Suisse
2 Pharmaxis Ltd Neutral Buy RBS Australia
3 Pharmaxis Ltd Neutral Buy BA-Merrill Lynch
4 Pharmaxis Ltd Neutral Buy Credit Suisse
6 WOTIF.COM HOLDINGS LIMITED Sell Neutral BA-Merrill Lynch
10 CSG LIMITED Buy Neutral RBS Australia
13 OZ MINERALS LIMITED Buy Neutral RBS Australia
14 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE LIMITED Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
15 RESMED INC Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
16 WESFARMERS LIMITED Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
18 WESTFIELD RETAIL TRUST Buy Neutral Deutsche Bank


Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 RRL 33.0% 67.0% 34.0% 3
2 WTF 25.0% 38.0% 13.0% 8
3 SGT 40.0% 50.0% 10.0% 6
4 SXL 71.0% 75.0% 4.0% 8

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 OZL 88.0% 50.0% - 38.0% 8
2 SUL 67.0% 33.0% - 34.0% 6
3 RMD 63.0% 38.0% - 25.0% 8
4 KCN 80.0% 60.0% - 20.0% 5
5 WOR 33.0% 14.0% - 19.0% 7
6 CTX 33.0% 17.0% - 16.0% 6
7 CPU 29.0% 14.0% - 15.0% 7
8 CQR 29.0% 14.0% - 15.0% 7
9 WRT 100.0% 86.0% - 14.0% 7
10 WES 63.0% 50.0% - 13.0% 8

Target Price

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 ABC 3.343 3.348 0.15% 8
2 CQR 3.317 3.321 0.12% 7
3 SVW 9.314 9.318 0.04% 4

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 RMD 3.527 3.193 - 9.47% 8
2 OZL 13.729 12.919 - 5.90% 8
3 SUL 7.155 6.756 - 5.58% 6
4 KCN 9.658 9.444 - 2.22% 5
5 IAG 3.508 3.435 - 2.08% 8
6 WTF 4.425 4.348 - 1.74% 8
7 RRL 3.287 3.257 - 0.91% 3
8 WES 33.108 32.941 - 0.50% 8
9 CSR 2.818 2.805 - 0.46% 8
10 WOR 28.862 28.769 - 0.32% 7

Earning Forecast

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 MAP 6.187 7.259 17.33% 6
2 RRL 13.607 15.867 16.61% 3
3 STO 56.425 61.125 8.33% 8
4 WPL 205.928 216.457 5.11% 8
5 OSH 14.479 14.902 2.92% 8
6 MQG 261.386 268.214 2.61% 7
7 IMD 20.133 20.467 1.66% 3
8 AZT 24.900 25.275 1.51% 4
9 WEB 16.900 17.125 1.33% 4
10 MMS 72.567 73.333 1.06% 3

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 PAN 16.450 11.475 - 30.24% 4
2 GCL 50.200 41.220 - 17.89% 5
3 OZL 113.513 94.029 - 17.16% 8
4 MQA 9.683 8.433 - 12.91% 6
5 WSA 53.667 48.700 - 9.26% 6
6 AGO 34.850 31.638 - 9.22% 8
7 TPI 7.233 6.567 - 9.21% 6
8 GWA 19.583 18.117 - 7.49% 6
9 GRR 10.900 10.250 - 5.96% 4
10 BHP 447.715 421.154 - 5.93% 8

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article 3 months old

The Overnight Report: Short Back And Sides Thanks

By Greg Peel

The Dow rose 339 points or 2.9% while the S&P gained 3.4% to 1284 and the Nasdaq added 3.3%.

Break out the bouzoukis and pass the retsina! All the worlds problems have been solved!

Or have they?

The on again, off again, Monday, Wednesday, next week, scheduling of when we were going to be informed of Europe's debt resolution plan was at least to some extent settled late on Wednesday night in Brussels, or about lunch time in an Australian market which was rather inconveniently shut down. On what may have proven otherwise to be one of the biggest volume days we've seen for a while, the ASX blew it. It took only a couple of hours for our market to run 2.5% but a lot of that move simply reflected step-jump prices.

There was solid volume in New York nevertheless, and the S&P 500's 3.4% jump paled in comparison with a 5.4% rally in France and a 6.3% surge in Germany. Wall Street also step-jumped on the open, and there met a brief attempt at selling. Good luck if it was profit-taking, bad luck if it was shorting on a perception of an overreaction. The Dow pushed ahead to be up 400 points with about half an hour to go before finally the sellers made some ground.

Across the globe, stocks were led higher by financials. US banks jumped mostly by just under double digit percentages, British and German banks all put on around 15%, and French banks soared 20% or more. Of course French banks have lost at least 50% in value this year, and to recover a 50% fall a stock must rally 100%.

So what's the deal?

Holders of Greek sovereign debt have agreed to take a voluntary haircut of 50%. The banks said 40%, European official said 60%, and they finally met in the middle. The fact that the debt value reduction is voluntary means it is not technically a default, and hence credit default swap positions cannot be called in. As to exactly how the restructure will be implemented is yet to be decided.

The EFSF will be leveraged to E1trn. Just how that is to occur is still up in the air. Will it involve credit enhancement of sovereign bonds or will it involve a special purpose vehicle that others, such as China, can invest in? The Germans want the EFSF to act like an insurance company and the French wanted it to be a bank, with access to the ECB. The French plan was hosed down but the final plan is, again, yet to be decided.

Greece will get E100bn next year as the next round of its bail-out fund, provided it moves towards a debt target of 120% of GDP by 2020. European banks will get E106bn to assist them to reach a tier one capital ratio of 9% after they've taken a loss on Greek debt. Despite the injections, the target may require banks to cut dividends.

It is this last figure which is most contentious. Many believe E106bn is simply not enough, and that 9% capital is insufficient in the face of positions held in Spanish and Italian debt. We might note that Australian banks have had tier one levels of around that amount for the past couple of years and they're not holding anyone's rubbish paper. We might also note that while last night virtually every market moved substantially, yields on Italian bonds did not. There is a school of sceptics out there suggesting that, yet again, this Final Solution won't be, and we'll all be back again next year fighting against potential European default.

But so much for “sell the fact”, or patience for that matter. The beast was unleashed last night and while the surge might suggest over-enthusiasm from the outset (particularly considering how far we'd run before yesterday, and the fact nothing announced yesterday constituted a surpise) it has long been noted in this Report and elsewhere that the big fund managers are all very underweight equities and overweight cash. Whether or not those managers believe we are at the beginning of the next bull market, or at least a big recovery rally, if they don't join in then their returns are not going to look good enough. There's a deal of self-fulfillment here.

So how about those overnight moves? The most influential was the euro, which rocketed 2.1% to US$1.42 to mark the biggest move since March 2009 when the Fed suddenly announced QE1. The US dollar index fell 1.6% to 74.96.

The Aussie screamed up a full three cents to US$1.0713 while gold strolled US$23.80 higher to US$1744.00/oz. The US ten-year bond yield jumped 19 basis points to 2.39%. 

Copper was up 6% and all base metals were up 2-6%. Silver jumped 5%. Brent crude added US$2.78 to US$112.08/bbl and West Texas gained US$3.67 to US$93.87/bbl.

The VIX volatility index plummeted 14% to 25. 

On top of yesterday's 2.5% jump in an ASX half-day session, the SPI Overnight gained 59 points or 1.4%.

We still need to wait for the eurozone finance ministers meeting on November 6 for a lot of this missing detail to be, we're told, settled on. There may yet be delays. We also, from a longer term perspective, can look forward to EU attempts to bring the bloc closer to a fiscal as well as a monetary union. Such moves imply the erosion of identity of individual European nations. Such moves will not be easily achieved.

Will the dust settle on this immediate reaction and more scepticism emerge, such that a big pullback is around the corner? Possibly. But for the time being going short is going to be a very risky business. This momentum can keep building. A popular expression in 2008 was “don't try to catch the falling knife,” as stick prices tumbled and tumbled and tumbled. We might now imagine that scenario upside down. Unless, of course, suddenly negotiations break down again in Europe.

Oh by the way, the first estimate of US September quarter GDP came in at 2.5%, on the money of expectation. It's a beautiful world we live in. 

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