Base Metals and Minerals

Lithium Rising As Electric Vehicles Take Hold

Sam Green of TradersCircle investigates the rapid global shift towards electric vehicles.

Feb 10 2017

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities. Macquarie cuts oil and LNG price outlook; Philippines throws another spanner in nickel works; China’s looming capacity reductions.

Feb 07 2017

Manganese Is Energy Critical

Ahead of the Herd’s Rick Mills makes the case for manganese.

Feb 01 2017

More copper and less gold production is expected from OZ Minerals in coming years and Carrapateena’s imminent feasibility study could be a catalyst for the stock.

Jan 31 2017

Previous Stories

The Overnight Report: Wall Street Exits Yield

May 30 2013

Wall Street has concluded that a Fed exit is inevitable eventually and has decided it’s time to switch out of yield stocks. Dow down 106. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEST)

The Overnight Report: Things Can Only Get Better

May 29 2013

Strong confidence and house price data pushed stocks up and bonds down on Wall Street, despite the Fed tapering risk. Dow up 106. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEST)

Metal Matters: Inflation, Copper, Gold And Iron Ore

May 28 2013

An inflation theme is emerging while copper stocks are set to build and there is a battle for gold, but iron ore prices may not fall too far.

Copper Holds The Key

May 27 2013

This week ATW’s Jerry Simmons looks at copper and suggests a price break-out to the upside is required is the US equities rally is to continue.

The Monday Report

May 27 2013

Wrap of events affecting the market on Friday night and the weekend and a preview of the week ahead.

The Overnight Report: Wild Ride

May 24 2013

Fed talk, weak Chinese data and a big sell-off in Japan have all made for a wild 24 hours on stock markets. Dow down 12. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEST)

Material Matters: Miner Strategy, US Dollar, Coal And Copper

May 23 2013

Recently expanded mines risk impairments, a rising US dollar is pressuring metals prices while copper fundamentals may actually be improving.

The Overnight Report: QE Confusion And The Big Sell Order

May 23 2013

Wall Street was confused last night by Bernanke’s comments and the Fed minutes, but it appears a big sell order hit the market regardless. Dow down 80. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEST)

Copper: Short Term Pain, Longer Term Gain

May 22 2013

Commonwealth Bank analysts foresee softer copper prices over the next two years. After that, Chile’s number one position will erode and prices will rise.

The Overnight Report: What Fed Exit?

May 22 2013

The Fed doves were again vocal last night, confirming QE can just as easily be increased as decreased in the near term. Dow up 52. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEST)

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