Base Metals and Minerals

Lithium Rising As Electric Vehicles Take Hold

Sam Green of TradersCircle investigates the rapid global shift towards electric vehicles.

Feb 10 2017

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities. Macquarie cuts oil and LNG price outlook; Philippines throws another spanner in nickel works; China’s looming capacity reductions.

Feb 07 2017

Manganese Is Energy Critical

Ahead of the Herd’s Rick Mills makes the case for manganese.

Feb 01 2017

More copper and less gold production is expected from OZ Minerals in coming years and Carrapateena’s imminent feasibility study could be a catalyst for the stock.

Jan 31 2017

Previous Stories

Material Matters: Copper, Thermal Coal, Nat Gas And Steel

Sep 15 2011

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities with a review of marginal costs and commodity prices and updates on copper, thermal coal, natural gas and the Chinese steel market.

The Overnight Report: Europe Stands By Greece

Sep 15 2011

Confirmation from Germany, France and Greece that the latter would remain in the eurozone come hell or high water relieved markets last night. Dow up 140.

Further Weakness Not A Given

Sep 14 2011

ATW’s Jerry Simmons casts aside doom and gloom predictions elsewhere and states his technical analysis of risk assets still suggests technical support levels remain alive and might well hold.

The Overnight Report: Rest Day

Sep 14 2011

Wall Street bounced around in a relatively tight range last night as no new news emerged from Europe. Dow up 44.

The Overnight Report: China To The Rescue, Again?

Sep 13 2011

A report suggesting China will buy Italian sovereign debt turned Wall Street around last night. Dow up 68.

Cobalt: A Critical Metal To Clean Energy

Sep 12 2011

Investment U suggests investors look more closely at cobalt given it is a critical metal to clean energy.

Top Ten Weekly Recommendation, Target Price, Earnings Forecast Changes

Sep 12 2011

Weekly update on recommendation, target price, and earnings forecast changes.

The Monday Report

Sep 12 2011

Wrap of events affecting the market on Friday night and the weekend and a preview of the week ahead.

The Overnight Report: Hail To The Chief, Maybe

Sep 09 2011

Bernanke somehow disappointed Wall Street ahead of Obama’s speech this morning, sending the Dow down 119.

Strong Support For Aluminium

Sep 08 2011

Technical analysts at Barclays remain positive on aluminium, and on copper.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle