Iron Ore

Brokers brushed aside a robust first half result for Aurizon, instead looking at the issues which cloud the outlook beyond FY17.

Feb 14 2017

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities. China and coal; ASX gold sector; outlook for energy sector; iron ore prices.

Feb 09 2017

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities. Silver use in PV cells; tight zinc markets; China’s coal policies; dividend outlook for miners.

Jan 30 2017

BlueScope Steel has upgraded earnings estimates for the first half and brokers welcome the work done to improve the outlook and balance sheet.

Jan 25 2017

Previous Stories

Material Matters: Copper And Iron Ore, Japan And China

Jul 05 2011

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities with updates on demand expectations for Japan and China in copper and bulk commodity markets.

Top Ten Weekly Recommendation, Target Price, Earning Forecast Changes

Jul 04 2011

Weekly update on recommendation, target price, and earning forecast changes.

Material Matters: Weaker Oil Good For Metals, Nickel And LNG

Jun 30 2011

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities with comments on oil and base metal prices, Chinese construction activity, nickel, iron ore and the Oz LNG sector.

Material Matters: Demand From Brazil And China, Coal And Oil

Jun 29 2011

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities with updates on Brazil and China’s impact on commodities, positives for coal and steel and the release of strategic oil reserves.

A Rally For Fortescue?

Jun 29 2011

The TechWizard reports Fortescue shares might be ready for a sizable rally.

NAB Sees Support And Supply Kicking In For Commodities

Jun 27 2011

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities, with NAB’s latest update on commodity markets suggesting prices should find support this year but ease in 2012.

Material Matters: Lead, Nickel, Uranium, PGMs; Sector Consolidation

Jun 23 2011

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities with subdued outlooks evident for lead, nickel and uranium, still positive conditions for PGMs, some cracks emerging in China and why sector consolidation may increase.

Material Matters: Coal And Iron Ore Markets Remain Tight

Jun 22 2011

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities, with both coal and iron ore markets expected to remain tight and so support prices.

Indonesian Deal Transforms Kangaroo Resources

Jun 20 2011

The acquisition of another project in Indonesia and the emergence of a strong major shareholder has transformed Kangaroo Resources.

Material Matters: Still Value In Oz Miners; Update On Bulks

Jun 16 2011

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities with Citi and BA-ML finding value among the Australian resources sector and updates on bulk commodity markets.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle