Tag Archives: Other Industrials

article 3 months old

Can G8 Education’s Acquisition Rate Continue?

-Queries over funding options
-fundamentals remain positive
-Uncertainty in government policy


By Eva Brocklehurst

G8 Education ((GEM)) has been accumulating child care centres at a racing pace but broker enthusiasm has waned somewhat. The highlight of the 2014 results was a strong increase in dividends. Dividends will be fully underwritten over the short term to retain balance sheet capacity and flexibility.

The main issue as far as UBS is concerned is the company's ability to source funds for future acquisitions. G8 Education has announced another $29.9m in acquisitions and the broker estimates there is $26m in cash at hand, ahead of free cash flow and dividend investment plan (DRP) underwriting. Based on the broker's analysis, the company can fund the acquisition of 75 centres annually, via a mixture of cash, free cash flow and the underwritten DRP. UBS retains a Buy rating and believes the market, having sold off the stock after the results, is taking a short-term negative view about the company's ability to consolidate the child care industry at the same rate it has managed over recent years.

Citi is concerned about the pace of acquisitions, finding it hard to assess the trend in underlying earnings. Organic growth figures exhibit solid top line growth and operating leverage, but these older centres now represent just a third of the current run rate. The company has signalled strong fee increases across the portfolio and, in the short term, revenue may rise ahead of costs, but Citi expects a clawing back in income as new child-to-staff ratios commence in 2016. How easily the industry can pass through additional costs will depend on government funding policy. The broker is not convinced that the consolidation strategy provides investors with enough value and retains a Sell rating.

Another risk the broker highlights is the Singaporean debt totalling SGD260m. The headline interest cost at 4.75% may look attractive but this debt has not been swapped back into Australian dollars and the company has taken on the currency risk. Citi warns that, by not hedging, interest costs are more attractive but a depreciating AUD/SGD will likely destroy shareholder value.

Macquarie observes that obtaining debt for child care assets in Australia has always been a challenge. Banks require a right of entry clause on the lease in order to lend to operators. As G8 Education acquires the operations as opposed to the property many centres have legacy lease terms, so this clause is regularly omitted. Hence, this has led the company to source unsecured corporate notes as opposed to standard secured borrowing. Macquarie considers the debt position is manageable, but further funding will be required to maintain the growth trajectory into 2016. Any further material acquisitions in 2015 are likely to require another round of equity funding, in the broker's view.

Positives exist in macro terms around child care and the consolidation opportunity, in Macquarie's view. Margins are strong too, as the company leverages the scale benefits of a larger network. Nevertheless, the broker does caution about increased competition, uncertainty over the federal government's response to the Productivity Commission report on child care and narrowing capital management options, which could put downward pressure on the stock in the near term. While still expecting earnings to grow at double digit rates in 2015, Macquarie downgrades to Neutral from Outperform.

Deutsche Bank considers the growth outlook has been strengthened by the addition of the 12 new centres and envisages upside earnings risk in 2015. The broker notes the company did not provide 2015 earnings guidance but did signal that the opportunity for disciplined acquisitions remained significant and the company is well positioned. Morgans finds the operating metrics hard to fault and assumes acquisitions of 50 centres per annum, conceding a more accelerated rate would require funding options to be considered. The broker was also concerned abut the FX translation loss in  2014, estimating that if the current spot rate holds, a further post-tax FX translation loss of $4.0m will be required.

FNArena's database has three Buy ratings, one Hold and one Sell for G8 Education. The consensus target is $5.30, suggesting 28.6% upside to the last share price. This compares with $5.83 ahead of the results. Targets range from $4.00 (Citi) to $6.22 (UBS). The dividend yield on FY15 and FY16 forecasts is 6.3% and 7.0% respectively.

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article 3 months old

Can Sims Metal Prevail Against Falling Prices?

-Reducing uneconomic volumes
-But can volumes hold up?
-What if scrap prices fall further?
-Concern over risks to margins


By Eva Brocklehurst

Sims Metal Management ((SGM)) has made sound efforts to turn around its business and brokers believe some benefits are materialising, particularly via improved margins in North America.

The first half was, overall, positive. Sims Metal has reduced uneconomic volumes and controlled costs but, while there is a skew to the second half in terms of cash flow, Morgans wants to confirm the improvement before becoming more comfortable. The broker warns the recent slump in the iron ore price is not reflected in the first half results and will become more apparent in the second half. Morgans believes the fall in iron ore will affect end markets and investors will moderate the multiple they apply to Sims Metal's earnings as a result. Much of the company's ferrous scrap is used as a substitute for iron ore in certain types of steel making. The broker advises investors to use current strength to reduce exposure to the stock.

Deutsche Bank hailed the achievement of some ambitious targets from the strategic review, in the US in particular. The broker believes there is significant upside to be had from the US economic recovery. The scrap price may have fallen over the course of 2014 and there may be further downside, which could make the second half tough going, but Deutsche Bank contends these are short term concerns. The broker suggests looking further afield to FY16 and beyond, given the valuation upside if the strategic review is fully implemented.

Near-term headwinds persist but JP Morgan considers the company is better placed now to withstand the challenges. The broker notes earnings margins were an issue over recent years in North America, being only slightly above break-even on average between FY12 and FY14. Margins are now closer to levels achieved in the past and are coupled with margin expansion in both Europe and in e-cycling. The company has indicated it is operating on a strategy whereby sales are contracted with customers before volumes are procured to fill those orders, instead of purchasing intake without the certainty these volumes would be sold.

In summary, this means management is reducing the risk of being caught long on scrap. Nevertheless, JP Morgan considers the effectiveness of such a strategy may be impacted if the availability of scrap declines to a point where Sims cannot access material. The broker also points out that the company actually expects, in the near term, a decline in ferrous scrap prices to have a negative effect on supply and lead to elevated levels of competition for intake. What should mitigate this risk, the broker hopes, is the extensive nature of the company's trading arm.

Macquarie echoes this view, in that market dislocation from lower scrap prices should not carry over the long term. The broker notes Sims Metal is actively moving its model to avoid uncovered inventory positions. In this way, pricing risks are reduced and volume becomes the main driver. The broker observes management is also confident it can maintain margins despite declines in the scrap market.

Citi does not buy this idea and downgrades the stock to Sell from Neutral. With confirmation that foreign exchange rates and volumes are the key levers for growth, the broker cannot look beyond softer volumes in the first half half and the risks to volumes in the second half. The broker forecasts volumes to fall as scrap markets continue to deteriorate. Moreover, when tonnage is only bought if it has been effectively sold forward, there should never be a surprise with inventories, in Citi's opinion. Operating cash flow should have been a beneficiary of falling inventories, generated by smarter supply chain strategies but the broker observes working capital actually grew in the first half, by $24m.

UBS attributes the working capital build-up to seasonal factors. The broker is upbeat, noting Sims Metal is ungeared and should generate annualised free cash flow that implies a normalised free cash flow yield of 7-8% over the next two years. This should provide scope for capital management and/or acquisitions. The broker finds the multiples undemanding and retains a Buy rating.

Credit Suisse is sceptical and found the message for investors to focus on the 2018 target and not worry about short-term scrap market dislocations as vague and disconcerting. The broker remains concerned about the recent record of shrinking tonnage, in evidence despite acquisitions and yard additions. The broker also cannot understand how there will be no tonnage impact in the second half, given both ferrous and non-ferrous prices are now materially lower than the average of the first half. Moreover, Sims Metal envisages no risk to margins in the second half, when there is far less scrap income to be shared around the supply chain. Therefore, the broker believes the company's expectations for flat inventory in US dollar terms are not consistent.

Sims has three Buy ratings, one Hold and three Sell on FNArena's database. The consensus target is $12.14, signalling just 0.1% upside to the last share price. Targets range from $10.40 to $14.18.

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article 3 months old

Slater & Gordon Achieving Critical Mass

-Potential for more UK acquisitions
-Qld competitive but still favourable
-Strong defensive earnings


By Eva Brocklehurst

Law firm Slater & Gordon ((SGH)) continues to expand its horizons, both offshore and in Australia. The broadening into general law should enable the company to generate more reliable cash flow and gain access to more opportunities. Morgans notes, up until the recent half year result, Australian general law was a drag on earnings as it did not have the necessary scale for profitability. With scale now in evidence, and with the help of the Schultz Toomey O'Brien acquisition, the division now contributes around $4.2m to earnings and margins should move towards the targeted range of 12-15%.

Brokers are comfortable that full year guidance can be achieved. UK margins are now in line with Australian margins such that in Morgans' view, scale has been reached. Slater & Gordon has announced two new UK acquisitions for GBP18.7m, providing the firm with a dominant position and increased capability in the area of industrial deafness. The two Welsh firms are Cardiff-based personal injury/general law firm Leo Abse & Cohen and the personal injury firm Walker Smith Way. Deutsche Bank estimates the acquisitions will be 4.0% earnings accretive in FY16 and upgrades medium-term forecasts accordingly.

Brokers observe the Australian business held up well in the half, despite some difficulties in Queensland. Macquarie notes the Queensland market is highly competitive, with several substantial operators in the same field. The broker believes Slater & Gordon should trade on a premium to Queensland-based Shine Corporate ((SHJ)) to reflect its diversification, exposure to favourable structural offshore changes and the options associated with market share gains in the UK.

Weak Queensland operations appear to have been offset by a continued strong performance in Victoria and steady operation in the rest of the states where the company operates. Growth in the personal injury segment was weak, in Macquarie's opinion, but the results were supported by a recovery in class actions, progress in conveyancing, estate planning and family law.

Morgans attributes the softness in Queensland to two issues. The rebranding of Trilby Misso into Slater & Gordon has removed a strong Queensland brand from the market and this means the larger players, Shine and Maurice Blackburn have likely picked up some market share. The other issue is the introduction of a threshold test in Queensland work cover claims, which has probably had an impact on volume and margins. The issues are not systemic and, in Morgans view, increased brand awareness should help increase enquiries and support a turnaround in Queensland market share over time.

Macquarie finds the current multiples undemanding, considering the defensive earnings stream and potential upside from UK expansion. The broker expects the firm will focus on growing multi-track work, which is typically more complex and ultimately involves higher margin cases, such as clinical negligence and industrial deafness. Morgans echoes this tune, suspecting that acquisitions will remain a strategic focus.

The share price collapse of Quindell plc represents an opportunity to take market share in the insurance segment in the UK, although there is little clarity on the potential size of any acquisition. Deutsche Bank notes that due diligence is progressing on the acquisition of Quindell's operating assets by Slater & Gordon but it remains preliminary. Slater & Gordon advanced Quindell funds last December for an exclusivity arrangement in respect to the possible disposal of Quindell's legal services business.

Slater & Gordon ended the first half with net debt of $161m and, given the current debt/equity position, any material acquisitions over the rest of the financial year will require equity funding, in Morgans' opinion. The debt amount included a payment of around $22m made to Quindell for work in progress. Quindell generates a significant proportion of revenue from personal injury cases as well as operating in business process services, telecoms, insurance solutions and medico legal reporting. The three brokers on the FNArena database covering the stock all have Buy ratings. Consensus target is $8.08, suggesting 7.4% upside to the last share price.

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article 3 months old

Ansell’s Outlook Far From Smooth

-Soft organic growth
-BarrierSafe performs well
-FX, weak demand are headwinds
-Capacity for further acquisitions

By Eva Brocklehurst

Brokers are becoming more polarised around glove and condom manufacturer, Ansell ((ANN)). Some believe a return to stronger growth is underway while others caution that aside from acquisitions, this is far from certain.

Recent acquisitions and the company's flagged restructure make year-on-year comparisons in its segments less meaningful. For example, UBS highlights industrial sales grew 2.1% in the first half, but organically this is almost halved to 1.3%. The broker notes gross margins were narrower, despite lower commodity costs. This disparity was attributed to the integration of BarrierSafe and higher outsourced manufacturing costs.

UBS flags a more challenging FY16, as the company will confront a weaker industrial outlook, FX headwinds and no acquisition benefits. Management has attempted to mitigate this outlook somewhat, stating that brand initiatives and expansions will gain traction while efficiencies should come with the manufacturing restructure. UBS sticks with a middle-of-the-road Neutral rating.

Morgans is more buoyant, retaining an Add rating. The broker is confident earnings momentum will continue despite the challenges. Sales growth forecasts are ramped up modestly across all divisions and Morgans expects new product offerings, lower raw material costs and productivity gains will underpin the near-term, while acknowledging that FX and economic conditions add risk to the longer term outlook. Macquarie is in the same boat, noting the single-use division, which primarily includes the BarrierSafe business, was the stand-out performer, benefitting from high exposure to a robust US market. This division more than offset the lacklustre performance in the medical, sexual wellness and industrial divisions.

Macquarie upgrades to Outperform, highlighting the fact that soft organic sales growth is not unique to Ansell. Moreover, the situation should improve if raw material prices stabilise and industrial activity returns to trend. With earnings risk now significantly reduced and the company in line to meet its FY15 guidance, the broker believes the investment proposition is brighter. Morgan Stanley is also more confident that FY15 guidance can now be achieved.

At the other end of the scale is Credit Suisse, who downgraded to Underperform. While the results were ahead of expectations, FX is considered a major headwind in a difficult operating environment. The broker's updated currency assumptions, notably EUR/USD, have resulted in downgrades to earnings forecasts of around 9.0% for FY16 and FY17. Over time, the broker is more optimistic, expecting new products should deliver growth while headwinds from non-core brands will subside as these products continue to be rationalised.

JP Morgan is also unconvinced by the organic growth story, although acknowledges synergies and restructuring benefits imply guidance can be raised. This broker also points out that the integration and synergy benefits arising from the BarrierSafe acquisition camouflaged the fact that top line growth appears to have faded in the wake of discounting, and because of lumpy contracts.

Caution prevails among other brokers downgrading on the back of the results. Citi downgrades to Sell, disappointed at the weak organic growth and patchy end-market conditions. The broker expects demand to remain uncertain. On the plus side, the company is envisaged to have the capacity to undertake further acquisitions and add incremental earnings, although Citi notes management recently signalled a need to focus on extracting synergies before pursuing further M&A.

Deutsche Bank also downgrades, to Hold from Buy, given lacklustre organic growth, which it suspects will become the norm and cause earnings growth to slow. Acquisition strategies are the main upside risk to the broker's forecasts, along with a surprise improvement in organic growth.

 FNArena's database contains three Buy, two Hold and three Sell ratings. The consensus target is $24.61, suggesting 3.1% upside to the last share price. This compares with $22.19 ahead of the results. Targets range from $20.94 to $27.00. Note that the share price did jump 5% on the report release.

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article 3 months old

Trading Opportunity in Village Roadshow?

By Michael Gable 


On balance, we consider that the recent weakness in the Village Roadshow ((VRL)) share price presents an entry opportunity at current levels.

While the investor update revealed a number of factors impacting FY15 earnings, the outlook for 2H15 is encouraging on the basis that the fundamentals in the theme parks division (visitor numbers; in-visit spending) are holding up. In particularly, the Gold Coast theme parks are well positioned to benefit any increase in tourism as a result of the lower Australian dollar. The cinema division’s expected to benefit from a strong film pipeline over the first three months of calendar 2015, which is expected to continue throughout calendar 2015.

The stronger 2H15 is expected to underpin double-digit earnings growth in group earnings for the full FY15 year.

A key risk to our view is that the Company’s Asian strategy lacks clarity and has an element of risk, including potentially extended due diligence processes, delays to completion targeted dates and whether VRL decide to take equity stakes in Asian theme parks given that VRL have not gained sufficient experience operating theme parks in Asia.


When VRL started the recent uptrend in 2013, it managed to rise from around $3 before topping out above $8 last year. It broke that uptrend and has continued to weaken since then. Last week saw the share price retrace about 50% of the prior uptrend. That 50% mark can often provide solid support, and as a result the share price of VRL staged a nice intra-week recovery to bounce over 10% from its lows and settle once again above $6. Volume on the day of its low was the largest we have seen since May, so we could be witnessing the last of the sellers capitulate and the buyers rapidly stepping back into VRL.

The most recent trend is still clearly on the downside, but for those happy to trade with a little risk, we could be witnessing a low in the price of VRL. Those taking on a trade at this point should consider stops at last week’s low of $5.385. If VRL continues to rally, it could head up to about $6.80 initially, before encountering the first level of resistance.

Content included in this article is not by association the view of FNArena (see our disclaimer).
Michael Gable is managing Director of  Fairmont Equities (www.fairmontequities.com)

Michael assists investors to achieve their goals by providing advice ranging from short term trading to longer term portfolio management, deals in all ASX listed securities and specialises in covered call writing to help long term investors protect their share portfolios and generate additional income.

Michael is RG146 Accredited and holds the following formal qualifications:

• Bachelor of Engineering, Hons. (University of Sydney) 
• Bachelor of Commerce (University of Sydney) 
• Diploma of Mortgage Lending (Finsia) 
• Diploma of Financial Services [Financial Planning] (Finsia) 
• Completion of ASX Accredited Derivatives Adviser Levels 1 & 2


Michael Gable is an Authorised Representative (No. 376892) and Fairmont Equities Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 444397) of Novus Capital Limited (AFS Licence No. 238168). The information contained in this report is general information only and is copy write to Fairmont Equities. Fairmont Equities reserves all intellectual property rights. This report should not be interpreted as one that provides personal financial or investment advice. Any examples presented are for illustration purposes only. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. No person, persons or organisation should invest monies or take action on the reliance of the material contained in this report, but instead should satisfy themselves independently (whether by expert advice or others) of the appropriateness of any such action. Fairmont Equities, it directors and/or officers accept no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information contained in the report.

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article 3 months old

Affinity Education: High Growth Plus Dividends (Soon)

-Substantial earnings growth expected
-Discount to GEM to narrow
-Takeover appeal heightened


By Eva Brocklehurst

Affinity Education ((AFJ)) has rapidly become the third largest child care provider in Australia, with a strategy to grow via acquisitions in this fragmented industry. As a result of acquisition activity over the past 12 months, the company is gaining considerably more scale outside of its home state, Queensland, having expanded to 144 owned child care centres and 12 managed centres.

Canaccord Genuity forecasts 2015 earnings growth of 72.5%, underpinned by a full year's contribution from acquisitions made in 2014. 2016 growth is expected to be more moderate, but still a solid 22%. The broker's Buy rating and $1.90 target are underscored by the strong earnings growth profile and attractive pricing relative to peers, in particular the 35% discount to its listed competitor G8 Education ((GEM)). The discount is based on G8 Education's higher margins, larger scale and liquidity. A discount is warranted but Canaccord Genuity expects the gap will narrow as Affinity establishes a track record and the dividends flow. The 2015 implied price/earnings ratio is 14.5, which the broker considers reasonable given the strong earnings growth potential and low risk.

The broker envisages potential for 58% upside to the target price and also likes the probability of healthy dividends in 2015 as well as the stock's takeover appeal. The takeover appeal comes from the reasonable scale achieved so far, an open register and relatively conservative balance sheet - suited to either G8 Education or private equity. Dividends are expected to commence this year, with the company having a stated pay-out ratio of up to 60% of profit.

The ability to frank dividends in 2014 was affected by an aggressive acquisition strategy and the broker expects this will result in the expensing of acquisition costs and a small statutory loss in 2014. Nonetheless, Canaccord Genuity estimates the company could pay 6.0c a share, fully franked, in 2015 and expects this to lift to 9.0c in 2016. This would put Affinity on a prospective yield in 2015 and 2016 of 4.8% and 7.2% respectively.

Potential catalysts include the 2014 results, which should demonstrate the acquisitions have been integrated well and establish a solid base for a track record - which is so far lacking. The government's response to the Productivity Commission's report, likely February/March, should be benign for Affinity as the draft recommendations were on the positive side for operators and the broker expects it would remove some uncertainties in any case.

The company was established in May 2013 and is focused on long day care for children from birth to school age. Canaccord Genuity notes the portfolio has a skew towards regional and outer metro areas which is a key differentiating factor compared with G8 Education. In this way, under the Productivity Commission's recommendation that those families with income below $160,000 should receive more funding support for child care, Affinity could be well place to benefit from the potential response from the government to those recommendations.

The child care industry is viewed favourably because of underlying drivers such as population growth, increasing fees and strong government support. Canaccord Genuity observes that acquisition multiples paid by Affinity are considerably higher than those paid by G8 Education but the actual prices are not as far apart as these multiples suggest, implying that the difference is determined largely by the respective forecasts from each company. Affinity is expected to concentrate on earnings-positive transactions rather than paying the lowest multiple.

Risks come from any stumble in terms of due diligence on asset acquisition. Any miscalculation could result in a poorly performing asset, and the pace of acquisition growth has been been hectic at over 150% in just over 12 months. Moreover, the broker cites anecdotal evidence which suggests activity around developing new centres is escalating, and this could have an impact on occupancy rates at existing centres.

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article 3 months old

Market Domination Key To Freelancer

-39% rise in first half earnings
-Break even likely by 2016
-Risk in unknown cash outlays


By Eva Brocklehurst

Freelancer ((FLN)) has struck a note with Canaccord Genuity, posting a first half result that exceeded forecasts. Freelancer is a global operation, connecting small business, consumers and start-up companies with a global workforce of skilled online freelancers. Market liquidity is accelerating strongly, given a 30% increase in project and contest listings. Scale and market domination are the pivotal planks in the Freelancer business.

The broker likes the stock because it is a highly scalable, cloud-based business with a global model. Canaccord Genuity has a Buy rating, reducing its target slightly to $1.44, following modest revenue revisions. There are significant barriers to entry, given the time it takes to acquire comparable liquidity and build a reputation and Freelancer.com is the market leader, with a strong position connecting fragmented buyers of services with the sellers.

A 39% increase in gross profit in the first half underscores the company's future growth profile and the broker forecasts break even (net profit) by 2016. The range of the company's projects includes sponsored bidding, skill testing and project and membership upgrades, and non-commission revenue now accounts for over 50% of income.

The company is investing in its platform in order to dominate the low value, high volume end of the crowd sourcing market, wanting to attract employers and maintain a competitive advantage as the largest low-cost facilitator of labour services. The broker acknowledges risk lies in the fact the actual size of the company's cash burn is unknown.

Also, Canaccord Genuity observes the company has a long record of acquiring and integrating internet websites and there is a risk it buys sites that end up providing no synergistic benefits to shareholders, or current operations. Still, founded in 2009, the company has 32 multilingual websites, connecting freelancers to employers, with over nine million users in 180 countries. 

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article 3 months old

Cardno’s Sharp Downgrade Disturbs Brokers

-Confidence hit by downgrade
-Work backlog increases
-Heightened M&A potential?


By Eva Brocklehurst

Engineering contractor and project manager Cardno ((CDD)) has warned that first half operating profit will be weak, down around 25% at the mid point of latest guidance, compared with the first half of FY14. The major reason for the downgrade stems from the rolling off of resources work which, as yet, has not been countered by an expected ramp-up in infrastructure spending. Moreover, starting dates for new projects in the Americas have been delayed and costs to integrate new businesses, notably PPI, have been higher. On the infrastructure side, management remains confident that increased spending will assist the bottom line in the second half.  Most brokers are inclined to wait and see just how much assistance that does provide.

Reductions in capital investment in mining and, more recently, oil & gas, in Australia mean the company's materials testing and electrical engineering divisions will underscore the weak outlook. This exposure has hurt both revenue and margins. Macquarie notes margins have been hit particularly hard. The broker lacks confidence in the underlying fundamentals, particularly given the magnitude and timing of the guidance and downgrades to Underperform from Neutral, lowering its target to $3.52 from $6.30.

UBS also downgrades the stock, to Neutral from Buy, and lowers its target to $3.70 from $6.75. Despite the material decline in the share price the broker can envisage no catalysts for the share price to outperform over the next 12 months. Relentless declines in commodity prices, particularly iron ore and oil, suggest headwinds remain strong regardless of the size of Cardno's order book. UBS considers the discount to global engineering peers - around 33% based on forecast FY15 price/earnings multiples - is appropriate.

JP Morgan sticks with a Neutral rating and highlights the fact the company is now trading at a meaningful discount to international peers in an industry which continues to consolidate, and where there has been an uptick in corporate activity over the last 12 months. Goldman Sachs is also Neutral, pointing to the fact that AGM commentary only in October was signalling a return to positive earnings growth and now the company is expecting a decline in the first half. There is value in the stock but the broker is concerned by the sharpness of the deterioration in such a short time. This concern is echoed by Deutsche Bank, which suggests visibility remains poor.

Morgan Stanley is more inclined to believe guidance is signalling a bottoming of the market while the backlog and infrastructure-led recovery should pave the way for a return to growth. The gap between resources and infrastructure spending may have expanded, as Australian business declines and projects in the Americas are slower to start, but as the work backlog is at a record level of $939m, Cardno should be one of the first, and more significant, beneficiaries of infrastructure spending increases. The broker lowers its target by 27% to $5.50 but retains an Overweight rating.

While confidence has obviously been affected, Morgans considers sector M&A activity and a cyclically low valuation may attract value investors. An Add rating is retained, although the broker concedes a fair amount of risk tolerance and patience is required. The order book has been progressively growing for some time and Morgans observes this is typically a leading indicator of future revenue, with lags by around 6-12 months. This suggests revenue growth will occur in the second half and in FY16. The broker cites a number of contract and preferred tender awards in recent weeks including Sydney's light rail, Westconnex and Commonwealth Games work. Longer term, Morgans considers the company will benefit from ever-increasing environmental regulation.

Opinion on Cardno's outlook is varied. On FNArena's database there are two Buy ratings, three Hold and one Sell. Targets range from $3.52 to $5.50. The consensus target is $4.39, suggesting 25.6% upside to the last share price, and compares with $6.80 ahead of the downgrade. The dividend yield on FY15 forecasts is 7.5% and 8.5% on FY16.

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article 3 months old

Ashley Services Lands A Big Fish

-Extends global training reach
-Canaccord expects 20% growth
-Government exposure the key risk


By Eva Brocklehurst

Ashley Services ((ASH)) , a provider of vocational education and labour hire, has obtained a significant contract from the DHL group's supply chain division for the provision of training services, both in Australia and internationally. The contract leverages the company's existing relationship with DHL and validates its integrated labour hire and training model, in the opinion of broker Canaccord Genuity. Moreover, as DHL is a global company - a logistics heavyweight owned by Deutsche Post - this endorsement of Ashley Services' capabilities is reflected in the extension to international locations, for which government funding is not accessible to DHL.

The company listed on ASX in August this year and this is the second subsequent, significant expansion of its contract base. Canaccord has welcomed the DHL contract as this underpins its forecasts for 20% earnings growth into FY16. The broker maintains a Buy rating and $2.34 target. The company's first post-listing initiative was the acquisition of The Cantillon Institute in September, which opened up the non-government funded international student market.

The company derives a significant portion of its revenue from Commonwealth and state government funding. There are 15 state government funding contracts in its portfolio at the present time and Canaccord warns there is always a risk that one or more of these could be lost for breaches or non compliance, or even as a result of the recent corporate restructure and initial public offering of shares. The vocational education sector is highly regulated and subject to regular audit and re-registration, so there is no guarantee registrations will be retained in future. The sector has been in the spotlight recently regarding the use of third party brokers to source students for operators, with the Victorian Department of Education ruling there was an over-reliance on these third parties. Canaccord stresses that these issues are not applicable to the business model and revenue base of Ashley Services.

Ashley Services will undergo a scheduled Commonwealth audit this month, essential for re-registration. The company also competes with other vocational education providers, both public and private, as well as tertiary education.These competition risks are coupled with the usual business risks as well as labour hire factors. The recruitment industry remains highly competitive and, while Ashley Services has a number of long-term contracts with its clients, the broker acknowledges these can be terminated on relatively short notice in a limited range of circumstances Based on pro forma FY154 forecasts around 83% of labour hire revenue comes from the company's top 20 clients.

Canaccord Genuity (Australia) was a joint lead manager to the IPO of Ashley Services at an issue price of $1.66.

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article 3 months old

Weekly Recommendation, Target Price, Earnings Forecast Changes

By Rudi Filapek-Vandyck, Editor FNArena


The FNArena database tabulates the views of eight major Australian and international stock brokers: CIMB, Citi, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, Macquarie, Morgan Stanley and UBS.

For the purpose of broker rating correlation, Outperform and Overweight ratings are grouped as Buy, Neutral is grouped with Hold and Underperform and Underweight are grouped as Sell to provide a Buy/Hold/Sell (B/H/S) ratio.

Ratings, consensus target price and forecast earnings tables are published at the bottom of this report.


Period: Monday November 10 to Friday November 14, 2014
Total Upgrades: 5
Total Downgrades: 12
Net Ratings Breakdown: Buy 42.87%; Hold 39.87%; Sell 17.26%

It should come as no surprise that stock rating downgrades continue outnumbering upgrades as the local share market has bounced swiftly and sharply from a temporary fear-driven sell-off in September-October. Nor should it surprise that the negative side of the ledger carries a heavy contribution from the energy sector, given oil prices have fallen further than most investors and analysts would have expected them to.

For the week ending Friday, November 14, FNArena registered five recommendation upgrades but 12 downgrades, among which are four energy stocks and three iron ore producers.

This also sets the tone for what is happening with price targets and profit expectations. Throw mining services, engineers and contractors into the mix and it should not come as a surprise that negative adjustments look heavier on average than any positive revisions, with retailers also adding to the negative picture.

The positive side is dominated by industrials ex-financials with Qantas and Incitec Pivot in particular enjoying a noticeable reversal in trends.?


BlueScope Steel ((BSL)) upgraded to Hold from Reduce by Morgans. B/H/S: 5/2/1

The broker was cautious about the stock previously, based on how much of the FY14 financial performance was cyclical and how much was related to ACCC intervention on anti-dumping issues. In FY15, despite declining spreads, Morgans finds evidence of cyclical improvement, particularly in Australia, and this should provide a floor to the share price.The broker is not yet bullish on BlueScope but upgrades to Hold from Reduce. Target is unchanged at $5.11.

Computershare ((CPU)) upgraded to Neutral from Sell by UBS. B/H/S: 1/6/1

The company has signalled operating conditions are softer but still expects earnings to be up around 5% in FY15. UBS has been cautious about the weak organic growth profile of the core registry business amid concern that replacing revenue holes with growth and acquisitions is becoming an increasingly capital-intensive task. Valuation now reflects the softer outlook, in the broker's opinion, and the rating is upgraded to Neutral from Sell. Target is raised to $11.50 from $10.70.

Ethane Pipeline ((EPX)) upgraded to Add from Reduce by Morgans. B/H/S: 1/0/0

The company has agreed revised terms with Qenos regarding its sole contract, which removes termination risk and provides revenue until the end of 2018. This is a significant de-risking event for investors, in Morgans' opinion.Distribution guidance is 3.00-3.25c per quarter until end 2018. Broker's target is raised to $1.57 from 77c and the rating is upgraded to Add from Reduce.

Qantas ((QAN)) upgraded to Buy from Hold by Deutsche Bank. B/H/S: 5/1/0

Oil and jet fuel prices have declined rapidly since the start of FY15. Deutsche Bank increases earnings forecasts as a result. While it remains early in the recovery process, the broker is pleased to observe the main line is increasing load factors, both domestically and internationally. Rating is upgraded to Buy from Hold and the target to $2.30 from $1.40.

Treasury Wine Estates ((TWE)) upgraded to Neutral from Underperform by Macquarie. B/H/S: 0/3/5

Macquarie transfers coverage to a new analyst and examines the outlook for Australia's wine export market. The broker finds luxury wine exports to China have likely bottomed and look like returning to growth. The low end of the market is slow but the broker notes the rate of value decline is easing and growth could turn positive in coming months. Near-term earnings for Treasury Wine are supported by elevated luxury inventory but caution prevails because of the structural issues with the large commercial category. Rating is upgraded to Neutral from Underperform and the target to $4.70 from $3.90.


ALS ((ALQ)) downgraded to Sell from Neutral by Citi. B/H/S: 0/3/3

Despite the share price halving since its 2012 peak, Citi believes downside earnings risks remain. The pressures are overwhelming management's efforts to manage the business. The valuation appears attractive against global peers but in the broker's opinion that assumes similar market exposures and margin volatility and, unfortunately, that is not the case. The broker transfers coverage to a new analyst and downgrades to Sell from Neutral. Target is reduced to $5.00 from $9.75.

Atlas Iron ((AGO)) downgraded to Sell from Neutral by Citi. B/H/S: 0/4/4

Citi does not believe it has been bearish enough on the iron ore price. Forecasts are downgraded again as demand is weak and supply continues to surge. The broker suspects Atlas Iron's balance sheet is now in a precarious position, having tipped into net debt in FY14 because of the construction of the Mt Weber mine. Rating is downgraded to Sell from Neutral and the target to 14c from 55c.

AusNet Services ((AST)) downgraded to Underperform from Neutral by Macquarie. B/H/S: 0/5/2

One-off costs meant AusNet's interim result fell short of the broker. Cash flow was better than expected nonetheless but still not enough to cover maintenance capex and the dividend, without a DRP, the broker notes. While the interim dividend is as expected, the risk is to the downside for the next distribution. AST has rallied lately in line with the infra/utilities sectors as the bond rate has fallen. This has lifted the share price to the broker's valuation and given there is little chance of dividend upside, the broker downgrades to Underperform, despite raising its target to $1.42 from $1.38.

Caltex Australia ((CTX)) downgraded to Neutral from Outperform by Credit Suisse. B/H/S: 1/3/2

Caltex has set some aggressive targets for earnings and cost savings and the broker concedes the company has met every one of them to date. The broker remains extremely positive on the industry as a whole, and suggests surprisingly strong refining margins may lead to capital management opportunity. CTX is a high quality defensive business with further positive news flow to play out, the broker suggests, but a 90% share price rally since December is pushing things just a little too far. Target price lifted to $33.90 from $31.04 but rating downgraded to Neutral.

Fortescue Metals ((FMG)) downgraded to Neutral from Buy by Citi. B/H/S: 3/4/1

Citi does not believe it has been bearish enough on the iron ore price. Forecasts are downgraded again as demand is weak and supply continues to surge. The broker considers Fortescue the fittest of the iron ore plays, with the lowest cost and longest life assets, able to weather the downturn. Rating is downgraded to Neutral from Buy and the target to $3.20 from $4.50.

Isentia ((ISD)) downgrade to Neutral from Buy by UBS. B/H/S: 1/1/0

A number of deals are re-shaping the global media intelligence landscape and UBS explores the potential for Isentia. The broker still believes the company will benefit from Asian growth and has the first mover advantage. The company is unlikely to be an M&A target, in the broker's view. UBS downgrades to Neutral from Buy on valuation grounds after a 45% appreciation in the share price since listing. Target is raised to $3.00 from $2.90.

JB Hi-Fi ((JBH)) downgraded to Equal-weight from Overweight by Morgan Stanley. B/H/S: 3/4/1

The outlook for retail is deteriorating in Morgan Stanley's view as unemployment rises, income growth slows and the housing tailwind eases. The broker expects the headwinds for discretionary retailers are increasing and lowers FY15 estimates. JB Hi-Fi is downgraded to Equal-weight from Overweight on higher capex estimates and weaker gross margins. Target is reduced to $16.00 from $18.00.

M2 Telecommunications ((MU)) downgraded to Neutral from Buy by Citi. B/H/S: 1/4/0

Citi is downgrading to Neutral from Buy although raises the target to $8.60 from $7.82. This follows an upbeat presentation to investors and the broker believes the stock is now fairly priced. While Citi maintains FY15 earnings forecasts, FY16 estimates are raised by 3% to reflect new insights on the speed of the Dodo kiosk roll out. Valuation is rolled forward and the premiums allocated to consumer and business segments in the valuation are increased.

Mount Gibson ((MGX)) downgrade to Sell from Neutral by Citi. B/H/S: 3/3/2

Citi does not believe it has been bearish enough on the iron ore price. Forecasts are downgraded again as demand is weak and supply continues to surge. The broker notes Mount Gibson has already lowered FY15 sales guidance following further instability at Koolan Island and lowers forecasts accordingly. The rating is downgraded to Sell from Neutral and the target to 35c from 65c.

Oil Search ((OSH)) downgraded to Sell from Neutral by Citi. B/H/S: 5/1/1

Citi now believes there is a need for oil supply cuts to offset price declines and OPEC is unlikely to lead. Therefore, the outlook is for current lower pricing to remain in place for longer. The broker downgrades Oil Search to Sell from Neutral as the current share price exceeds the target and lowers the target to $8.01 from $8.80, based on a lower oil price and Australian dollar rate.

Origin Energy ((ORG)) downgraded to Neutral from Buy by Citi. B/H/S: 4/3/1

Citi now believes there is a need for oil supply cuts to offset price declines and OPEC is unlikely to lead. Therefore, the outlook is for current lower pricing to remain in place for longer. With a longer-term supply/demand balance the broker envisages little requirement for new supply sources to be developed. Target price is lowered to $14.92 from $16.92 based on a lower oil price and Australian dollar rate, and the rating is downgraded to Neutral from Buy.

Roc Oil ((ROC)) downgraded to Sell from Neutral by UBS. B/H/S: 1/2/1

Fosun launched its bid in August and has accumulated 80.4%, with the offer now unconditional. The only question in the broker's view is whether it will reach the 90%-plus interest before expiring November 14 at 7pm. UBS expects, if 90% is reached compulsory acquisition will take place. If less, then the stock will stay listed but liquidity will reduce substantially and the share price is expected to fall. The broker recommends shareholders accept the offer ahead of the bid expiry. Target is set at the bid price of 69c and the rating is downgraded to Sell from Neutral.


Total Recommendations
Recommendation Changes


Broker Recommendation Breakup


Broker Rating

Order Company Old Rating New Rating Broker
3 QANTAS AIRWAYS LIMITED Neutral Buy Deutsche Bank
5 ALS LIMITED Neutral Sell Citi
6 ATLAS IRON LIMITED Neutral Sell Citi
7 AUSNET SERVICES Neutral Sell Macquarie
8 CALTEX AUSTRALIA LIMITED Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
11 JB HI-FI LIMITED Buy Neutral Morgan Stanley
13 Mount Gibson Iron Limited Neutral Sell Citi
14 OIL SEARCH LIMITED Neutral Sell Citi


Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Company Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 FDC FEDERATION CENTRES - 40.0% - 17.0% 23.0% 6
2 QAN QANTAS AIRWAYS LIMITED 67.0% 83.0% 16.0% 6
3 TWE TREASURY WINE ESTATES LIMITED - 75.0% - 63.0% 12.0% 8
4 BLD BORAL LIMITED 38.0% 50.0% 12.0% 8
5 BSL BLUESCOPE STEEL LIMITED 38.0% 50.0% 12.0% 8
6 AMC AMCOR LIMITED 33.0% 43.0% 10.0% 7
7 GNC GRAINCORP LIMITED - 20.0% - 17.0% 3.0% 6

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Company Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
2 UGL UGL LIMITED - 29.0% - 50.0% - 21.0% 8
3 AGK AGL ENERGY LTD 57.0% 38.0% - 19.0% 8
5 OSH OIL SEARCH LIMITED 71.0% 57.0% - 14.0% 7
6 JBH JB HI-FI LIMITED 38.0% 25.0% - 13.0% 8
7 FMG FORTESCUE METALS GROUP LTD 38.0% 25.0% - 13.0% 8
8 CSR CSR LIMITED 25.0% 13.0% - 12.0% 8
9 AGO ATLAS IRON LIMITED - 38.0% - 50.0% - 12.0% 8
10 AST AUSNET SERVICES - 17.0% - 29.0% - 12.0% 7

Target Price

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Company Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 QAN QANTAS AIRWAYS LIMITED 1.700 1.938 14.00% 6
3 AMC AMCOR LIMITED 11.265 11.534 2.39% 7
5 FDC FEDERATION CENTRES 2.610 2.658 1.84% 6
6 AST AUSNET SERVICES 1.322 1.343 1.59% 7
7 CSR CSR LIMITED 3.660 3.673 0.36% 8

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Company Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 UGL UGL LIMITED 6.907 5.930 - 14.15% 8
2 AGO ATLAS IRON LIMITED 0.420 0.369 - 12.14% 8
3 MGX Mount Gibson Iron Limited 0.630 0.564 - 10.48% 8
4 BLY BOART LONGYEAR LIMITED 0.198 0.190 - 4.04% 4
5 FMG FORTESCUE METALS GROUP LTD 4.125 3.963 - 3.93% 8
6 ALQ ALS LIMITED 5.842 5.702 - 2.40% 6
7 ORG ORIGIN ENERGY LIMITED 15.790 15.423 - 2.32% 8
9 JBH JB HI-FI LIMITED 18.140 17.890 - 1.38% 8
10 AGK AGL ENERGY LTD 14.893 14.746 - 0.99% 8

Earning Forecast

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Company Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 QAN QANTAS AIRWAYS LIMITED 2.951 5.523 87.16% 6
2 IPL INCITEC PIVOT LIMITED 18.666 22.338 19.67% 8
3 AWC ALUMINA LIMITED 0.713 0.840 17.81% 8
4 NWS NEWS CORPORATION 50.152 53.993 7.66% 5
6 ABC ADELAIDE BRIGHTON LIMITED 24.090 24.790 2.91% 8
7 REA REA GROUP LIMITED 147.823 151.214 2.29% 7
9 REC RECALL HOLDINGS LIMITED 25.509 25.837 1.29% 7
10 WOW WOOLWORTHS LIMITED 201.901 204.026 1.05% 8

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Company Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 UGL UGL LIMITED 54.667 20.586 - 62.34% 8
2 AWE AWE LIMITED 6.633 5.467 - 17.58% 6
3 GNC GRAINCORP LIMITED 42.347 35.983 - 15.03% 6
4 DLS DRILLSEARCH ENERGY LIMITED 15.988 14.155 - 11.46% 6
5 SXY SENEX ENERGY LIMITED 3.533 3.200 - 9.43% 6
6 ALQ ALS LIMITED 43.948 40.673 - 7.45% 6
7 TRS THE REJECT SHOP LIMITED 61.517 57.017 - 7.32% 3
8 BPT BEACH ENERGY LIMITED 17.567 16.300 - 7.21% 6
9 FMG FORTESCUE METALS GROUP LTD 45.872 43.381 - 5.43% 8
10 ORG ORIGIN ENERGY LIMITED 68.281 65.644 - 3.86% 8

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