Tag Archives: Other Industrials

article 3 months old

Treasure Chest: Transpacific No Longer Rubbish

By Greg Peel

Highly geared waste management conglomerate Transpacific Industries ((TPI)) suffered a near death experience in 2008 as did many over leveraged businesses when the GFC hit. How could you go wrong dealing with rubbish? Fund your acquisitions with too much debt. TPI shares fell from $8 in 2007 to under $1 in 2011.

It’s been a trying time in the interim for the company. While waste management may seem like a fairly staple, and thus defensive, proposition the business is in fact cyclical and demand very much tied to economic activity. So not only has TPI spent the last few years trying to repair its balance sheet, it has had to do so into the headwinds of economic sluggishness.

The star performer in recent times in TPI’s suite of assets has been its New Zealand business. This week the company sold this business to the Beijing Capital Group (pending regulatory approval) for A$880m. While selling off the crown jewels may be a desperation measure, it should for TPI be its last desperation measure. Indeed the sale, which brokers consider to be at a reasonable price and reflective of a recovering NZ economy, should prove transforming.

Transpacific released its first half result in mid-February which revealed that at the end of December, the company had net debt of $754m and step-up preference shares worth $250m. A combination of preference share redemption and the NZ asset sale will leave the balance sheet virtually debt free.

After over five years, the world may now be Transpacific’s trash heap once more. The repaired balance sheet allows TPI to now consider acquisitions and even the resumption of dividends. CIMB suggests there are now “multiple angles for further earnings growth and multiple [PE] re-rating”.

CIMB already had an Add rating on TPI going into the result release and on news of the asset sale has underscored that rating enthusiastically. To CIMB, the stock has become even more compelling.

Macquarie is another broker retaining a Buy-equivalent (Outperform) rating on TPI post the asset sale. Macquarie echoes CIMB in highlighting TPI’s new lease of life and growth options, but also warns the missing factor as yet is a cyclical upturn in domestic activity. Following the NZ sale TPI is now an Australian only company, although this does allow it to focus its efforts. UBS (Buy) suggests management’s ability to extract value from the core Australian operations could positively surprise over the medium term.

A slightly more cautious JP Morgan (Neutral) agrees TPI’s balance sheet is in the healthiest position it’s been for five years, but the broker wants to now learn what management’s plans are before reconsidering its recommendation.

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article 3 months old

Ausdrill’s Appeal Undermined By Risk Profile

-Exploration subdued, margins tight
-Production exposure key to FY15
-Risk overwhelms value for many brokers
-Questions over value of investments


By Eva Brocklehurst

Brokers feared mining service provider Ausdrill's ((ASL)) interim result, posted late on the last day of reporting season, might have some more negative news. As it turned out, the results were broadly in line with expectations, but then brokers had been warned. The company signalled back in November that FY14 would be substantially weaker than FY13, with profit likely to be down 60%. The outlook remains subdued and the company now expects FY14 revenue to be at the bottom end of the prior guidance range. Any improvement in FY15 is predicated on some recent contract wins and increasing volumes on existing mining contracts.

Many contracts have finished in the production related businesses, which has created excess capacity within the group. The company has been tendering for work in both Africa and Australia which, assuming success, should replace a substantial portion of the work that has ceased. On the exploration side, activity is showing no signs of recovery in the near term and margin pressure is evident. Ausdrill expects an increase in capex spending in 2014 will be limited to the major miners. Equipment is in significant surplus and this impacts the rental market. The company expects these conditions to persist in the near term.

Deutsche Bank has a Buy rating on Ausdrill. Taking on board the subdued outlook and downgrade to medium-term earnings forecasts, the broker still thinks the company is relatively well placed. The broker's positive assessment is based on the fact that Ausdrill's production stage exposure, the mature point in the resources cycle, is around 66% of revenue. The company also has diversity in its favour, in terms of geography, commodity type and service provision and this underscores its potential upside, in Deutsche Bank's opinion.

This may be well and good but JP Morgan is not convinced, downgrading the stock to Underweight from Neutral. The broker has become more concerned about the outlook and is not prepared to concede the near-term operational headwinds and high gearing. As the stock is trading above the broker's average valuation of 79c a share, JP Morgan does not believe investors are being compensated appropriately for the risks. The broker notes the weakness in discretionary mining spending will keep hurting the company and excess levels of equipment industry-wide are likely to lead to greater pressure on margins. The broker believes it will take some time to improve profitability. Moreover, JP Morgan believes Ausdrill has lost the strong links to mine production volumes in Western Australian iron ore and the gold sector. The broker espoused this theme in November at the time of the profit warning and downgraded then to Neutral from Overweight.

One positive aspect, according to JP Morgan is that growth for CMS Africa has been encouraging, reflecting a greater proportion of head contract mining services being delivered by the group. However, this will require greater inventory investment, in order to have the right equipment in the right places and, with the fall in the gold price over the past 18 months, miners are still re-evaluating plans and this could mean further changes to Ausdrill's contracts. 

JP Morgan also questions the company's decision to make investment in companies such as Azumah Resources ((AZM)) and Mutiny Gold ((MYG)), in order to secure a preferred contractor position. The total investments are relatively small but the broker thinks investments of this nature are not necessarily the best use of capital at a time when the balance sheet is highly leveraged. If these investments perform poorly, or the company is unable to convert the preferred positions into contracted work, then there's little value in JP Morgan's view. The broker also thinks the acquisition of Best Tractor Parts was poorly timed, as end market conditions began deteriorating.

Macquarie has a Neutral rating. The broker thinks the company may be well managed but is now trading at a steep discount to net tangible assets, and then there's high gearing levels and the ongoing gold price volatility. CIMB found the margin decline painful and the outlook cloudy. The fact that Africa was not as weak as was expected put a brighter tinge on the result but, in Australia, the broker thinks the amount of available contract mining work continues to diminish.

The risk profile is overwhelming the valuation appeal for CIMB, for now. On the positive side, there is potential for the company to outperform if the market is confident that conditions have bottomed. Still, the broker notes gold companies are the most cost conscious in the current environment and this makes it hard to be more positive. This broker also thinks debt reduction will remain elusive, hampered by structural working capital constraints, given the location of work, and adverse currency movements. It adds up to a Hold call for CIMB.

There are two Buy ratings, two Hold and two Sell on FNArena's database. The consensus target is $1.12, signalling 22.8% upside to the last share price. Dividend yield is at 6.8% on FY14 forecasts and 7.7% on FY15.

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article 3 months old

James Hardie: Like The Dividend, But Valuation?

-Dividend pay-out increases
-US growth to continue
-Stock too expensive for many


By Eva Brocklehurst

James Hardie ((JHX)) has gone from strength to strength recently. The third quarter results bettered broker expectations, with higher prices and lower costs offsetting a shortfall in US fibre cement volumes.

When FNArena last looked at James Hardie, ahead of the first quarter, the observation was made by Goldman Sachs that the company had not responded very well to the first signs of improvement in US housing starts. The reason given was that the initial recovery was centred on low value multi-residential developments and, with an upturn to single dwelling construction and more broad-based recovery, the fortunes of the company would change. Now, it seems the company has started to score on this measure. The third quarter result was not robust but brokers were pleasantly surprised with a US28c special dividend.

To the brokers, this special dividend not only signals a change in strategy to return more capital to shareholders but also that management is very positive about the growth outlook. Deutsche Bank believes, despite the increase to capex intentions for FY15-17, the company can pay a US40c special dividend in FY15 and FY16, as well as continue with its buy-back. Underpinning these expectations is management's raising of net debt forecasts to more than US$500m by FY16.

UBS observes that, during the downturn, volume declines were limited by the company actively growing the renovations market to over 60% of volumes. Now, a 10% growth in housing starts translates to 17% growth in total US volumes for James Hardie. This ability to maximise such leverage makes the stock attractive and may signal renewed success in growing market share, according to UBS.

Having said that, the broker thinks the US recovery may be buffeted by a tapering of the US Federal Reserve's quantitative easing, as well as the weather. In terms of the latter, the upcoming US spring season should help to gauge the strength of the US housing recovery. Nevertheless, the broker thinks the stock is too expensive. The market is seemly pricing in super-normal margins and high market share. UBS expects profits will ultimately be whittled away by competition, or margins will be maintained at the expensive of market share. Either way, a Sell rating stays in place.

James Hardie surprised JP Morgan with the extent of the reduction in unit operating costs. As confidence is building, the market's attention is shifting more to what James Hardie could be worth, in JP Morgan's opinion. If price growth, market share and terminal margins all reach JP Morgan's top assumptions the stock could be worth up to $19.50. Such assumptions are not for the faint hearted, the broker acknowledges, as they require perfect conditions. Hence, JP Morgan's base case price target is $13.80 and the recommendation is Neutral.

Credit Suisse has a slightly different take. The broker senses that management is confident about generating sufficient free cash flow to meet liabilities and fund growth as well a return capital and expects this belief, for now, should overshadow an emerging soft patch in housing activity in the US. The current strength in the US market has led the company to accelerate capacity expansion, having previously announced a 26% increase in US fibre cement capacity at a cost of US$136m. If the business continues on the same trajectory, Credit Suisse thinks the capex budget will be revised higher.

The broker gives credit to the company's operations team and has greater confidence in the company's ability to penetrate the market with its pricing model. Why then downgrade to Neutral from Outperform? The run up in the share price over the past quarter has made the stock expensive and Credit Suisse awaits a more attractive entry point.

James Hardie is one of the most difficult when it comes to formulating an investment outlook, according to CIMB. The US housing market recovery has further to go and the company is growing its share in a growing market. The returns are impressive and shareholders should soon see a greater portion allotted to them. It's all good, but the valuation plagues the broker. CIMB's discounted cash flow valuation of $11.07 is 25% below current price levels. Even on FY16 earnings forecasts the stock trades at a price/earnings ratio of 19 times, adjusting for asbestos. Hence, CIMB's fundamental valuation is retained and so is a Reduce rating.

Macquarie liked the strong results but didn't like the increase in new asbestos claims. Management is not sure whether this is the start of a trend but the broker think the situation needs to be monitored closely and the next KPMG report in May may provide some insight. Still, the company is a long way from its targeted gearing level, implying substantial scope for further capital management. James Hardie is now operating at a higher pay-out ratio at 50-70% of underlying profit, ex asbestos, against 30-50% previously. Macquarie notes, even if operating at the top of this range, the company would need to pay out an increasing number of special dividends to push the balance sheet to the targeted gearing level. The broker is upbeat and has raised the rating to Outperform from Neutral.

A lot of commentary is on the growth in the US market but what about Australia? Credit Suisse notes the renovations market here is soft and this is constraining volume growth. Still, approvals for detached homes are increasing and James Hardie's business is expected to track this growth. New Zealand's market continues to improve, particularly in Auckland and with the Christchurch re-building. In the Philippines growth is steady in James Hardie's core markets. UBS notes the recovery in Australia is sluggish. Housing approvals are strong, particularly detached housing, but renovations and non-residential remain challenging. JP Morgan was expecting a decline in the Asia Pacific earnings in the third quarter, because of the weakening Australian dollar, but the division managed to generate earnings growth of 7.2% thanks to a fall in unit costs.

On the FNArena database the recommendations are evenly distributed. There are two Buy ratings, three Hold and two Sell. The consensus price target is $13.97, suggesting 2.9% downside to the last share price and this compares with $12.62 ahead of the quarterly result. Targets range from $11.07 (CIMB) to $16.08 (Deutsche Bank). The dividend yield on FY14 forecasts is 4.3% and 5.5% on FY15.

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article 3 months old

Austal Looks Shipshape Heading To FY14

-Margin expansion ahead
-Significant de-gearing expected
-Most risk potential from US budget


By Eva Brocklehurst

Ship builder Austal ((ASB)) has pleased brokers with margin expansion evident in the US operations. The first half profit of $14.3m beat both Macquarie's and JP Morgan's forecasts. The brokers expect further de-risking of the business in the second half given the company should receive proceeds from the sale of surplus land and a stock vessel.

The major risk to the company's outlook remains with the large contracts for the US Navy, and the potential for the US government to pull the plug on expenditure in order to rein in its budget deficit. Still, the brokers are happy with what the company already has under its belt and the margin improvement provides increased confidence in the outlook.

Macquarie believes the risk/reward is tipping investors' way. What could knock the share price around a little is the US congressional debates and related press articles. This is because of the cloud that hangs in the form of potential cuts to the US budget. Whether Austal has its programs cut will depend on the relative expense, construction speed and the need to fill capability gaps against overall budget demands. This is one area out of Austal's control. In the other areas, Macquarie estimates net debt will fall to $56.6m by June and, should the stock vessel be sold, this would mean the balance sheet becomes almost free of net debt by the year's end.

Macquarie observes US earnings are still key to the future of the company and growth will be driven by the ramping up of work on both of the Navy contracts and improving contract performance on Joint High Speed Vessels (JHSVs). Macquarie also expects the Australian yard to benefit from the revenue from the Australian Customs patrol boat contract. Prolonged weakness in the European fast ferry market has made Austal focus its Australian yard on defence. Austal is currently bidding on a number of programs which can be built at its Perth yard.

One item of positive interest for Macquarie is that in the contest for contracts for the US Navy's Littoral Combat Ships (LCS), Austal's vessel is now cheaper than the competing Lockheed item. This is important to a budget-constrained world and Macquarie expects the operating and maintenance costs of the Austal version will prove considerably cheaper over time. The contract structure is a fixed price incentive deal and the US Navy has a long-term target to acquire around 50 LCS. Austal was recently awarded a US$682m contract to build two LCS, the seventh and eighth that have been ordered from the US Navy and the fifth and sixth under a 10-ship block buy contract awarded in 2011. Macquarie estimates the total contract will add US$700m to annual revenue by FY15. In terms of the JHSVs, a troop and equipment carrying ferry, this is expected to deliver annual revenue of $280m per annum.

JP Morgan observes the company's revenue is on track for $1bn in FY14. The relatively geared balance sheet meant cash flow was a strong focus for the past few months but the broker expects cash flow will improve in the second half. The land sale, completed in January, is expected to provide proceeds of $17m. The company has also entered a "option to purchase" contract with a European ferry operator for the stock boat that has been sitting on the books for some time. JP Morgan estimates the carrying value to be $60m and management expects the sale to complete in the second half. The broker has an Overweight rating and $1.11 price target.

The pipeline of work is considered significant with the US Navy contracted out to 2017 and for possible extensions to 2019. This is the key driver of margin and the operation is now close to running at full capacity on the JHSV and LCS programs. JP Morgan is increasingly confident that management can reach the target of an 8% margin in FY16. Such a result will increase shareholder value and enhance the return profile, in the broker's opinion.

The company's Philippines operations also provided increased revenue in the half, driven by the completion of contracts including the delivery of the 80m high speed Aremti ferry.

In sum, Austal has a $2.4bn order book, with Macquarie noting it includes six funded LCS for the US Navy out of a 10 vessel contract and 2 JHSVs funded and delivered out of a 10 vessel contract, One Australian Customs Cape Class Patrol Boat has been delivered out of an eight-vessel contract and there are three 27-metre and one 21 metre wind farm support catamarans. Macquarie retains an Outperform rating and $1.17 target.

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article 3 months old

Muted Growth Rates Tarnish Silver Chef

-Question over renewal of growth rates
-Potential upside from move into Canada


By Eva Brocklehurst

Hospitality and commercial equipment financier, Silver Chef ((SIV)), may not have delivered its best-ever first half result but several brokers are prepared to look past the short term, given the company's strong track record and prior firm growth. Not Macquarie.

Macquarie is much cooler about the prospect of a renewal in growth rates. The broker has intentionally taken a view that the business may not return to its historical asset growth rates, observing that, in terms of the re-positioning of the GoGetta brand - which services the broader commercial equipment market - significant work is required to hire and train new staff and re-educate customers. The company's move into Canada may be showing some positive early signs but Macquarie does not think that business will break even until FY16, and then it will be a long-term growth story.

The company focuses on financing assets that are critical to a business, through a rent-try-buy and rent-grow-own model. The interim net profit of $5.8m was in line with guidance as was the dividend of 14c. Macquarie acknowledges the hospitality business is doing well in Australia and New Zealand, but slower GoGetta acquisition rates are expected to affect the second half revenue. GoGetta grew rental assets by 1% in the half and achieved asset acquisitions of $23.6m, an increase of 4%. Although management has stated a commitment to returning GoGetta to historical growth levels around 10-15%, Macquarie thinks it will take time to regain momentum. The broker just doesn't find any material catalysts in the next 12 months and downgrades to Neutral from Outperform, pulling the target down to $5.75 from $7.05.

Morgans did not think it was the company's best result but did find underlying growth was solid. The first half was affected by higher operating costs, with the company adding staff numbers to drive volume growth. Entry to Canada is a growth option that the broker thinks has potential to double the company's addressable market. Morgans thinks the increased cost base can now be leveraged to drive earnings, namely via GoGetta and Canadian volumes, liking the dominant niche in hospitality financing and the product offering from GoGetta. The division does need to show evidence that it can continue to take market share but Morgans thinks the focus on sales training and additional asset classes will provide the necessary momentum and remains happy to retain an Add rating. Morgans upgrades the price target to $7.03 from $6.47 on the back of the results.

WilsonHTM thinks the business has shown itself to be resilient in difficult times and, while there is a reasonable level of execution risk associated with the move into Canada, costs are restricted to rent, staff and sundries. The first half was better than the broker expected, with hospitality growing assets by 9%. WilsonHTM accepts that  the repositioning of GoGetta means slower growth and time out for changes to have an effect.

The broker is also prepared to steer past the short term challenges and  focus on the positive aspects emanating from Canada and the core hospitality business. In terms of GoGetta, WilsonHTM points out that management did not think the product was sold in a manner that revealed its true strengths and is now focused on training and repositioning. WilsonHTM is positive on the overall outlook and has faith in the company's track record, upgrading the price target to $7.55 from $7.09 and retaining a Buy recommendation.

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article 3 months old

Vocation Passes First Half With Flying Colours

-Strong increase in enrolments
-Well placed to repeat Victorian success


By Eva Brocklehurst

Education business, Vocation ((VET)), has not yet been listed long enough to require an "official" interim profit report, but the company has posted an "update" in lieu which basically amounts to the same thing. Vocation delivered a strong beat to expectations in its first report as a listed company. Brokers believe prospectus guidance will be easily met, or even exceeded. Revenue of $58.9m represented 49.8% of prospectus forecasts, compared with guidance of 40-45%. 

UBS was pleased with the result, with positive revisions to forecasts primarily reflecting an increase in expectations from the solutions division - ancillary training for government clients and registered training organisations. Student enrolment has been strong across the group and the broker thinks this should be the focus for investors as it is the largest driver of future earnings. The broker considers the stock cheap relative to education peers and has reiterated Buy rating and raised the price target to $3.05 form $2.55.

UBS thinks significant commercial opportunities exist for those providers that are sensitive to the changes in government policy. Vocation's national footprint and multi disciplinary offering as well as diverse client base stand it in good stead in this regard. Risks for the stock lie in the same direction as the prospects, according to UBS. There is potential upside from government funding, as vocational training is an increasingly important recipient of government funds, and the downside is represented in the potential for a reduction in course fees.

Moelis notes the foundation company's success in Victoria, where the demand-driven funding has been instituted for vocational education, means the macro environment should be supportive for private providers in other states that are considering implementing the model. Moelis has set a $3.00 target price and Buy rating. The broker sees upside risk for earnings, especially given the potential for acquisitions. The company is seen having a first mover advantage to consolidate quality franchises, having access to equity and debt capital.

The company is well on the way to achieving prospectus forecasts, according to Macquarie. The broker also believes Vocation is well positioned to capitalise on the increase in demand for private sector services. The direct-to-individuals channel delivered $10.2m in revenue, representing 45.7% of FY14 forecasts. Online enrolments also grew strongly, an offering that is highly scalable in the broker's opinion, and there are also significant geographic and product expansion opportunities. The broker's price target is $2.65, raised from $2.50, with an Outperform rating.

Brokers have also flagged the fact the company's enterprise channel revenue, which delivers trading to corporate and government employees, will benefit from the roll-out of two major contracts and remains crucial to meeting FY14 forecasts. Macquarie believes this higher margin business will be the main driver of a forecast 29.5% earnings margin.  Management has signalled an intention to accelerate the geographic expansion of RTO Edge, the outsourced management solution. The importance here, for Macquarie, is this is a very sustainable business, with access to annuity style revenue.

See also, Vocation Seen Offering Re-Rating Opportunity on December 16 2013.

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article 3 months old

Rapid Growth Continues At G8 Education

-Strong record in integrating centres
-Growth both organically and acquisitions


By Eva Brocklehurst

G8 Education ((GEM)) has caught the attention of two more brokers, with Macquarie and BA-Merrill Lynch deciding its time to initiate coverage. Australia's largest listed child care company has had a stellar run in acquisitions, supported by a very fragmented market. Since March 2010, G8 has acquired more than 200 centres and both brokers expect the company to continue with an aggressive acquisition strategy.

In 2013 revenue rose 55%, reflecting organic growth as well as acquisitions. Macquarie expects earnings to grow 65% in 2014, driven largely by another 63 centres that are expected to settle in April. While there's risk in bedding down any acquisition the broker considers G8 has delivered a strong track record in integrating centres. The broker has kicked off with an Outperform rating and $4.20 price target. The key to the stock's value is management's ability to identify potential acquisitions in strategic locations, acquire them at reasonable cost and then realise efficiencies as they are incorporated into the company. Macquarie is attracted to the fact that, on estimates, smaller private operator child care centres make up 83% of the market in Australia yet G8 holds just 3.3% market share of the long day care market. G8 also owns 18 centres and 50 franchises in Singapore.

The industry is also receiving government support, improving the affordability of day care. Macquarie expects the industry to also be underpinned by a higher level of household disposable income as the level of female participation in the workforce rises. This is a key factor in any decision to use child care services. Population trends are also supportive, with Australian statistics showing the number of children aged 0-14 are expected to increase by 8.5% out to 2016, from 2011.

Where are the risks? There is increased competition. A number of consolidators entered the market in 2013, according to Macquarie, and this could affect acquisition multiples and G8's longer term strategy. Changes to government assistance can also impact on child care affordability and affect the company's growth outlook. Macquarie does find it difficult, given the pace at which the company has grown, to track just what growth is internally generated and what is acquired. There is a risk that such an aggressive acquisition strategy could mask underperformance in the base operations. Still, at this point, Macquarie finds no evidence this is the case with G8.

Merrills has initiated with a Buy rating and $5.00 price target, noting the company is benefiting from increasing demand for child care services. This broker also hails the strong track record in integrating centres. Merrills thinks the rapid growth in numbers gives the company the opportunity to lift occupancy rates and fees and maximise floor space. The broker likes the potential for value accretive growth in a market where around 80% is available for consolidation. On the organic side, Merrills sees approximately 32% of earnings growth out to FY15 driven by revenue synergies and operational efficiency improvements.

Merrills observes the child care service industry, as a whole, has relatively low profitability. Average pre-tax profit margin of the not-for-profit centres ranges from 1-2%. Still, the broker believes there's opportunity for G8 to produce margins well in excess of the average and, indeed, the company sustained a 14.5% pre-tax margin for 2012. Occupancy rates are also considered one of the risk factors as, given the cost constraints of an increasingly qualified workforce, a minimum of 75-80% occupancy is required for profitable functioning.

As at December last year the company owned 252 centres and managed another 48. On the FNArena database the latest two brokers join CIMB and Citi covering the stock. All have Buy ratings. The consensus price target is $4.18, suggesting 7.1% upside to the last share price. Targets range from $3.70 to $5.00. The consensus dividend yield is 4.0% on FY14 estimates and 4.8% on FY15.

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article 3 months old

Restrained Growth For Recall

-Digital hurdle to overcome
-Acquisition opportunities
-Customer expansion potential


By Eva Brocklehurst

Brokers have largely taken up neutral ground on Recall ((REC)), which has scored a few more coverage initiations after listing on ASX in December. Recall was the information management and document storage arm of Brambles ((BXB)). New recommendations have concurred with a view that, while the company has a strong recurring revenue theme, growth will be modest.

Citi is the latest broker on FNArena's database to initiate coverage of the stock, ascribing a Neutral rating and $4.55 price target. Citi envisages growth opportunities exist, but these are factored into the share price ahead of delivery. Growth is expected to be on the back of acquisitions but also new customers, the success of which will be measured in terms of returns. On the expansion side, Citi suspects the majority of growth will come from existing clients that commit storage to Recall in order to justify a new facility and networks.

The broker is not convinced that the company will be able to replace, or indeed improve on, physical document storage growth with the digital variety. In fact, Recall may be the number two globally in physical records management but is one of many providers in the digital marketplace. The broker considers this to be one of the larger risk profiles for the company and management must provide sufficient assurance they can overcome the risks. Therefore, despite a defensive growth profile and strong free cash flow, Citi finds value is better elsewhere in the sector.

Goldman Sachs has also commenced coverage with a Neutral rating and $4.74 price target. This broker also highlights the risk with digitising document storage. Paper prices have also created volatility in earnings and Recall sells a substantial quantity of recycled paper. A higher paper price helps recycled paper sales while the converse is also true.

Goldman notes the company operates in a highly fragmented, low growth mature market with higher growth rates coming from emerging markets. The broker expects opportunities for acquisitions will not go uncontested, given the company's main competitor, Iron Mountain, and other private firms are pursuing similar strategies. The company has also estimated 65% of the potential storage market is yet to be tapped. These are potential customers yet to outsource their document storage, something Goldman thinks provides more of an opportunity, as increased regulatory and compliance standards create a value proposition for the handing over of information management.

In January, UBS kicked off with a Buy rating and $4.80 price target. The broker expects Recall to grow earnings by 7% per annum. UBS notes the stock is unique in that it derives two thirds of revenue from outside North America and this gives it the edge when it comes to growth. UBS observes a material slowdown in revenue growth since 2009, with the five years to 2008 generating 8% per annum against only 2% since. This is construed as a case of cyclical realities, driven by lower transaction revenue. Carton storage volumes have growth by 5% over the same period. UBS thinks the high conversion cost of existing cartons will slow the digital incursion and contain the impact to new volumes. The Buy rating is based on the high quality of the business and the high level of recurring revenues. In this respect UBS echoes the views of the other similar rating on the database, CIMB.

CIMB regards Recall as offering exposure to a stable earnings stream, decent returns and reasonable dividend yield (2.2% on FY14 and 4.0% on FY15 consensus earnings on the database). The long term structural challenges exist from digitisation, but low growth expectations provide the buying opportunity for the stock in the immediate aftermath of the de-merger. The broker also considers the uncertainty over the course of digital storage take-up creates an initial opportunity to buy the stock. CIMB commenced coverage with an Add rating and $4.88 price target and believes earnings upside exists in the form of potential acquisitions, increased conversion of the potential market and a higher paper price.

On the FNArena database the stock has two Buy (or equivalent) ratings, four Hold and one Sell. JP Morgan, which initiated coverage with an Underweight rating under the broker's sector-relative rating model , is the lone occupant of the latter bloc, not wanting to value the stock aggressively. Price targets range from JP Morgan's $4.07 to $4.88 (CIMB). The consensus target is $4.53, signalling 1.2% upside to the last share price.

See also No Shortage In Challenges For Spun-off Recall on December 16 2013 .

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article 3 months old

Royal Wolf Delivers Amid East Coast Challenge

-Challenge lies in portable segment
-Benefits from housing pick-up
-East coast recovery key to growth


By Eva Brocklehurst

Container provider Royal Wolf ((RWH)) delivered on expectations in the first half. Brokers were pleased the company is managing to stay ahead of the pack when it comes to extracting growth out of a challenging economy.

The first half result revealed revenue growth of 23%, although cost of goods sold rose 37%, largely attributed to a previously flagged low margin, large volume order from Aurizon ((AZJ)). This increased cost is expected to reverse in the second half. Sales in the higher margin portable storage segment declined, reflecting tough conditions in the retail, manufacturing and the government sectors. Credit Suisse observes that this decline could also be attributed to longstanding efforts to grow the rental channel.

The main challenge lies, according to Deutsche Bank, in this portable segment on the eastern seaboard, where structural changes are occurring in container sales. Royal Wolf is unsure at this stage whether this is solely a move from sales to leasing, or a symptom of underlying economic weakness. Despite this, Credit Suisse notes a structural shift to leasing from sales is supportive of ongoing margin expansion.

Still, there's no change to management's outlook and Macquarie notes the second half should benefit from higher utilisation rates, increased camp leasing and further sales of low security accommodation. The business should benefit from the pick-up housing activity while withstanding the slowdown in resources spending. All that being said, Macquarie thinks the stock is fully valued and retains a Neutral rating. Macquarie has questioned the company's pay-out policy previously, given the ongoing investment in the fleet. The interim dividend of 5c was unfranked and at the top end of the 40-60% pay-out ratio. The broker notes the company should be in a position to commence franking the dividend in FY15.

Moelis is confident that despite the challenges in current conditions the company can mobilise its market position, recurring income and diverse exposure. This justifies a multiple that's above the market and that broker retains a Buy rating with a $3.55 price target. New Zealand operations stood out, with revenue and earnings up 21% and 17% respectively. This reflected a benefit from currency movement as well as market share gain. Brokers observe this strong presence should continue, with the rebuilding of Christchurch continuing to create demand for the company's containers.

Deutsche Bank sums up with three comments from management, which signal a recovery, particularly on the east coast, is underway. These are, firstly, that freight industry activity has returned to normal seasonal peak demand, secondly, that lease agreements are for longer periods and, thirdly, that the utilisation rate for the lease fleet has improved. This supports the broker's positive view on the transport industry as a whole. Nevertheless, Deutsche Bank downgraded the stock after the subdued first quarter to Hold from Buy. At this stage, while acknowledging the signs of recovery are there, the broker is content to maintain that call, noting the stock is trading close to the price target of $3.25.

Credit Suisse was happy with the fact the second quarter showed a rebound on first quarter weakness. The broker lauds the fact that, while macro pressures are evident, the company has consistently performed and delivered on growth drivers, which enhance management credibility. It's a growth stock and the broker ticks the Outperform rating on the score card. Credit Suisse expects further margin expansion in the second half, amid a benefit from the delivery of six rental camps and strong leasing growth. Higher utilisation, supported by a recovery in freight markets, also points to higher second half profitability.

The margin fell short of JP Morgan's expectations but the broker acknowledges the positive momentum in the second quarter which should continue into the second half. The positives are the company's diversification, leading market position and scope for acquisitions in a fragmented market. Are there any negatives? Deutsche Bank lists a failure to integrate acquisitions as one possible downside catalyst. The stock's low liquidity and the 50% holding by General Finance Corp, which may be construed as an overhang, are also potential detractors.

Royal Wolf commands around 35% of the Australasian market. There are two Buy ratings and two Hold ratings on the FNArena database. The consensus price target of $3.31 suggests 5.8% upside to the last share price and compares with $3.43 ahead of the results. The price targets range from $3.10 to $3.55.

See also, Royal Wolf Supported By Diverse Market on December 9 2013.

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article 3 months old

Brokers Rave About Pact

- Growth, diversity and defensiveness
- High margin cash generation
- Asian expansion

By Greg Peel

“Pact with upside,” says Morgans. “Packed with opportunity,” says Macquarie. “Diversified, defensive and inexpensive,” says Credit Suisse. “Initiating coverage with a Buy rating,” says Deutsche Bank.

Yes, Deutsche could perhaps do with a more imaginative sub-editor, but the fact remains brokers are very keen on recently listed packaging company Pact Group ((PGH)) as an investment. Indeed, each of the four above brokers has initiated coverage of Pact over the past week. All of them has ascribed a Buy or equivalent rating.

Pact is the leading supplier of rigid plastic packaging and metal containers in Australia and New Zealand. Australia presently accounts for 71% of revenue and international (including NZ) for 29%. Within the international business is a growing exposure in Asia, currently representing 6% of revenue. If Pact is able to acquire Indonesia’s leading packing company Dynapack, as it is attempting to do, emerging market revenue will grow to around a 25% share of group.

Pact primarily converts plastic resin and steel into packaging and related products for customers in the sectors of food, dairy, beverage, personal care and other household consumables, chemical, agricultural, industrial and others. According to market research firm Smithers Pira, the global rigid plastics industry should increase at a compound annual growth rate of 5.3% over 2012-18, including Australasian growth of 4.0% per annum and Asian growth of 8.4% per annum. Pact is diversified and defensive, notes Credit Suisse, with 75% of revenue sourced from hundreds of food and consumer products customers within the region. Within most segments Pact is the market leader, and the company focuses on segments in which import competition is less viable.

Pact has guided to FY14 revenue of $1.2bn which would represent compound annual revenue growth of 16.8% from FY03, Macquarie notes. Earnings growth has been driven by acquisitions, organic growth, new product development, productivity and “relentless focus on costs”. Profits margins are lofty at 16.9% and have been consistently maintained at a similar level.

Brokers have set their initial valuations based on PE ratios for international peers and for closest local peer Orora ((ORA)), recently spun-off from Amcor, with a premium added above the more fibre/box oriented Orora. All expect PGH will trade below its discounted cashflow valuation, despite generating significant defensive cashflows, until the company has gained more of a track record. Pact only listed in December.

The FNArena database shows an initial consensus price target of $4.12, representing 18% upside to the last traded price. Given PGH listed within FY14 we need to go out to FY15 for a full year’s forecasts, which suggest earnings growth consensus of 10.4% for a 5.8% yield.

There is some risk that Pact may need to go to the market for additional equity were it to win the Dynapack bid.

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