Tag Archives: Other Industrials

article 3 months old

Transpacific No Longer Rubbish

- TPI result surprises
- Trend improving
- Recovery story beginning
- Not without risk

By Greg Peel

Once flying high with an $11 stock price, waste collector and recycler Transpacific Industries ((TPI)) found itself a significant victim of the 2007 global credit crunch as the market rushed out of over-leveraged companies and property/infrastructure funds. The GFC proper provided another slug, and a weak trading update last November sent the share price to its lows under 70c.

By contrast, Friday’s first half FY13 profit result announcement sent TPI shares rushing up 13%. The bottom line here is that while the result was no means a cracker, it was a lot better than that November update had suggested.

Lower interest expense meant TPI’s profit result came in well above consensus, albeit the earnings result was largely in line with broker expectations. The result represented a 4% drop from the first half FY12, but given the November update had suggested a 6% drop with a dour outlook from management, sending the share price down 25%, this slightly lower loss basically took the market by surprise.

TPI’s core Waste Management division showed an 8% drop in earnings for the period, driven by a mix of carbon tax, higher landfill levies, lower landfill volumes, with subdued construction activity having an impact, and subdued trading activity. While the nearer term outlook provides no real change to current conditions, the good news is that Waste Management’s performance improved in the second quarter from the first. The Commercial Vehicles division saw a 71% jump in earnings to offset the loss in Waste, and this is not likely to be repeated. The upside story is very much a Waste Management story.

WM is highly leveraged to a turnaround in Australian economy, particularly in construction. This is not going to happen overnight. In the meantime, TPI is undergoing a significant and very slow-moving restructure. Again, the benefits will not be an overnight story but having been beaten down so far, the company appears to now be on the road back, analysts suggest.

As noted, debt has since 2007 been the company’s stumbling block. UBS suggests the first half result “provides clear evidence of the strategic efforts to reduce the financial leverage of the business”. The reduction in interest expense is testament. At the result release management upgraded its cost savings guidance for the next three years from $30-40m to $50m which Credit Suisse sees as a “clear positive”. Throw in divestments and efficiency gains and the TPI story is looking rather encouraging.

Indeed, JP Morgan notes management appears reluctant to sell off the Commercial Vehicles division, which is understandable given the 71% earnings jump and offset to weak Waste in recent periods. But with management suggesting Vehicles has now hit “mid-cycle earnings”, hence no longer offering such earnings improvement, the timing is right for the business to be divested in JPM’s view.

Divestments aside, JP Morgan is sticking with Neutral for now given TPI’s margins are still trending down even as losses from Waste begin to ebb. The analysts would like to see a positive earnings result before becoming more confident. Credit Suisse (Neutral) is “tending towards a more positive bias” but would also like to see margins improve and believes the risk justifies the stock’s current valuation.

Macquarie has always maintained TPI boasts an attractive suite of assets and that the company has the potential to realise operational improvements and significantly reduce medium-term leverage. The modest improvement in the company’s second quarter is enough to draw an upgrade from the broker to Outperform.

Deutsche Bank sees a recovery story that is on track and offering upside and maintains its Buy rating, as does CIMB, who believes TPI’s growth story is “just starting”.

Post result, the six FNArena brokers covering TPI are split between four Buys (or equivalent) and two Holds. The consensus target price has jumped to $1.04 from 91c, suggesting a further 10% of upside despite Friday’s 13% re-rating.

After five years on the rubbish tip Transpacific’s long road back through significant restructure and deleveraging appears to have begun, although we’re only at the Chairman Mao stage, and analysts, while becoming more confident, are quick to warn there are still risks involved. Perhaps a sleeper for those with a bit of tolerance.

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article 3 months old

All Hail As McMillan Shakespeare Delivers

-Brokers raise earnings estimates
-New JV in the UK
-Solid leasing outlook

-More organic growth to come

By Eva Brocklehurst

McMillan Shakespeare ((MMS)), which provides workplace benefits administration services, has pleased brokers with its strong first half. In conjunction with the results, the company announced plans to enter the UK market in a joint venture with Visper, a UK-based asset finance company. Visper has had dealings with GMAC, the former owner of MMS' Interleasing business.

MMS has committed 1.5m pounds over five years to the JV, called Maxxia UK, and will appoint the managing director of the business. Citi is a bit surprised at this decision given there is organic growth opportunities domestically and it will take 2-3 years to scale up this business. What gives the broker comfort is that it requires little capital outlay and labour commitment. Credit Suisse thinks the JV is low risk and offers upside. Goldman Sachs suspects it may be a beachhead to further acquisitions in the UK. The JV will focus exclusively on distribution/brokerage of salary packaging and leasing products. BA-ML has put the news in the future drawer, noting it will be immaterial to earnings for some time.

On the FNArena database MMS draws two Buy ratings and one Hold. BA-ML and Citi have the Buy ratings and both have raised earnings forecasts for the company in the wake of the result. BA-ML said the result demanded an upgrade and has increased estimates by 5% for FY13 and 9% for FY14. Citi has increased earnings forecasts by 2% for FY14 and 4% for FY15. Goldman Sachs, while not a database constituent, has retained a Buy rating given the strong organic growth outlook.

The Hold rating comes from Credit Suisse, which has downgraded from a Buy on a valuation basis. The broker is attracted to the growth profile but finds the recent share price appreciation necessitates the move down. The database consensus target price of $15.85 suggests 10.4% upside to yesterday's closing share price. Indeed, Citi raised the price target to $16.56, despite solid returns over the last 12 months. This decision reflects a proven business track record and growth in the lease book, the broker maintains.

BA-ML believes the recent acquisition of fleet lessor, Interleasing, will allow the company to increase outsourced services to the private sector although the broker recognises competition is increasing. Credit Suisse has brushed this concern aside, noting operating drivers remain positive, especially in novated leasing, and these are supportive of further margin expansion. Citi concurs, noting the supportive industry structure and focused sales effort. The results were driven by strong operational performance from remuneration services and margin expansion occurred despite lower interest revenue. Then there's asset finance. Here the 27% growth in the lease book to $282m should underpin growth from that division in FY14 and beyond, according to Citi.

Goldman Sachs expects organic growth to come from further penetration of the South Australian Government employee base, now that MMS is the sole provider, and ramp-up of new corporate customers in asset management. The broker also finds further possible upside if any NSW health districts outsource salary packaging. MMS has flagged this as a significant possibility over the next 2-3 years. More potential is seen in the NSW government salary packaging contract which is up for tender. Goldman Sachs expects the incumbents, which includes MMS, will be retained.

Are there any negatives/risks? Well, the FBT salary packaging concessions are under review with a report due for the federal government in March. Goldman notes some risk for caps to be put on the value of venue hire and meal/entertainment but major changes are considered low probability. Although, if they do occur they will have a high impact. A significant fall in used car prices might affect leasing. Goldman notes profits from the resale of used vehicles were down compared with the prior corresponding half as the number of vehicles coming off lease fell. Finally, there's new ground being broken in the UK and that changes the company's risk profile, a bit.

See also, Headwinds Don't Change Macmillan Shakespeare's Solid Outlook on September 13 2012.

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article 3 months old

Mona Frowns

By Greg Peel

At the bottom of the GFC, engineering and construction firm Monadelphous Group’s ((MND)) share price was under six dollars. This year the shares peaked over 25 dollars. And that’s just capital appreciation. Over the period Mona has not only paid a handsome yield but continually grown dividends to enhance a market-beating total return.

Mona’s interim dividend, following the company’s first half FY13 earnings result, fell just a little short of analyst expectations at 62c. What’s more, management has decided to initiate a dividend reinvestment plan (DRP) to assist in the funding of future dividends. What does this tell us?

DRPs, in which existing shareholders are offered a discount on new capital if dividends are reinvested rather than cashed, are by any other means a backdoor capital raising. DRPs are often employed by companies desperately attempting to raise more capital without wishing to telegraph too much desperation to the market, such as the banks in 2009. Mona’s case, on the other hand, is a very different one. As BA-Merrill Lynch suggests, it may be that even management sees the current MND share price as overvalued, meaning a DRP is a way of “cashing in”, or it may mean the cash generating power of the business – that which Merrills emphasises as a “hallmark of quality” – is likely to be weaker ahead.

Or maybe both are true. For a company which has built a solid-gold reputation for constantly growing dividends, any move to cut dividends in order to better navigate a period of earnings consolidation would have those yield-chasing investors, of which there are a vast number, rushing for the exits. No one would win. Whatever the case, Mona’s path from here is not quite as clear as it has been up to now, and management has been the first to admit it.

It is a truth now held to be self-evident that the Australian resource sector spending boom will shortly peak, both sooner than expected a couple of years back and at a lower level than previously assumed. The RBA has acknowledged this unfortunate reality several times in cutting its cash rate by 175 basis points over the past eighteen months. The big players BHP Billiton ((BHP)) and Rio Tinto ((RIO)) have been forced to rein in their most ambitious expansion plans and both CEOs have now exited, either through the front door or the trap door. Across the mining sector in general, cost-cutting is now the buzzword. The same is true for the LNG sector, albeit LNG capex is yet to peak.

The future has become a little cloudier. The global economy may be looking a little healthier in 2013 than it has done since 2008 but it’s been a long time coming, and rebound expectations have been both lengthened in timeframe and downgraded in pace. Mining companies are seeing to completion the longer term, big ticket projects they began a few years ago, but thereafter they will play a much more cautious game. LNG companies are yet to see their own mega-projects through to completion, so fingers are crossed.

Meanwhile, the resource sector capex boom up to this point has also meant a boom for the smarter of the suite of resource sector service companies whose offerings and wares represent a significant level of your average resource project cost. A couple of years ago, service companies could just sit back and wait for another anxious miner to bang on the door. Today, with a capex peak in sight, it is the service companies who are chasing the business. With contracts drying up and project pipelines becoming vague, the resource sector service industry has become a lot more competitive.

Monadelphous yesterday announced a first half profit of $79.1m, representing a 36% earnings increase on the first half of FY12. It was déjà vu for analysts who have become used to such performance, including last fiscal year in which earnings grew by over 30%. Revenue growth exceeded earnings growth in rising 47%. With many of Mona’s contracted projects heading towards completion, management has raised its FY13 revenue growth guidance to 35% from 25%.

The guidance upgrade has moved analysts to upgrade their own revenue forecasts, but the discrepancy in the first half numbers has not been overlooked. Revenues grew by 47% but earnings grew by only 36%. This means margins fell in the period. Operating cashflow fell 37%.

The fall in cashflow was largely a result of Mona spending up to support the last-push efforts of clients as projects near completion, and thus to support revenue growth. This drag on working capital will clearly subside after FY13. Margin compression, on the other hand, tells a different tale.

While not so long ago resource sector clients were indulgent spenders, today they are trying to keep costs to the minimum. Nor are clients so quick today to announce new project aspirations, and development/expansion plans are moving forward with caution. The pipeline of new contracts up for grabs for service providers is nowhere near as defined as it once was. Competition in the services sector has thus become a lot more pronounced. Margins are under pressure across the industry.

Analysts acknowledge that the big iron ore, coal and other mining contracts enjoyed by Mona and others will peak in FY13-14 as projects are completed and new contracts will diminish in number thereafter. On that basis, Mona has one last leg to cash in on what management described as the “extraordinary surge” in construction activity up to this point. Hence the FY13 revenue growth upgrade. FY14 will nevertheless be a different picture, to the point management has warned of “consolidation” ahead.

LNG development is set to continue before potentially reaching its own peak in FY14-15. The services industry players will all be chasing a reduced pipeline of opportunities after FY13, leading CIMB to suggest that while Mona will still achieve revenue growth in FY14, some new contract wins will need to be announced before the end of FY13 to ensure this. Those contracts are not likely to impact the bottom line until FY15, underlining management’s “consolidation” call for FY14, and moving Citi to suggest contract wins on the big Wheatstone and Ichthys LNG projects are “key” for Mona.

Mona saw a 47% increase in revenue growth from the first half of FY12 to the first half of FY13. Citi is predicting FY14 revenue growth of 4% and zero growth for FY15. Bear in mind Mona generates significant amounts of revenue and Citi is not forecasting this to abate. The broker is simply suggesting the astronomical growth run is over.

It’s hard to find any real divergence in views from the broker community. Testament to this is no less than six post-result recommendation downgrades from a pool of nine major brokers (seven FNArena database brokers covering MND along with Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley). Merrills, JP Morgan, UBS and Deutsche Bank have all downgraded to Sell (or equivalent) ratings from Hold while Macquarie, CIMB and Morgan Stanley have all downgraded to Hold (or equivalent) ratings from Buy. Citi and JP Morgan already had Sell ratings on the stock and Goldman has stuck to Hold.

Views are aligned, and perhaps best summed up by Mona’s own management which suggested yesterday that completion is now greater, margins are under pressure, uncertainty remains around new project approvals and the pipeline of opportunities is likely to reduce in the medium term. Analysts also whole-heartedly agree that Mona is a fabulous success story, driven by a solid team, for which an extraordinary period of growth opportunity is now reaching a plateau, for the time being.

Brokers might anecdotally agree, but when it comes to converting views to forecasts a very different tale emerges. Twelve month price targets for Mona range from JP Morgan (Underweight) at $19.00, or around 17% below today’s trading price, to CIMB (Neutral) at $28.28, or 24% above. If this is confusing for potential investors or current shareholders, perhaps a clue lies in the fact the high marker (CIMB) still felt it necessary to downgrade to Hold.

Differing target prices will reflect variance in earnings forecasts, and thus variance in what different analysts calculate to be Mona’s forward PE multiples. But to take two examples, Citi points out that its forecast FY13-14 PE of 15x is a big number for “a business that derives earnings largely from construction, which is typically lumpy with low visibility, with flat earnings growth in FY14-15”. Morgan Stanley calculates an FY14 PE of 14x, which the analysts cannot justify when compared to Mona’s peer Downer EDI ((DOW)) on an equivalent 9.3x.

Whichever way you look at it, now is not the time to buy into Mona. As to whether it is a time to sell out after a good run, that will depend on individual investment timeframes.

article 3 months old

Amcor Packages A Good Story

-Amcor results spark re-ratings
-Stock to some is now expensive
-Acquisition plans stand in good stead
-Benefits seen from restructuring


By Eva Brocklehurst

Packaging major Amcor ((AMC)) has been on the receiving end of a variety of responses to its half year result. There have been two downgrades and one upgrade on the FNArena database. JP Morgan has downgraded its recommendation to Sell from Hold, Citi has downgraded to Hold from Buy while Credit Suisse has upgraded to Buy from Sell. What's going on?

JP Morgan found contract wins, the company's acquisitions and the restructuring were all very positive but the broker considers the stock is now expensive on both an absolute and relative basis. This follows the significant share price appreciation over the last three months. Hence a Sell rating, the only one on the database.

In the Hold category, UBS has raised its forecasts but kept its rating as it sees little scope for outperformance. The profit result was 4% ahead of UBS estimates and underlying trends were generally positive in the broker's view. The broker is raising FY13-15 forecasts by 3-7% to reflect recent acquisitions, lower costs in the Australasia division, higher margins and a lower net interest bill. Citi liked the improvement in flexibles and return to double digit volume growth in Latin America but also sees the recent share price outperformance limiting a further rally. The broker admits a large degree of earnings certainty and multiple earnings growth drivers make the stock an attractive investment but, with a 16.4 times FY13 price/earnings ratio, valuation now adequately reflects the premium for both merger and acquisition and organic growth potential. A Buy rating is no longer justified.

Deutsche Bank on the other hand finds its Buy rating justified as the stock is trading at a 2% discount to the broker's revised valuation of $9.30. The broker sees full year earnings driven by resilient volumes, recent acquisitions, growth in emerging markets, cost reductions, and ongoing operational improvement. If there was one weak spot in the result, Deutsche Bank observed, it was the profit on asset sales of $40m, although the broker admits this has funded the Botany start-up costs of $23m and other restructuring costs, but the net benefit was just $5m.

Credit Suisse previously had a Sell rating, partly based on the Australian currency headwinds. The broker noted currency rates reduced net profit by $20m in the latest half. A one cent move in the AUD/EUR rate impacts profit by $5 million one way or the other while the sensitivity to the AUD/USD pair is up or down $3m annualised. The broker suggests the stock may now have a positive push from the euro's rally in the second half. Furthermore, CS likes the expanded margins in flexibles and rigid plastics. Moreover, the stock has the balance sheet capacity to go after the acquisitions it desires. The broker also finds the company a disciplined acquirer of businesses with $400-450m of acquisitions over the last 12 months at under six times enterprise value/earnings before synergies.

In the past, Macquarie believed this acquisition discipline made Amcor interesting. Acquisitions have been a key part of growth plans for some time, but a minimum 20% return on capital is required. After the results, the broker again highlighted this factor, noting Amcor has ten people in its M&A team on a global basis, tracking $2 billion or more in potential opportunities. The latest acquisition, tobacco packager Shorewood, showed such evidence of good synergy potential. Macquarie describes it as a logical bolt-on at a cheap price with 5.2 times trailing earnings multiples that are expected to reduce to 3.3 times post synergies. Macquarie doesn't mind the run up in the share price and believes the trading multiples are undemanding, given earnings growth of 7% is forecast for the second half and 10% growth is forecast for FY14.

Macquarie said Australasia (13% of earnings) has been a laggard for a number of years for the company but now has the potential to substantially increase earnings based on $70m of benefits from restructuring and closures. On the downside, the businesses exposed to domestic manufacturing are still challenged and part of this is structural. Petrie cartonboard mill was cash flow negative but this will be closed by December 13. The other negative is that there is still not much of a US recovery, with packaging distribution earnings down, although the broker admits this more reflects a lag in raw material recovery.

The net result of ratings changes leaves Amcor with four Buy (or equivalent) ratings in the FNArena database, three Holds and one Sell. The consensus target price has risen to $9.39 post-result from $8.43, offering less than one percent upside from yesterday's closing price.

See also Amcor Ticks All The Right Boxes on December 6 2012.

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article 3 months old

Bradken Solid, Not Bouncing

-Bradken well positioned
-Some doubt as to recovery timing
-New products a major positive
-Chinese foundry to drive growth


By Eva Brocklehurst

Bradken's ((BKN)) latest results showed how the company is positioned for when the much-anticipated easing in mining capex happens this year. Half year revenue may have been flat, and the margin improvement smaller than expected, but the company has noticed a bottoming of the cycle, which is a welcome relief to brokers. Be that as it may, BA-Merrill Lynch believes it's too early to talk about a recovery and has taken a harsher line on the fabricator of freight wagons and mining consumables and equipment.

Exposure to producing mines and consumable products provides a high recurring revenue base and Bradken is expanding its reach by entering new regions and developing new products, especially in the Ground Engagement Tools (GET) segment, so this is considered the major positive.

Nevertheless, valuations are considered reasonably full. Looking at the FNArena database, Deutsche Bank's revised $7.10 target captures the improving outlook with a strong margin recovery assumed in near term estimates. Hence the broker has downgraded its recommendation to Hold from Buy. CIMB has ended up with the same target price after its re-valuation and has decided to stay with a Hold recommendation. JP Morgan's target is $7.94, at the top of the range on the database. This broker retains a Buy rating as the stock is trading at a 16% discount to the broker's $8.04 average valuation. BA-ML stands alone on the database with its Sell rating, reflecting its belief the stock is fully valued. The remaining brokers have Buy recommendations - Macquarie, Credit Suisse and UBS. In fact Macquarie and Credit Suisse upgraded their ratings to Buy (or equivalent) on the strength of the Bradken's interim report.

For mining products JP Morgan believes the de-stocking of consumables is ending and continued strength in mine production volumes is likely to support demand. This will offset lower capital sales as miners curtail their capex intentions. Moreover, the push into offshore markets should help diversify the business away from Australia's bulk commodities. CIMB sees Bradken's resilience in being a product supplier rather than a contractor. Moreover, the company has intellectual property rights in its products which stand it in good stead. Macquarie expects a continuation of sales growth and steady margin in the mining products and mineral processing divisions on account of the GET roll-out.

For mineral processing Deutsche Bank finds a healthy order backlog, with facilities expected to operate at full capacity in the second half. Strong gold and copper prices are encouraging high levels of production which, in turn, are supportive of demand for processing. JP Morgan highlights the integration of Norcast and investment in new facilities, which should provide opportunities to consolidate production into lower cost locations. 

Engineered products are suffering from weaker capex intentions but this is offset by easing capacity constraints, and the company is actually better able to meet demand. JP Morgan finds the company has good cost flexibility and, coupled with capacity expansion, expects this should support margins while allowing the company to chase new work. Here is where the downside risk to CIMB's FY13 forecasts lies. The broker notes order cancellations appear to have peaked but a material pick up in fourth quarter is required to achieve its forecasts. The order book stands at $250m, which provides strong coverage for Deutsche Bank's second half FY13 and first half FY14 revenue expectations.

Finally, rail wagon sector demand is seen as weaker in FY13 as miners and other customers curtail intentions. JP Morgan notes production volumes were holding up a base level of demand and, despite the lower price environment, the division should remain competitive going forward, albeit without a pick up in revenue growth in the near term. Macquarie expects steady sales growth and margin expansion in the rail division. BKN will complete fabrication of 700 wagons in the second half, slightly lower than the 934 fabricated in in the first half.

After being a bit cool on the stock after the AGM, Macquarie has made the strongest turnaround in expectations and upgraded its earnings forecasts - 12% and 24% for FY13 and FY14 respectively. The broker says this is due in large part to the inclusion of equity accounted profit associated with Bradken’s 20% stake in Austin Engineering ((ANG)). From an operational perspective, Macquarie's FY13 forecasts are relatively unchanged and FY14 up 8.6%. In contrast, BA-ML finds the contribution from Austin unsustainable, given the consensus outlook for Austin.

The completion and transition to the Chinese foundry in the second half is hailed by both Macquarie and Deutsche Bank as likely to drive improved earnings growth. Macquarie expects it could add material volumes and margin to the business - mostly crawler shoes - over the next 4-5 years, depending on a recovery in end markets.

The last word is from BA-ML: The broker is skeptical that a share price rally based on improving macro sentiment and metals prices will necessarily flow through to higher earnings/valuation over the medium term, citing a relentless focus on costs by the major resource companies. So, the broker continues to see earnings risk in FY13, with its estimates 7% below consensus.

See also Bradken Outlook Filed Down on October 25.

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article 3 months old

Mermaid Leaps Skyward

Bottom Line 23/01/13

EW Trend: Impulsive
Price Trend: Up
Trend Strength: Strong

Technical Discussion


Mermaid Marine ((MRM)) had been meandering sideways on the run up to our last review although with the prior trend being up our expectation was to see price break to the upside.  We haven’t been disappointed with a very strong powerful movement higher kicking into gear almost immediately.  We did have the added hurdle of the line of resistance to contend with but as can be seen although rejection was seen initially at that level it was overcome with relative ease.  One thing we often talk about in regard to breaking up through significant resistance is volume.  It’s essential that it increases during strength which is exactly what transpired here.  So all in all the patterns are going to script with plenty of upside potential ahead.  Quite interestingly the breakout is very typical of a company that has been stuck in a trading range with price exploding through the upper boundary.  In fact quite similar to companies like SUN and Crown which have pretty much done exactly the same thing.  That is consolidating for a substantial period of time before making a move.  One thing we know from experience is that the longer the consolidation period takes the more forceful the breakout will be which is a fact that cannot be argued in this instance. 


We had our eyes firmly fixed on an Elliott triangle last month which appeared to have drawn to a conclusion.  Remember, these types of patterns should contain 5-internal swings labelled (a) through-(e) which is exactly the situation here.  There’s no doubting the fact that the break up through the upper boundary of the pattern was impulsive in nature which is exactly what should be occurring at this stage of the trend.  The only slight caveat is that in theory wave-2 can never be a triangle which means the pattern is either coincidental or is corrective in nature.  Obviously we’d prefer it to by the prior as it portends to the trend continuing unabated.  Adding weight to the bullish case is that the wave equality projection has been exceeded, albeit marginally which increases the chances that a third leg is unfolding.  Should price start to head lower from here then a more substantial corrective phase will likely take price back down toward old resistance/new support just around the $3.45 area.  I reiterate that this is the bearish scenario and is by no means a high probability proposition.  In fact longer term it’s still bullish but means a little more patience is going to be required before the next buying opportunity presents itself.  On the flip side, should price continue onwards and upwards from this juncture then the next target sits at $4.32 which is the 1.618 projection of wave-1.  Definitely a level to keep a close eye on should buyers remain committed here on in.

Trading Strategy

“…The trigger point is the line of resistance so if you’re looking for a trade buy following a break above $3.45 whilst keeping the risk low with the initial stop sitting just beneath what would then be a new line of support circa $3.30…”   If you’re riding this one higher the trailing stop should be set at breakeven as an absolute minimum resulting in a technical risk free trade.  Continue to trail the stop beneath prior pivot lows as they develop to lock in some profit should a retracement start to unfold.  A small gap was left a few days ago that may need to be filled so if you’re looking for an entry be on the lookout for that.  Should the high on the 14th of January be tagged and rejected nimble traders could jump on with a view to trading the stock up toward the $4.30 region.  Whichever way you look at it Mermaid is looking pretty strong here though a pause for breath over the short wouldn’t be a surprise.

Re-published with permission of the publisher. www.thechartist.com.au All copyright remains with the publisher. The above views expressed are not FNArena's (see our disclaimer).

Risk Disclosure Statement


Technical limitations If you are reading this story through a third party distribution channel and you cannot see charts included, we apologise, but technical limitations are to blame.

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article 3 months old

Australian Stocks: What Happened Today?

By Max Ludowici, Equities & Derivatives Advisor, 708 Capital

The scoreboard:

-          The ASX200 closed down 10 points or 0.23% to 4623

-          The AUD fell sharply lower at midday.. Currently reading 1.0451 vs the USD

-          Total volume for the day was $8.3B. Less the influence of premarket options exercise ($3.3) gives a real volume figure of $5B.

It was a rollercoaster ride on the final major trading day for the year as the ASX reversed early gains at midday after an 11th hour vote was pulled by House of Representatives speaker John Boehner who was unable to muster majority support  to avert a possible fiscal cliff disaster.  The vote was supposed to extend Bush era tax cuts on incomes below $1m and allow higher tax rates for incomes above $1m. Boehner and Obama remain at loggerheads over the threshold at which the tax hikes will come into effect. Obama wants higher taxes on income above $400,000 where Boehner remained fixed on only agreeing to increases above $1m.

The market is all too aware that time is running out to resolve the crisis as most politicians will take holiday from today. Our market jagged 40 points lower on the news before financials and defensives regained traction and slowed the fall in the final two hours of trade. The news sent DOW futures plunging 220 points on the failed vote and remained down around 200 for most of our session.

The finale of this soap opera is anyone’s guess really. The market has a nasty habit on ‘selling the fact’ so perhaps a fall in the US market is likely even if a resolution is reached before the year end. We do know that there won’t be another House of Reps vote before Christmas so any immediate resolution remains up to Senate leader Harry Reid and President Obama. It looks as though the market is in for a good old country and western standoff. Perhaps the pollies have set the market up for one of the greatest bull traps in history. The way the US futures were looking most of the day, Iam not sure why Aussie market thinks they’re only bluffing?

If we put this noise to the side, the GDP news out of the US overnight and the reason for our market’s rise early on was due to a shock upward revision in 3Q GDP in the US from 2.7% to 3.1%.  Existing home sales also rose 5.9% in November from October, the biggest jump since 2009 and in contrast with analyst expectations of a rise of 2.3%. Both data sets are genuinely encouraging and illustrate a US economy genuinely in uptrend.

Bring on 2013, as a US economy hitting its straps and a centralised communist government willing to throw seemingly unlimited dollars on the world’s second biggest economy hopefully make the lingering GFC of ‘07 and Euro Crisis of ‘12 a distant memory.

Cliff uncertainty drove our market lower but saw cyclicals take the brunt of the fall with defensives showing good resilience. Westpac Bank ((WBC)) Commonwealth Bank ((CBA)) and ANZ Bank ((ANZ)) all showed gains of between 0.5-1%.

The big miners were the largest drag on the market. Rio Tinto ((RIO)) falling 0.90% and BHP Billiton ((BHP)) down 0.92%.

Gold struggled again today as it took another substantial hit overnight and continued slide throughout our session to $1641oz. (current pricing). Newcrest Mining ((NCM)) fell 2 cents to $22.47 and closing in on 3 year lows.

Those who remember the little animal chocolate, Yowie ((YOW)) will be pleased to hear it’s about to hit shelves again with a new and improved (child friendly) design and new listing on the ASX. YOW hit the boards today up 19,400% (reconstructed) as it unveiled a new US based production facility and a new confectionary range due out in Q1 2013. Hooray!

DOW futures are pointing to a disastrously weaker opening, currently down 195 points

(For a more comprehensive summary of last night’s market action see FNArena’s Overnight Report.)

This article produced at the request of and is published by FNArena with the expressed permission of 708 Capital.

708 Capital is a full service stockbroking and investment advisory firm. 708 offers investment and market advice to high-net-worth Private and Institutional clients in Australia and across the globe. 708's extensive network of contacts gives its clients exclusive access to ground-level fundraising opportunities and new company listings in a variety of small and large cap ASX listed companies. 708 has a longstanding track record of generating exceptional returns for its clients. Click here 708capital.com.au/contact-us/ for a no costconsultation and portfolioreview or to learn more visit www.708capital.com.au. Note: 708 Capital offers wealth management services for Sophisticated and Wholesale Investors only. We can only assist investors who are classified as Sophisticated Investors or have verified assets over AUD$2.5m.

708capital is a holder of AFSL. No. 386279


This document is intended to provide general securities advice only, and has been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs and therefore before acting on advice contained in this document you should consider its appropriateness having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. We recommend you obtain financial, legal and taxation advice before making any financial investment decision.

Disclosure of Interests: 708capital receives commission from dealing in securities and its authorised representatives, or introducers of business, may directly share in this commission. 708capital and its associates may hold shares in the companies recommended.

Find out why FNArena subscribers like the service so much: "Your Feedback (Thank You)" - Warning this story contains unashamedly positive feedback on the service provided.

article 3 months old

Australian Stocks: What Happened Today?

By Max Ludowici, Equities & Derivatives Advisor, 708 Capital

 The scoreboard:

-          The ASX200 closed up 16 points or 0.35% to 4634

-          The AUD broke below 1.05 overnight. Currently reading 1.0479 vs the USD

-          Index and Equity option expiry resulted in $6.4B worth of stock changing hands

Trading on the ASX was surprisingly resilient ahead of the Christmas and New Year break following on from a nervous session offshore as concerns surrounding the Fiscal Cliff weighed on sentiment. Other Asian markets were weaker across the board in today’s session following on from the US session which ended in the red as investors became increasingly pessimistic that a budgetary deal would be reached in time. Republican House speaker John Boehner spooked markets by declaring he would only approve legislation that protected the current income tax rates for Americans earning less than $1m per year.

Strong gains in the defensives offset mild profit taking in the miners as investors appeared unperturbed by the slower trading environment next week.  

Qantas Airways ((QAN)) and Emirates won approval from Australian competition regulators today for their proposed partnership overcoming the biggest hurdle the two companies faces in sealing their alliance. Though the determination as only in draft form, the ACCC announced it had concern that traffic between Australia and New Zealand would be neglected and that the airlines must agree to maintaining minimum flight capacity on the Trans-Tasman route. In other ACCC news, Carsales.com’s ((CRZ)) proposed takeover of the Trading post website was blocked by regulators as it was determined to reduce competition in the online car classifieds market. QAN closed flat at $1.46, CRZ closed down 1.2% to $7.49.

It was hardly earth shattering news but our economic hero Wayne Swan said the federal budget was unlikely to be in surplus by end of this fiscal year breaking the market’s nice uptrend and pushing the market beneath its highs.

Miners BHP Billiton ((BHP)) and Rio Tinto ((RIO)) closed lower down 0.05% and 0.62% respectively. Fortescue Metals ((FMG)) lost 3.43% to close at $4.50.

Dexus Property ((DXS)) closed up 4.5% to $1.055 following an announcement that It had sold the majority of its industrial assets in the US for $560m above their current value.

ANZ Bank ((ANZ)) gained 0.65% to $24.80 and Westpac Bank ((WBC)) put on 0.66% to $25.97.

DOW futures are pointing to a sharply negative opening currently reading down 40 points

(For a more comprehensive summary of last night’s market action see FNArena’s Overnight Report.)

This article produced at the request of and is published by FNArena with the expressed permission of 708 Capital.

708 Capital is a full service stockbroking and investment advisory firm. 708 offers investment and market advice to high-net-worth Private and Institutional clients in Australia and across the globe. 708's extensive network of contacts gives its clients exclusive access to ground-level fundraising opportunities and new company listings in a variety of small and large cap ASX listed companies. 708 has a longstanding track record of generating exceptional returns for its clients. Click here 708capital.com.au/contact-us/ for a no costconsultation and portfolioreview or to learn more visit www.708capital.com.au. Note: 708 Capital offers wealth management services for Sophisticated and Wholesale Investors only. We can only assist investors who are classified as Sophisticated Investors or have verified assets over AUD$2.5m.

708capital is a holder of AFSL. No. 386279


This document is intended to provide general securities advice only, and has been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs and therefore before acting on advice contained in this document you should consider its appropriateness having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. We recommend you obtain financial, legal and taxation advice before making any financial investment decision.

Disclosure of Interests: 708capital receives commission from dealing in securities and its authorised representatives, or introducers of business, may directly share in this commission. 708capital and its associates may hold shares in the companies recommended.

Find out why FNArena subscribers like the service so much: "Your Feedback (Thank You)" - Warning this story contains unashamedly positive feedback on the service provided.

article 3 months old

Australian Stocks: What Happened Today?

By Max Ludowici, Equities & Derivatives Advisor, 708 Capital

The scoreboard:

-          The ASX200 finished up 22 points or 0.50% to 4617

-          The AUD is still holding above 1.05. Currently reading 1.0517 vs the USD

-          Strong volumes were felt again today with $4.7B of stock changing hands.

Shares on the ASX performed strongly despite profit in the first part of the session to close the day up 22 points or 0.5% to 4617. Fiscal cliff talks remained in focus as President Obama demonstrated his willingness to compromise on the level of annual income that may be subject to higher taxes. Stocks were unable to match the moves on Wall St however showing that momentum may be slowing coming into the final real week of trade before Christmas and NYE. 

Traders should treat the year end and early January period with extreme caution. We’ve had a great move for the last two weeks and we’re entering a period of very low liquidity as traders and fund managers put their feet up which is likely to increase the potential of more volatile trading, particularly as traders will have built up sufficient long positions to be able to short markets and exacerbate any weakness the light trading may cause. There is also a huge option expiry day tomorrow for both index and stock options and will be the last opportunity for institutions to square and rebalance positions prior to the end of the calendar year.

The gold price got hit overnight and the technical backdrop demonstrates that a further slump is likely. Strong data out of the US and a move toward a fiscal resolution is causing gold to lose its safe haven appeal. Spot gold is currently trading at A$1672, 1.5% lower than yesterday’s open. Though more a reflection of continual production downgrades, Newcrest Mining ((NCM)) has been performing woefully since its peak at $30 just 3 months ago. NCM closed today’s trade down 3% to $22.56

Despite a takeover bid actually crystalising for Billabong ((BBG)) at $1.10, the stock fell over 14% intraday after the company cut its earning guidance. BBG closed the day down 13% to close at $0.85.

Miners continued to rise with BHP Billiton ((BHP)) and Rio Tinto ((RIO)) up 1.1% and 1.5% respectively.

Macquarie Bank ((MQG)) followed the positive moves of US investment banks overnight to post a gain of 2.5% to close at $34.82

DOW futures are pointing to a flat opening inline with last night’s close at 13,276.

(For a more comprehensive summary of last night’s market action see FNArena’s Overnight Report.)

This article produced at the request of and is published by FNArena with the expressed permission of 708 Capital.

708 Capital is a full service stockbroking and investment advisory firm. 708 offers investment and market advice to high-net-worth Private and Institutional clients in Australia and across the globe. 708's extensive network of contacts gives its clients exclusive access to ground-level fundraising opportunities and new company listings in a variety of small and large cap ASX listed companies. 708 has a longstanding track record of generating exceptional returns for its clients. Click here 708capital.com.au/contact-us/ for a no costconsultation and portfolioreview or to learn more visit www.708capital.com.au. Note: 708 Capital offers wealth management services for Sophisticated and Wholesale Investors only. We can only assist investors who are classified as Sophisticated Investors or have verified assets over AUD$2.5m.

708capital is a holder of AFSL. No. 386279


This document is intended to provide general securities advice only, and has been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs and therefore before acting on advice contained in this document you should consider its appropriateness having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. We recommend you obtain financial, legal and taxation advice before making any financial investment decision.

Disclosure of Interests: 708capital receives commission from dealing in securities and its authorised representatives, or introducers of business, may directly share in this commission. 708capital and its associates may hold shares in the companies recommended.

Find out why FNArena subscribers like the service so much: "Your Feedback (Thank You)" - Warning this story contains unashamedly positive feedback on the service provided.

article 3 months old

Australian Stocks: What Happened Today?

By Max Ludowici, Equities & Derivatives Advisor, 708 Capital


The scoreboard:

-          The ASX200 hit a 17-month high intraday to close up 21 points or 0.5% to 4595

-          The AUD is still holding above 1.05. Currently reading 1.054 vs the USD

-          Total volumes were strong at $4.8B despite many brokers and dealers already taking holidays.

Aussies stocks rose strongly on Tuesday closely tracking Wall Street’s session as positive signs from the US toward a fiscal cliff resolution inspired confidence in investors. A 45 minute meeting between Republican House Speaker, John Boehner and president Obama, the contents of which isn’t even known, was enough to get punters believing progress was being made. Boehner on Friday said he may support increasing income tax on those earning more than US$1m per year and this was likely the main topic of conversation as Republican’s are become increasingly conciliatory as they push for a resolution before the new year.

Iron Ore’s stellar run didn’t slow overnight and this was the big supporting factor for our market over the day. 62% Fe on the Spot market was up another 2.2% overnight to $132.20 a metric ton, a 50% jump from its low 6 months ago. The rise augers well for our resources industry and economy at large given our leverage to commodities and is pointing to a stronger 2013 for our market. Mining services companies are starting to move strongly with the likes of Bradken ((BKN)) up 10% in a week – closing today’s session at $5.28. Other notable rises included NRW holdings ((NWH)) up 7.7% in today’s trade.

The obvious beneficiaries of the continued strength in iron ore had strong moves over the day with Rio Tinto ((RIO)), BHP Billiton ((BHP)) and Atlas Iron ((AGO)) up 0.8%, 1.9%, 5.2% respectively. Fortescue was another standout, rising another 2.9% to $4.60.

The election of the pro-growth Liberal Democratic party in Japan over the weekend has pushed uranium stocks globally through the roof as the new party affirmed their support for the Nuclear power industry in Japan. Paladin Energy ((PDN)) rose 12.4%, Energy Resources Australia ((ERA)) also moved strongly, jumping 7.2%

DOW futures are pointing to another positive opening, currently up 36 points 

(For a more comprehensive summary of last night’s market action see FNArena’s Overnight Report.)


This article produced at the request of and is published by FNArena with the expressed permission of 708 Capital.

708 Capital is a full service stockbroking and investment advisory firm. 708 offers investment and market advice to high-net-worth Private and Institutional clients in Australia and across the globe. 708's extensive network of contacts gives its clients exclusive access to ground-level fundraising opportunities and new company listings in a variety of small and large cap ASX listed companies. 708 has a longstanding track record of generating exceptional returns for its clients. Click here 708capital.com.au/contact-us/ for a no costconsultation and portfolioreview or to learn more visit www.708capital.com.au. Note: 708 Capital offers wealth management services for Sophisticated and Wholesale Investors only. We can only assist investors who are classified as Sophisticated Investors or have verified assets over AUD$2.5m.

708capital is a holder of AFSL. No. 386279


This document is intended to provide general securities advice only, and has been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs and therefore before acting on advice contained in this document you should consider its appropriateness having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. We recommend you obtain financial, legal and taxation advice before making any financial investment decision.

Disclosure of Interests: 708capital receives commission from dealing in securities and its authorised representatives, or introducers of business, may directly share in this commission. 708capital and its associates may hold shares in the companies recommended.

Find out why FNArena subscribers like the service so much: "Your Feedback (Thank You)" - Warning this story contains unashamedly positive feedback on the service provided.