Several factors combined create positive momentum for equities in the short term. FY11 valuations continue to lend support.
If my personal observations are correct, the overall market bias has shifted to a positive outlook for equities.
Why the short term outlook for equity markets has improved, and markedly so.
Rudi On Thursday has ceased. Here’s why.
Weekly musings from your editor. After Greece, what comes next? I think it’s going to be the economy.
Weekly musings from your editor. Be careful when jumping on “buying opportunities”, the outlook might be less rosy than you would like it to be.
Weekly musings from your editor. I think it’s best to copy the RBA: gentle and cautious, while watching further developments is best.
Weekly musings from your editor. Don’t underestimate what is happening in risk markets: a trend has come to an end.
Weekly musings from your editor. Financial markets are starting to struggle with valuation limits. Do we correct? Or do we switch first?
Weekly musings from your editor. Markets have gone up a bit too fast, too far, in my view. But then again, what’s new?