The Overnight Report

Wrap of events affecting the market on Friday night and the weekend and a preview of the week ahead.

Feb 20 2017

Tax reform in two-three weeks? Well no, actually. Dow up 7.

Feb 17 2017

Donald Trump mentioned tax last night. Dow up 107.

Feb 16 2017

Dow 20k? That was so yesterday. Wall Street marches relentlessly on. Dow up 92.

Feb 15 2017

Previous Stories

The Overnight Report: No Turnaround Tuesday

Dec 14 2011

A ‘No Change’ decision by the Fed proved ultimately too much to bear for investors. (Locked for subscribers until 10:00 AEDT)

The Overnight Report: When The Market Speaks…

Dec 13 2011

The world’s assessment post yet another European solution is negative, or so it appears. (Locked for subscribers until 10:00 AEDT)

The Monday Report

Dec 12 2011

Wrap of events affecting the market on Friday night and the weekend and a preview of the week ahead.

The Overnight Report: Draghi Disappoints

Dec 09 2011

Only a 25bp cut from the ECB, and no further bond purchases. Dow down 198.

The Overnight Report: Waiting Game

Dec 08 2011

It’s an anxious fingers crossed on a flighty Wall Street as we head into the ECB and EU meetings over the next couple of days. Dow up 46.

The Overnight Report: What’s In A Name?

Dec 07 2011

EFSF, ESM or both? Either way, the tentative rally continues. Dow up 53.

The Monday Report

Dec 05 2011

Wrap of events affecting the market on Friday night and the weekend and a preview of the week ahead.

The Overnight Report: Reality Check

Dec 02 2011

Markets took a breather last night after global PMIs painted a less than rosy picture. Dow down 25.

The Overnight Report: Greenbacks To The Rescue

Dec 01 2011

The world’s major central banks announced last night they would open swap lines to provide cheap dollar funding for Europe’s troubled banks. Dow up 490.

The Overnight Report: Confidence Boost

Nov 30 2011

A surprising jump in US consumer confidence helped Wall Street to another up day. Dow up 32.

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