The Overnight Report

Wrap of events affecting the market on Friday night and the weekend and a preview of the week ahead.

Feb 20 2017

Tax reform in two-three weeks? Well no, actually. Dow up 7.

Feb 17 2017

Donald Trump mentioned tax last night. Dow up 107.

Feb 16 2017

Dow 20k? That was so yesterday. Wall Street marches relentlessly on. Dow up 92.

Feb 15 2017

Previous Stories

The Overnight Report: Coming To A Head

Oct 04 2011

Global stock market weakness continued last night on the back of Greece’s inability to meet its deficit reduction targets. Dow down 258.

The Monday Report

Oct 03 2011

Wrap of events affecting the market on Friday night and the weekend and a preview of the week ahead.

The Overnight Report: Motion Sickness

Sep 30 2011

The Dow gave up a 261 point to finish up 143, having been negative in between.

The Overnight Report: Remember China?

Sep 29 2011

A lack of news in Europe focused attention on the new low made in the Chinese market as the copper price slips away. Dow down 179.

The Overnight Report: And Back To The Business Of Bickering

Sep 28 2011

The Dow gave up a 320 point gain to close up 146 as the bickering begins again in Europe.

The Overnight Report: Throw A Tarp Over It

Sep 27 2011

Europe’s TARP-style rescue plan began to take shape last night, providing a boost of confidence. Dow up 272.

The Monday Report

Sep 26 2011

Wrap of events affecting the market on Friday night and the weekend and a preview of the week ahead.

The Overnight Report: Ghosts Of Lehman

Sep 23 2011

Abandon all hope ye who enter. Dow down 391.

The Overnight Report: Like We Did Last Summer

Sep 22 2011

Bernanke does the Twist and Wall Street leaves the dance floor. Dow down 283.

The Overnight Report: More Delays And Downgrades

Sep 21 2011

Greece will now have to wait until next month to find out if it can have its money, while Wall Street prepares for the Fed. Dow up 7.

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