The Overnight Report

Wrap of events affecting the market on Friday night and the weekend and a preview of the week ahead.

Feb 20 2017

Tax reform in two-three weeks? Well no, actually. Dow up 7.

Feb 17 2017

Donald Trump mentioned tax last night. Dow up 107.

Feb 16 2017

Dow 20k? That was so yesterday. Wall Street marches relentlessly on. Dow up 92.

Feb 15 2017

Previous Stories

The Overnight Report: Day Three Kicks

Mar 13 2009

Wall Street extended its rally last night as suddenly the world doesn’t seem so bad after all. Dow up 240.

The Overnight Report: Steady

Mar 12 2009

Wall Street managed to hold onto Tuesday’s gains last night. Dow unchanged. (Locked for subscribers until 10:00 AEDT)

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