The Overnight Report

Wrap of events affecting the market on Friday night and the weekend and a preview of the week ahead.

Feb 20 2017

Tax reform in two-three weeks? Well no, actually. Dow up 7.

Feb 17 2017

Donald Trump mentioned tax last night. Dow up 107.

Feb 16 2017

Dow 20k? That was so yesterday. Wall Street marches relentlessly on. Dow up 92.

Feb 15 2017

Previous Stories

The Monday Report

Sep 15 2014

Wrap of events affecting the market on Friday night and the weekend and a preview of the week ahead.

The Overnight Report: Considerable Debate

Sep 12 2014

Wall Street and global markets will agonise over an anticipated change in Fed policy for another week until the meeting. Dow down 19. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEST)

The Overnight Report: Scotland The Not So Brave?

Sep 11 2014

The polls have swung on the highlands and Wall Street has decided Apple’s new products are winners. Dow up 54. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEST)

The Overnight Report: Data Not Dates

Sep 10 2014

Speculation that the Fed will make a significant change in policy next week had Wall Street nervous last night. Dow down 97. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEST)

The Overnight Report: Aussie Tumbles

Sep 09 2014

Wall Street did little last night but the Aussie suddenly decided to plummet a cent. Dow down 25. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEST)

The Monday Report

Sep 08 2014

Wrap of events affecting the market on Friday night and the weekend and a preview of the week ahead.

The Overnight Report: Draghi Walks The Walk

Sep 05 2014

The ECB has instigated QE, after a fashion, but again Wall Street fizzled out towards the close. Dow down 8. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEST)

The Overnight Report: Ceasefire Shenanigans

Sep 04 2014

Ceasefire in Ukraine or not? That’s what markets were asking last night, ahead of central bank meetings and US jobs numbers. Dow up 10. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEST)

The Overnight Report: Over To You Janet

Sep 03 2014

Rising expectations of a Fed rate rise had US bonds and gold crashing last night while oil prices tumbled and stock markets were undecided. Dow down 30. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEST)

The Overnight Report: Calm Reigns

Sep 02 2014

The holiday on Wall Street ensured all markets were quiet last night. Except iron ore, which has fallen to a two-year low. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEST)

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