Tag Archives: Uranium

article 3 months old

Term Demand Dominating Uranium Market

By Greg Peel

Either something has to give shortly or perhaps the spot uranium market will fade in importance once more as a price indicator, as was the case before the big uranium bubble of the mid noughties. Prior to the bubble the uranium spot market drew little attention given a long stretch of relatively low and stable uranium prices post the Chernobyl disaster. But the China super-cycle changed all that, and suddenly speculators saw a lagging commodity price and a spot market ready to be exploited.

In today's post-Fukushima world however, speculators are looking a bit twice bitten and three times shy (twice being the bursting of the bubble and then the tsunami). Commodity funds appear less interested in including uranium in their baskets, and China appears about the only source of global growth in longer term uranium demand for the time being. Yet that is to forget that operating reactors still need fuel, and right now utilities are queuing up to secure future supply while prices remain near post-Fukushima lows. 

Industry consultant Tradetech reports another utility entered the market last week seeking 1mlbs of uranium for delivery over a four-year period. That utility joins another seeking 1mlbs over three years, and another seeking 1.2mlbs over four years. Then there's a utility looking for 1.7mlbs for delivery in 2014-20, and another wanting 2.9mlbs from now to 2032. There are at least a couple of more utilities seeking offers, but the above alone adds to 6.8mlbs of U3O8 equivalent.

Last week in the spot market, only three transactions occurred totalling less than a mere 400,000lbs, TradeTech reports. Buyers snuck up closer to sellers mid-week, but by week's end the bid-offer gap had widened again. TradeTech's weekly spot price indicator remains at US$51.50/lb.

The question is: if you have some uranium to sell at spot and you see demand rolling into the term market, where TradeTech's price indicators are US$53.50/lb in the mid-term and US$60.00/lb for the longer term, would you feel compelled to dump on the first buyer that sticks up its hand, at US$51.50/lb? No, probably not. 

And there we have the uranium market at present. Until speculators feel more confident in reentering the market, or perhaps Beijing decides to build some quick stockpiles on cheap spot prices, the sellers have no reason to be aggressive. But that's not to say the uranium market is weak.

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article 3 months old

The Short Report

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By Chris Shaw

Already one of the top 20 short positions on the Australian market, Myer ((MYR)) saw total shorts increase further for the week from April 10. Shorts rose to 12.92% from 11.57% previously, the market still dealing with weak conditions for the consumer discretionary sector.

Also in the top 20 and exposed to discretionary spending are the likes of JB Hi-Fi ((JBH)), David Jones ((DJS)), Billabong ((BBG)), Flight Centre ((FLT)) and Harvey Norman ((HVN)), with Myer now in the number two position. JB Hi-Fi remains the clear number one, shorts in the stock increasing for the week to 23.22% from 22.3% the week prior.

Others with significant short positions include Cochlear ((COH)), Lynas Corporation ((LYC)), Iluka ((ILU)) and Gunns ((GNS)).

Paladin ((PDN)) was the other stock where shorts rose by almost 1.0 percentage points, rising to 5.7% for the week from April 10 from 4.73% previously. The increase came leading into a quarterly production report that fell short of market expectations, while Paladin has at least addressed refinancing concerns with the announcement yesterday of a convertible bond issue.

The most significant change in shorts for the week from April 10 was in Beach Energy ((BPT)), where total positions fell to 2.04% from 6.11% previously as the market continues to adjust to Beach's capital raising last month.

Shorts in Charter Hall Office ((CQO)) also declined, falling to 0.03% from 1.46% previously as the company confirmed some consortium agreements and confirmed distribution guidance. Lynas was one of the few in the top 20 to enjoy a fall in short positions in the week from April 10, with a decline to 9.23% from 9.9% as at least one broker adjusted its model to account for delays to the LAMP project in Malaysia.

With respect to monthly changes from March 16 the largest increase was in Carsales.com ((CRZ)), positions rising to 11.47% from 6.32% previously. The gain has been a relatively constant one since the company announced it was taking a stake in New Zealand online retailer Torpedo7.

Shorts in Bathurst Resources ((BTU) rose in the month to 4.44% from 0.93% following a disappointing quarterly report and the fact there will be some delays to the Escarpment appeals process, while Paladin's shorts have increased over the month by a total of 2.20 percentage points.

Falls in monthly short positions were less pronounced, the largest a decline to 1.78% from 3.62% for Alkane ((ALK)), which came as the company acquired royalties over the Tomingly gold project.

RBS Australia notes short positions in GWA ((GWA)) have risen over the past week by more than one percentage point to 4.6%, the broker seeing this a reflection of still tough conditions in the housing market. With cuts to housing cycle forecasts and the expectation of a flatter cycle bottom a recovery for GWA and similar companies is likely to be more protracted than RBS had previously thought.

Others in the market pay be taking a similar view, as RBS notes short positions rose over the past week in the likes of CSR ((CSR)), BlueScope Steel ((BSL)) and GUD Holdings, all of which have some exposure to the housing market.


Top 20 Largest Short Positions

Rank Symbol Short Position Total Product %Short
1 JBH 22957064 98850643 23.22
2 MYR 75484581 583384551 12.92
3 ISO 717405 5703165 12.58
4 CRZ 26824439 233684223 11.47
5 COH 6255238 56929432 11.00
6 FXJ 256447608 2351955725 10.91
7 DJS 55037981 524940325 10.47
8 FLT 9952226 100024697 9.92
9 BBG 25035585 255102103 9.80
10 LYC 158271121 1714496913 9.23
11 EGP 55781335 688019737 8.10
12 HVN 78167927 1062316784 7.33
13 GNS 61500887 848401559 7.24
14 WTF 14124172 211736244 6.65
15 ILU 26552271 418700517 6.33
16 TRS 1573891 26071170 6.06
17 TEN 62123783 1045236720 5.93
18 CSR 29830093 506000315 5.89
19 SGT 9466583 165074137 5.74
20 PDN 47575816 835645290 5.70

To see the full Short Report, please go to this link


The above information is sourced from daily reports published by the Australian Investment & Securities Commission (ASIC) and is provided by FNArena unqualified as a service to subscribers. FNArena would like to make it very clear that immediate assumptions cannot be drawn from the numbers alone.

It is wrong to assume that short percentages published by ASIC simply imply negative market positions held by fund managers or others looking to profit from a fall in respective share prices. While all or part of certain short percentages may indeed imply such, there are also a myriad of other reasons why a short position might be held which does not render that position “naked” given offsetting positions held elsewhere. Whatever balance of percentages truly is a “short” position would suggest there are negative views on a stock held by some in the market and also would suggest that were the news flow on that stock to turn suddenly positive, “short covering” may spark a short, sharp rally in that share price. However short positions held as an offset against another position may prove merely benign.

Often large short positions can be attributable to a listed hybrid security on the same stock where traders look to “strip out” the option value of the hybrid with offsetting listed option and stock positions. Short positions may form part of a short stock portfolio offsetting a long share price index (SPI) futures portfolio – a popular trade which seeks to exploit windows of opportunity when the SPI price trades at an overextended discount to fair value. Short positions may be held as a hedge by a broking house providing dividend reinvestment plan (DRP) underwriting services or other similar services. Short positions will occasionally need to be adopted by market makers in listed equity exchange traded fund products (EFT). All of the above are just some of the reasons why a short position may be held in a stock but can be considered benign in share price direction terms due to offsets.

Market makers in stock and stock index options will also hedge their portfolios using short positions where necessary. These delta hedges often form the other side of a client's long stock-long put option protection trade, or perhaps long stock-short call option (“buy-write”) position. In a clear example of how published short percentages can be misleading, an options market maker may hold a short position below the implied delta hedge level and that actually implies a “long” position in that stock.

Another popular trading strategy is that of “pairs trading” in which one stock is held short against a long position in another stock. Such positions look to exploit perceived imbalances in the valuations of two stocks and imply a “net neutral” market position.

Aside from all the above reasons as to why it would be a potential misconception to draw simply conclusions on short percentages, there are even wider issues to consider. ASIC itself will admit that short position data is not an exact science given the onus on market participants to declare to their broker when positions truly are “short”. Without any suggestion of deceit, there are always participants who are ignorant of the regulations. Discrepancies can also arise when short positions are held by a large investment banking operation offering multiple stock market services as well as proprietary trading activities. Such activity can introduce the possibility of either non-counting or double-counting when custodians are involved and beneficial ownership issues become unclear.

Finally, a simple fact is that the Australian Securities Exchange also keeps its own register of short positions. The figures provided by ASIC and by the ASX at any point do not necessarily correlate.

FNArena has offered this qualified explanation of the vagaries of short stock positions as a warning to subscribers not to jump to any conclusions or to make investment decisions based solely on these unqualified numbers. FNArena strongly suggests investors seek advice from their stock broker or financial adviser before acting upon any of the information provided herein.

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article 3 months old

Uranium Sellers Sensing Strength

By Greg Peel

The market for spot uranium seems destined to reach some sort of meeting of the minds which could result in more solid volumes, but not just yet.

As noted in last week's Uranium Buyers Shun Spot For Term, traded volumes in the uranium spot market have remained very subdued year to date compared to last year's Fukushima-impacted action. Yet this does not imply a total lack of interest in uranium, just a preference from buyers for delivery contracts of a year or more. Indeed, while few term transactions have been completed recently there is no lack of utilities on the hunt for delivery contract offers.

What we haven't seen much of this year is interest from hedge funds looking to speculate on uranium price direction via spot trades. On the one hand, speculators have had a rough time both in 2007 and again last year so understandably they remain a little shy, while on the other hand they are being turned off by the recent geographical (US vs European delivery) and uranium form (U3O8 vs UF6) mismatch in place across the Atlantic.

There were nevertheless four transactions totalling under 500,000lbs U3O8 equivalent conducted in the spot market last week according to industry consultant TradeTech, and some build-up in buying interest has meant TradeTech's weekly spot price indicator has risen US25c to US$51.50/lb. More transactions would have been completed if the sellers had not backed off, citing growing demand in the term market as indication spot prices should soon be higher.

“The entry of new demand in the mid and long term markets has many sellers convinced of the potential for additional spot demand to materialize,” suggests TradeTech, “and thus for a potential recovery in the spot price as well”.

Uranium fans can but hope.

TradeTech's term price indicators remain at US$53.50/lb (mid) and $60.00/lb (long).

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article 3 months old

Top Ten Weekly Recommendation, Target Price, Earnings Forecast Changes

By Chris Shaw

The past week has been a busy period for changes in broker ratings as the eight brokers in the FNArena database have upgraded recommendations on 12 stocks while downgrading a further 14. This means the trend of more downgrades than upgrades continues. Total Buy ratings now stand at 50.59%.

The only stock receiving multiple upgrades was Energy Resources of Australia ((ERA)), where both BA Merrill Lynch and UBS have moved to Buy ratings from Sell previously. The rating upgrades reflect a more positive view post an update by the company on the progress of operations at Ranger.

BA-ML has also upgraded Alacer Gold ((AQG)) to Buy from Sell, reflecting the broker's view the market is at present too concerned about the group's Australian assets, to the point value is emerging at current levels.

Interim earnings from Australian Pharmaceutical ((API)) were good enough for Macquarie to lift earnings estimates and its price target, the latter change enough to justify an upgrade to a Buy rating from Neutral previously. Across the market earnings estimates and price targets were adjusted post the result.

Following a strategy update by the bank UBS has upgraded Commonwealth Bank ((CBA)) to Buy from Neutral, as the broker sees strategy execution delivering relative outperformance. UBS has also lifted its price target post the update.

UBS similarly upgraded CSL ((CSL)) to Buy from Neutral on news Baxter faces delays with its HyQ product that should provide something of an earnings boost to CSL. Other brokers covering the stock have revised earnings expectations and price targets on the news.

News Fleetwood ((FWD)) will build an accommodation village in Gladstone was enough for RBS to upgrade to a Buy rating from Hold previously, as the expectation is this will deliver an earnings boost from FY14.

Credit Suisse sees value in Perseus ((PRU)) post a solid quarterly production report where output was solid and costs fell, while increases to earnings estimates for Tatt's ((TTS)) from higher win rates on fixed odd bets are enough for the broker to move to a Neutral rating from Sell previously.

While not changing its earnings forecasts Macquarie has upgraded UGL ((UGL)) to Buy from Neutral, the broker suggesting ongoing contract wins and the continued integration of DTZ will act as catalysts for the stock in coming months.

On the downgrades side, UBS has cut its rating on AMP ((AMP)) to Neutral from Buy on valuation grounds post a review of its model, while JP Morgan has similarly downgraded Aristocrat Leisure ((ALL)) on the back of recent share price strength.

For the same reason RBS has downgraded Automotive Holdings ((AHE)) to Hold from Buy, while Credit Suisse has similarly downgraded Caltex ((CTX)) to Neutral from Buy given recent share price strength.

Centro Retail ((CRF)) has been downgraded to Neutral from Overweight by JP Morgan on news the company is to sell some of its assets, as while the group's balance sheet will be strengthened overall asset quality will be reduced, in the view of JP Morgan.

BA-ML suggests it is getting tougher for Newcrest ((NCM)) to achieve production guidance this year and this implies consensus earnings estimates are too high. For the broker this is enough reason to downgrade to Neutral from Buy. Newcrest will release its March quarter production report in the week ahead.

While domestic market conditions are supportive, conditions for Nufarm ((NUF)) in other markets are more difficult and this has prompted Citi to downgrade its rating to Sell from Neutral, while Spark Infrastructure's ((SKI)) proposed expansion away from electricity via (an attempt to) taking a stake in the Sydney desalination plant is not a great move in the view of Macquarie. The broker downgrades to Neutral from Buy.

The most downgrades were applied to Westfield Group (WDC)) as UBS, Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank have all lowered ratings to Neutral from Buy. Westfield has announced plans to sell non-core assets and this news has been well received, but valuation has been the key driver behind the cuts in ratings.


Total Recommendations
Recommendation Changes


Broker Recommendation Breakup


Broker Rating

Order Company Old Rating New Rating Broker
1 ALACER GOLD CORP Sell Buy BA-Merrill Lynch
8 PERSEUS MINING LIMITED Neutral Buy Credit Suisse
9 ST BARBARA LIMITED Sell Neutral Macquarie
10 TATTS GROUP LIMITED Sell Neutral Credit Suisse
11 UGL LIMITED Neutral Buy Macquarie
13 AMP LIMITED Buy Neutral UBS
17 CALTEX AUSTRALIA LIMITED Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
18 CENTRO RETAIL AUSTRALIA Neutral Neutral JP Morgan
20 NEWCREST MINING LIMITED Buy Neutral BA-Merrill Lynch
21 NUFARM LIMITED Neutral Sell Citi
22 PALADIN ENERGY LTD Sell Sell Macquarie
25 WESTFIELD GROUP Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
26 WESTFIELD GROUP Buy Neutral Deutsche Bank


Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 ERA - 63.0% - 13.0% 50.0% 8
2 SBM - 67.0% - 33.0% 34.0% 3
3 AQG 57.0% 86.0% 29.0% 7
4 PRU 20.0% 40.0% 20.0% 5
5 FWD 20.0% 40.0% 20.0% 5
6 WPL 25.0% 38.0% 13.0% 8
7 DJS - 63.0% - 50.0% 13.0% 8
8 CBA - 25.0% - 13.0% 12.0% 8
9 PNA 63.0% 75.0% 12.0% 8
10 CSL 63.0% 75.0% 12.0% 8

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 SVW 75.0% 50.0% - 25.0% 4
2 AHE 75.0% 50.0% - 25.0% 4
3 CTX 33.0% 17.0% - 16.0% 6
4 EGP 63.0% 50.0% - 13.0% 8
5 AMP 63.0% 50.0% - 13.0% 8
6 NCM 75.0% 63.0% - 12.0% 8

Target Price

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 ERA 1.394 1.580 13.34% 8
2 CSL 36.273 37.758 4.09% 8
3 SBM 2.197 2.267 3.19% 3
4 SVW 10.925 11.235 2.84% 4
5 AQG 10.219 10.504 2.79% 7
6 AHE 2.655 2.710 2.07% 4
7 VAH 0.473 0.476 0.63% 7
8 EGP 4.498 4.523 0.56% 8
9 CBA 51.030 51.301 0.53% 8
10 FWD 13.512 13.546 0.25% 5

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 PRU 3.414 3.304 - 3.22% 5
2 NCM 40.003 38.753 - 3.12% 8
3 PNA 4.095 3.980 - 2.81% 8
4 AMP 4.834 4.771 - 1.30% 8

Earning Forecast

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 MCR 1.100 2.967 169.73% 3
2 TCL 13.443 14.386 7.01% 7
3 WPL 225.310 238.645 5.92% 8
4 STO 67.488 71.288 5.63% 8
5 IAG 24.075 25.100 4.26% 8
6 TAP 3.100 3.200 3.23% 4
7 API 4.114 4.214 2.43% 5
8 PNA 34.769 35.316 1.57% 8
9 CGF 46.329 47.014 1.48% 7
10 SBM 35.800 36.300 1.40% 3

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 GBG 0.800 - 0.943 - 217.88% 6
2 BOQ 28.938 15.663 - 45.87% 8
3 BCI 48.767 41.100 - 15.72% 3
4 CRF 10.383 8.850 - 14.76% 6
5 WHC 14.383 12.467 - 13.32% 6
6 GRR 10.900 9.467 - 13.15% 6
7 SVW 87.780 79.960 - 8.91% 4
8 PRU 15.940 14.533 - 8.83% 5
9 ILU 241.900 224.113 - 7.35% 8
10 VAH 3.033 2.857 - 5.80% 7

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article 3 months old

Yet Another Disappointment From Paladin

 - Paladin's March quarter production disappoints (yet again)
 - Sales solid, expected to be stronger in June quarter
 - Minor changes to broker models post the report
 - Brokers remain split on outlook for Paladin

By Chris Shaw

The three months to the end of March proved to be yet another disappointing production period for Paladin ((PDN)), with both the Langer Heinrich and Kayelekera mines operating below market expectations for the quarter.

Total uranium production in the quarter was 1.77 million pounds, JP Morgan noting this fell 3% short of the December quarter and was lower than the broker's forecast of 1.98 million pounds. Langer Heinrich fell short due to commissioning bottlenecks and lower grade feed, while unsuccessful testing of a new reagent impacted on performance at Kayelekera.

The production result meant guidance for the full year has been trimmed, management now forecasting full year output of 6.95 million pounds. Brokers have adjusted to this by trimming expectations, Citi cutting its production forecast for FY12 to 6.9 million pounds from 7.0 million pounds previously.

On the plus side, Citi notes sales for Paladin during the period were achieved at a slightly higher price than expected, the average realised sales price of US$59.17 per pound coming in above the broker's US$57.70 forecast.

Inventory levels also increased during the March quarter, something Citi expects will result in higher sales in the June quarter. BA Merrill Lynch agrees, pointing out Paladin's sales volumes tend to be unevenly distributed throughout the year. This means a significantly higher sales figure for the June quarter should come as no great surprise.

The other changes to models are longer-dated, an example being UBS's expectations for Langer Heinrich Stage 4. The broker now sees first production from this stage being delayed by nine months relative to previous estimates, to the first half of 2015. This has a minor impact on both earnings in coming years and valuation for Paladin, UBS trimming its valuation by 1% to $2.60.

While there have been minor changes to models across the market, price targets and ratings have not been adjusted. The FNArena database shows Paladin is rated as Buy three times, Hold three times and Sell once. The consensus price target is $2.18, with targets ranging from Macquarie at $1.50 to JP Morgan at $3.35.

With respect to the Buy argument for Paladin, JP Morgan continues to be attracted to the group's leverage to spot uranium prices. As the broker notes, the average estimated incentive price for new uranium production is around US$80 per pound. Given this is above current spot prices there is potential for projects to be delayed or cancelled, potentially leading to a tightening market and higher prices in JP Morgan's view.

Another positive noted by Citi is the potential for Paladin to create value by selling some assets. At present Paladin is in discussion with potential joint venture partners with respect to undeveloped assets, but Citi suggests this is unlikely to raise enough funds to meet some debt repayments due next year. 

This leads Citi to suggest selling a joint venture stake in an undeveloped asset would both reduce development risk and generate a value for something the market currently ascribes little value to. This offers some upside potential in the broker's view.

In contrast, Deutsche continues to rate Paladin as a Hold, reflecting both the expectation of further minor delays to production as expansions are bedded down and with upcoming capex and refinancing requirements continuing to pressure the group's balance sheet. UBS sides with Deutsche in that funding and cash flow remain concerns, though the broker suggests these could be removed if asset sales result from Paladin's strategic review process.

In a relatively flat market shares in Paladin are weaker today and as at 12.40pm the stock was down 8.5c at $1.69. This compares to a range over the past year of $1.11 to $3.80 and implies upside of just under 30% relative to the consensus price target in the FNArena database.

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article 3 months old

Uranium Players Shun Spot For Term

By Greg Peel

Last week a mere three transactions occurred in the global spot uranium market, totalling 500,000lbs, industry consultant TradeTech reports. TradeTech's spot price indicator remains unchanged at US$51.25/lb. Year to date trading has seen 8.2mlbs of U3O8 equivalent change hands compared to 18.4mlbs in the same period last year. We recall that the Japanese tsunami hit in March last year.

It must be noted that uranium is not particularly suited to spot trading. The price of a commodity enjoying globally high and wide everyday demand, like copper, is very much suited and thus the spot market is the dominant price-setter. Bulk materials such as iron ore and coal, which big steelmakers stockpile rather than order in at the last minute, have long been traded on yearly price settlement but they are now moving closer to spot pricing given the China impact and competitive supply. Alumina is one commodity now looking to spot trading after a history of fixed price linkages. LNG, however, is still traded very much on 20-year offtake and equity sharing deals, for example.

Uranium is not a widely consumed commodity globally, and not widely mined. Supply is dominated by a handful of big players. Nuclear reactors take a very long time to build, and use a large amount of uranium to fire up. Once fired up, a much smaller amount of uranium is needed to keep them going. Supply contracts between suppliers and consumers are thus also of the term variety, for anything from one to twenty years. Deals are tendered and negotiated for weeks and months can go by without any transactions. The spot uranium market is mostly used to cover miners' supply contract shortfalls or sudden small-order demand from consumers, but is not the definitive price-setter – more of a general indicator.

The spot market is also the plaything of speculators, be they intermediary uranium traders or commodity-punting hedge funds. A once somnolent uranium spot market was whipped into a frenzy in 2005-07 when speculators poured into the market to exploit one commodity in demand from China which had not yet joined the “super cycle” surge. The result was a major price bubble, and when a spot uranium futures contract was listed in the US it pretty much heralded the peak before the inevitable crash.

Fast forward to early 2011, and speculative interest in uranium had just begun to re-awake when along came Fukushima to blow a few speculators out of the water once more. Those left playing have this year had to deal with global gaps in delivery location and form, while the “real” players have bided their time to a great extent, no doubt continuing to assess just what fallout Fukushima will ultimately bring about. There's no rush to buy or sell. (On that front, assumptions are growing that Japan will soon switch on some reactors again ahead of the summer peak in electricity demand.)

So the spot uranium market has been pretty “dead” for the past several months. This has not prevented interest beginning to return from real players in the term markets, medium and long. Last week for example, four utilities entered the market seeking supply contracts for a total of 6.8mlbs covering periods of one to twenty years into the future, Trade Tech reports. TradeTech's term price indicators remain at US$53.50/lb (medium) and US$60.00/lb (long). On the spot front, the feeling now is that US$50/lb is a proven price floor which alleviates the need for sellers to dump in panic while buyers are in no rush either.

Australian-listed Paladin Energy ((PDN)) has been following a bumpy road to becoming one of the world's more significant uranium producers as it deals with the usual pitfalls of project development and expansion and deals with them in Namibia. Aside from production issues, Paladin is suffering from cashflow tightness as development costs rise in the face of weak post-Fukushima uranium pricing.

As a relative new kid on the global producer block Paladin does not suffer from having to service old long-dated legacy contracts from years ago at low prices and can sell its product at closer to a spot market price-setting. JP Morgan notes that while Paladin's production fell short of expectation in the March quarter and sales were lumpy, the achieved average sale price of US$59.17/lb well exceeded the analysts' forecast of US$51.33/lb (which is basically current spot).

All is thus not lost, it would seem.

Moreover, JP Morgan calculates that in today's world of rising costs the incentive price for new uranium supply projects is US$80/lb – a long way above current spot. Not only will this ensure new project considerations will be held back, it will likely ensure delays and cancellations among existing new projects. This, suggests JP Morgan, points to a tightening supply market and, eventually,  higher uranium prices.

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article 3 months old

Weekly Broker Wrap: Lower Commodity Prices And Quarterly Previews

 - Commodity prices forecast to weaken in coming year
 - Brokers preview resource stocks leading into quarterly reports
 - Retailers close to facing margin collapse
 - Price deflation to continue to impact on retailers

By Chris Shaw

This week the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has updated its expectations for commodity prices and the eye-catching conclusion was that prices in the sector are expected to weaken during 2012-13.

In the IMF's view, weak global activity and increased downside risk to the near-term economic outlook are likely to pressure commodity prices. This in turn could slow growth amongst commodity exporters, leading the IMF to suggest in times of historically high commodity prices such as the present, commodity exporters should look to lower debt levels and create fiscal room to support a counter-cyclical response if prices do fall.

The issue is complicated by the uncertainty as to the sustainability of commodity price swings. The IMF notes in periods of temporary price moves counter-cyclical policy measures should be the response, but large commodity exporting nations can adopt less of such measures given a spillover economic impact from higher prices.

The IMF's study has found economic conditions tend to be amplified when commodity price cycles last longer or when they include sharper than average price changes. In general, energy and metal exporters have a larger impact on macroeconomic performance given a higher share of total exports and GDP.

In the view of CBA this point is significant for Australia given the two key bulk commodity exports of iron ore and coal. The value of iron ore and coal exports are forecast to reach almost 50% of total commodity exports in 2011-12.

CBA's analysis comes to a similar conclusion to that of the IMF, in that commodity prices are viewed to have peaked and should trend lower in coming months. This should put some downward pressure on Australia's export receipts.

Looking specifically at the outlook for Australia's bulk producers leading into the March quarterly reporting season, UBS notes this quarter is typically the weakest given higher average rainfall across Northern Australia in particular.

The rain should impact on bulk production and shipments for the March quarter, while there is seemingly scope for positive adjustments in the copper space. While zinc should see little variation, nickel producers look more exposed to negative quarterly pricing adjustments. 

Among stocks under coverage by UBS, Alacer Gold's (AQG)) update should deliver production of around 108,900 ounces at cash costs of US$586 per ounce for the quarter. This compares to full year production guidance of 420-440,000 ounces.

March quarter production at Aquarius Platinum ((AQP)) should be around 8% better than the December quarter in UBS's view thanks largely to modest improvements at Kroondal and Marikana and something of a rebound at Everest.

The focus of Aston's (AZT)) quarterly is expected to be an update on the Maules Creek project, with UBS suggesting there could be more information with respect to the expected timing of development approvals.

Atlas Iron ((AGO)) is seen as one of the companies particularly impacted by bad weather during the period, UBS expecting production and shipments will be at the lower end of full year guidance. With its two operating coal mines in New Zealand being less impacted by the weather, Bathurst Resources ((BTU)) is expected to deliver production for the quarter of around 70,000 tonnes

While BC Iron ((BCI)) should achieve production guidance UBS expects this is more likely to happen later in the year, so investors are likely to focus on the timing of when this is achieved. BHP Billiton's ((BHP)) quarter should be weak relative to the December quarter, this attributed primarily to bad weather and some industrial relations issues.

Production from Endeavour Mining ((EVR)) should come in at around 43,700 ounces for the quarter according to UBS, with a cash cost of US$680 per ounce. Fortescue ((FMG)) is likely to fall slightly short of production guidance for the quarter due to cyclones during the period, while UBS suggests costs may also push a little higher.

Gindalbie Metals ((GBG)) should deliver a solid production report and update on progress towards first shipments of concentrate, while UBS anticipates Grange Resources ((GRR)) will deliver production for the period in line with expectations. In contrast, Kagara ((KZL)) is expected to deliver a weak quarter given an operational restructure.

There is scope for Mincor ((MCR)) to improve from the flat production delivered in the December quarter, with UBS suggesting this comes as higher grade ore is accessed and mining efficiency gains are realised.

Results from Mount Gibson ((MGX)) should be mixed due to some rail and port downtime in the period, while UBS expects a slight increase in quarterly production from Newcrest ((NCM)) and some additional details with respect to a ramp-up of operations at Cadia East.

The Oz Minerals ((OZL)) result includes some potential for cash cost variations given increased waste movements, while UBS expects a slight increase in output from Paladin ((PDN)) relative to the December quarter.

Gold and copper output for PanAust ((PNA)) should return to more normal levels in the March quarter, while exploration updates will also be of interest. Few surprises are expected from the Panoramic Resources ((PAN)) quarterly, while UBS suggests the update from Platinum Australia ((PLA)) will be important in assessing the extent of improvement at the Smokey Hills mine.

Perseus ((PRU)) is expected to deliver a review of operational performance with its production numbers, while UBS also expects a seasonally weak quarter from Rio Tinto ((RIO)) given some bad weather during the period.

Along with production numbers Regis Resources ((RRL)) should update on exploration and development at the Garden Well project, while exploration updates from Western Areas ((WSA)) will also be of interest to UBS.

Deutsche Bank has similarly updated its view on mining companies under coverage leading into March quarter reports, in particular those in the copper and nickel sectors. For copper the broker expects prices will strengthen during the year before easing from 2013, meaning the preference is for low cost producers offering some growth potential.

This puts PanAust at the top of Deutsche's list, given an expected step up in production this year as Ban Houayxai comes on line and as operations at Phu Kham expand. From expected full year production this year of 65,000 tonnes of copper and 130,000 ounces of gold, Deutsche expects output will hit close to 100,000 tonnes of copper and 200,000 ounces of gold by 2015.

Also rated a Buy by Deutsche is Oz Minerals, this despite a flat production outlook through to 2018. The attraction for the broker is a cash balance of around US$900 million and US$200 million in undrawn debt, which offers substantial flexibility with respect to growth options going forward.

While the DeGrussa project is economically very attractive Deutsche rates Sandfire Resources ((SFR)) as a Hold, this a reflection of the view the stock is fair value at current levels until exploration success offers a positive catalyst.

With respect to the nickel sector, Deutche notes the current uncertainty in Indonesia given the potential withdrawal of that country's exports and an improving macro environment offer some reasons to be positive on the price outlook. Deutsche still expects prices to ease from next year, which means high grade, low cost assets are preferred.

Deutsche's top pick is Western Areas given it fits the bill in terms of low costs and high grade assets, while newsflow should also be positive in coming months from exploration updates and the integration of the Lounge Lizard project.

Independence Group ((IGO)) is also rated as a Buy, Deutsche attracted to diversified production and the fact issues at the Jaguar project now appear to be behind the company. The partly-owned Tropicana project may also deliver some positives from reserve and resource updates in coming months. 

Turning to the industrial side of the market, Citi has analysed results from retail plays across Australia and New Zealand. The broker has concluded retailers are now operating close to the edge of margin collapse given soft sales, increasing operating costs and the potential for price deflation to be a more persistent problem going forward.

For the six months to the end of last December Citi notes discretionary retail sales rose just 1.2% despite a 6.9% increase in household income growth. This disparity is attributed to internet leakage, overseas travel and price deflation. 

Citi's review shows despite significant discounting across the sector, 13 of 31 retail companies assessed reported an increase in gross margins. This was due largely to a higher hedged AUD/USD, as both wage and rental cost pressures rose.

Of interest to Citi was around 75% of retailers reported an increase in inventory days, which suggests profit margins will remain under pressure as rising operating costs will coincide with a need to lower prices.

Citi also notes there has been a divergence in sales trends, as luxury brands and leisure-driven retail categories continue to do well, while fashion apparel continues to underperform. This may reflect the lack of a clear trend in global fashion, speculates Citi.

Given the importance of price inflation for retailers, Deutsche's newly created Supermarket Inflation Index is of interest. The index is a leading indicator of price inflation, which is important given a reasonable level of price inflation provides a boost to revenues and margins across the sector.

The index follows the prices of seven discrete baskets of around 100 goods across Australia's major supermarket formats and the initial finding is supermarket prices have been broadly flat over the past seven weeks. This has been the case for both branded and private label goods.

Deutsche suggests of the major retailers Woolworths (WOW)) has the most leverage to a recovery given the size of its supermarket operations and high fixed cost leverage. This is enough for the broker to rate the stock as a Buy.

Both Metash (MTS)) and Wesfarmers ((WES)) are rated as Hold, the latter less exposed to supermarket operations given Coles accounts for only about 40% of group earnings and Metcash largely given the expectation of increased competition from the major players in the sector.

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article 3 months old

Spot Uranium Grafting

By Greg Peel

There appears to be no pressure at present on potential sellers of spot uranium to aggressively meet buying interest, and what buying interest there is remains discretionary, industry consultant TradeTech notes. On that basis, four transactions last week totalling 800,000lbs of U3O8 equivalent had the effect of ticking TradeTech's spot price indicator up US15c to US$51.25/lb.

Activity in general remains sluggish, and while two transactions were reported last week in the term market they were both pretty small by term market standards. One utility sought 1mlbs of U3O8 for delivery over three years and another sought 1.2mlbs for delivery over four years. TradeTech's term price indicators remain at US$53.50/lb (mid) and US$60.00/lb (long).

BA-Merrill Lynch has provided a recap of Australian uranium production over the March quarter with respect to the listed pure-plays. The outstanding performer was Paladin Energy ((PDN)) which, despite little movement in uranium prices, saw its share price rally 34% over the quarter against a 6% rise in the ASX 200.

Energy Resources of Australia ((ERA)) managed a 5% price increase over the quarter but remains in the balance. The company has elected to spend $120m to explore the underground potential at its premier Ranger mine in the northern territory, known as the Ranger Deeps project. If ERA decides the Deeps is not a commercially viable proposition, Ranger is destined to quietly shut down. Merrills suggests known reserves are unlikely to last beyond this year and stockpiles would be gone in 3-4 years.

Meanwhile, Merrills has ceased coverage of Extract Resources ((EXT)) post takeover and its impending de-listing this week.

The broker has also taken the opportunity to review its uranium price forecasts to account for weaker Japanese demand now apparent one year after Fukushima. The analysts' 2012 spot price forecast falls to US$56.25/lb from US$58.50/lb and 2013 to US$67.50/lb from US$70.00/lb. Merrills' long term price drops to US$63.00/lb from US$65.00/lb.

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article 3 months old

Top Ten Weekly Recommendation, Target Price, Earnings Forecast Changes

By Chris Shaw

Downgrades to stock broker ratings for individual stocks continue far outweighing upgrades and the past week proved once again no exception. The eight brokers in the FNArena database lifted recommendations on just four companies while downgrading 24 stocks. Total Buy ratings now stand at just 50.56%, the lowest level for some time despite the share market effectively moving sideways.

Among the upgrades was Aurora Oil and Gas ((AUT)), where JP Morgan lifted its rating to Neutral from Sell. While full year earnings saw both UBS and Credit Suisse downgrade to Neutral ratings from Buy previously, JP Morgan factored in its findings from a recent site visit and lifted its valuation and price target. This was enough for the broker to lift its rating to the same level as UBS and CS.

OM Holdings ((OMH)) was also upgraded to Neutral from Sell by RBS Australia, a valuation call as downside risks to earnings from lower manganese prices now appears priced into the stock following a share price fall of around 70% over the past year.

Deutsche Bank has upgraded Oz Minerals ((OZL)) to Buy from Hold following changes to commodity price and foreign exchange assumptions. While the changes meant a trimming in price target, the broker sees improved value at current levels and upgrades accordingly.

The final upgrade of the week was Telstra ((TLS)), where BA Merrill Lynch has lifted its rating to Neutral from Underperform. There is increased scope for capital management and a more stable earnings outlook in general in the broker's view, which justifies the upgrade.

So to recap: only four upgrades were issued and only one out of these four led to a Buy rating.

Among the 24 downgrades Aurora was not the only stock where ratings were lowered by more than one broker, as Leighton Holdings ((LEI)), QBE Insurance ((QBE)) and Transfield Services ((TSE)) also received multiple downgrades.

Both Deutsche Bank and Macquarie Moved to Sell ratings on Leighton from Hold previously, this given further credibility issues arising from further write-downs to problem contracts. The other issues according to Deutsche is the potential for balance sheet issues and a weak medium-term growth outlook.

Valuation is the issue for QBE, as both Citi and JP Morgan have moved to Neutral ratings on the back of recent share price strength. The insurer's AGM this week showed earnings drivers for the company have turned more positive in recent months.

With respect to Transfield, the downgrades from JP Morgan, RBS Australia and Macquarie reflect concerns over problem contracts that go beyond April's profit warning.

Post management's revised guidance, earnings estimates and price targets for Transfield have been adjusted across the market.

Elsewhere, Macquarie downgraded Boral ((BLD)) to Neutral from Buy as earnings revisions meant a cut in price target, while UBS moved to neutral from Buy on CSL ((CSL)) on valuation grounds after factoring in some changes to forex assumptions.

The changes to forecasts that saw Deutsche upgrade Oz Minerals have also seen the broker downgrade Fortescue ((FMG)), Iluka ((ILU)), Paladin ((PDN)) and Sandfire ((SFR)), as revised earnings estimates have impacted on total return expectations.

While OrotonGroup ((ORL)) remains a retail favourite of Credit Suisse, the broker has downgraded to Neutral from Buy on valuation grounds. Primary Health Care ((PRY)) has similarly been downgraded by the broker on the same basis.

Valuation has also been behind RBS Australia downgrading Pharmaxis ((PXS)) to Hold from Buy, while JP Morgan has downgraded Qantas ((QAN)) to Neutral from Overweight given the in-house view consensus earnings estimates for the airline remain too high.

A stretched valuation and some concerns over domestic ad volumes have seen BA-ML downgrade Seek to Sell from Hold, while recent share price gains have been enough for Citi to downgrade Sonic Health ((SHL)) to Neutral from Buy.

The risk of earnings and sentiment downside from current levels has prompted UBS to move to a Neutral rating on Virgin Australia ((VAH)), while Macquarie has moved to a Sell rating on Westfield Group ((WDC)) from Neutral previously as the group's shopping mall property assets business re-positioning is expected to take some time.

Price target adjustments during the week have not resulted in any changes of more than 10%, while earnings adjustments during the period were most significant in terms of increases for Macquarie Bank ((MQG)) and James Hardie ((JHX)) and cuts for Alumina Ltd ((AWC)), Leighton and Bank of Queensland ((BOQ)). 


Total Recommendations
Recommendation Changes


Broker Recommendation Breakup


Broker Rating

Order Company Old Rating New Rating Broker
2 OM HOLDINGS LIMITED Sell Neutral RBS Australia
3 OZ MINERALS LIMITED Neutral Buy Deutsche Bank
6 AURORA OIL AND GAS LIMITED Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
7 BORAL LIMITED Buy Neutral Macquarie
9 FORTESCUE METALS GROUP LTD Buy Neutral Deutsche Bank
10 ILUKA RESOURCES LIMITED Buy Neutral Deutsche Bank
12 LEIGHTON HOLDINGS LIMITED Neutral Sell Deutsche Bank
13 Metcash Limited Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
14 OROTONGROUP LIMITED Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
15 PALADIN ENERGY LTD Buy Neutral Deutsche Bank
16 Pharmaxis Ltd Buy Neutral RBS Australia
17 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE LIMITED Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
21 SANDFIRE RESOURCES NL Buy Neutral Deutsche Bank
22 SEEK LIMITED Neutral Sell BA-Merrill Lynch
28 WESTFIELD GROUP Neutral Sell Macquarie


Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 CER 50.0% 67.0% 17.0% 3
2 RRL 33.0% 50.0% 17.0% 4
3 OZL 25.0% 38.0% 13.0% 8
4 PNA 50.0% 63.0% 13.0% 8
5 TLS 38.0% 50.0% 12.0% 8
6 SKI 50.0% 57.0% 7.0% 7
7 IFN 57.0% 60.0% 3.0% 5

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 LEI 25.0% - 13.0% - 38.0% 8
2 PXS 100.0% 67.0% - 33.0% 3
3 QBE 63.0% 38.0% - 25.0% 8
4 ORL 40.0% 20.0% - 20.0% 5
5 AUT - 20.0% - 40.0% - 20.0% 5
6 VAH 60.0% 40.0% - 20.0% 5
7 CGF 86.0% 71.0% - 15.0% 7
8 PDN 43.0% 29.0% - 14.0% 7
9 MQG 43.0% 29.0% - 14.0% 7
10 SEK 57.0% 43.0% - 14.0% 7

Target Price

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 AUT 3.430 3.758 9.56% 5
2 QBE 13.351 14.443 8.18% 8
3 PXS 1.700 1.800 5.88% 3
4 SKI 1.405 1.449 3.13% 7
5 SEK 6.970 7.134 2.35% 7
6 SHL 13.098 13.281 1.40% 8
7 TLS 3.398 3.435 1.09% 8
8 RRL 4.413 4.460 1.07% 4
9 ORL 8.856 8.936 0.90% 5
10 CSL 35.998 36.273 0.76% 8

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 LEI 23.633 21.998 - 6.92% 8
2 PNA 4.206 4.095 - 2.64% 8
3 CGF 5.039 4.953 - 1.71% 7
4 BLD 4.425 4.364 - 1.38% 8
5 OZL 12.406 12.236 - 1.37% 8
6 BOQ 8.150 8.069 - 0.99% 8
7 FMG 7.101 7.064 - 0.52% 8
8 VAH 0.480 0.478 - 0.42% 5
9 MQA 1.858 1.854 - 0.22% 5
10 PRY 3.289 3.283 - 0.18% 8

Earning Forecast

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 MQG 211.229 291.229 37.87% 7
2 JHX 30.803 39.009 26.64% 8
3 PRG 25.414 30.386 19.56% 7
4 SGT 18.750 21.297 13.58% 6
5 CSR 15.750 17.800 13.02% 8
6 PRU 14.350 15.940 11.08% 5
7 QBE 132.729 137.164 3.34% 8
8 TGA 19.867 20.400 2.68% 3
9 BPT 8.660 8.860 2.31% 5
10 IAG 23.700 24.013 1.32% 8

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 AWC 0.143 - 0.096 - 167.13% 8
2 LEI 187.550 128.550 - 31.46% 8
3 BOQ 39.450 28.938 - 26.65% 8
4 WHC 17.217 14.383 - 16.46% 6
5 VAH 3.300 2.940 - 10.91% 5
6 QAN 13.775 12.363 - 10.25% 8
7 BCI 55.000 49.567 - 9.88% 3
8 IGO 4.080 3.740 - 8.33% 5
9 ROC 4.977 4.577 - 8.04% 5
10 SBM 38.300 35.800 - 6.53% 3

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article 3 months old

Quiet Quarter Overall For Uranium

By Greg Peel

No one is much interested in buying the quantity of UF6 on offer in the US and while demand remains for U3O8 the only supply of note is in Europe and genuine buyers are looking for supply contracts a little longer dated than spot. The end result has been a quiet March for uranium in quarterly terms. March monthly spot volumes were an improvement on February but March 2012 saw only 6.9mlbs of U3O8 equivalent change hands compared to 18mlbs in March 2011, industry consultant TradeTech reports.

Last week saw a little flurry of buying interest ahead of quarter end and TradeTech notes 700,000lbs of U3O8 equivalent traded compared to only 400,000lbs the week before. That flurry sees TradeTech's indicative spot price rise by US10c to US$51.10/lb. Sellers remain reluctant to drop prices to meet buying interest.

TradeTech's monthly price indicator thus also closes at US$51.10/lb, down from US$52.00/lb in February. There were no transactions reported in the term market last week and only one in all of March, leaving TradeTech's term price indicators steady at US$54/lb (medium) and US$60/lb (long).

The negative price gap between UF6 on offer in the US and U3O8 sought in Europe remains, TradeTech notes, but March has seen that gap narrow somewhat.

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