Tag Archives: Uranium

article 3 months old

Uranium Market Distracted

By Greg Peel

Diversified mining giant Rio Tinto ((RIO)) made a bid for Canadian junior Hathor Exploration last week which significantly gazumped an earlier bid by Canada's uranium leader Cameco. Hathor's highly prospective acreage in Saskatchewan is nearby existing Cameco operations.

Cameco would thus be able to extract greater synergies out of Hathor compared to Rio coming in cold, but analysts are not convinced Cameco, which is still developing its flagship Cigar Lake project, is keen on being dragged into a bidding war. Rio's bid highlights the company's waning legacy uranium exposure, with Rossing in Namibia on the decline and the future of Australia's Ranger mine, in which Rio has a majority owning via Energy Resources of Australia ((ERA)), unclear.

The point for the global uranium market is, nevertheless, that a global mining giant still sees value in uranium mining. On the other side of the ledger, Rio is divesting of aluminium assets.

Last week also brought news that European group URENCO and US conversion company ConverDyn would team up to bid on the depleted tails stockpile sitting at the US Department of Energy. Congress has been looking at ways to commercialise the stockpile to provide funds for environmental clean-up operations.

Once again, such interest betrays a more general market interest in uranium, suggesting that global nuclear energy was not swept away in the Japanese tsunami. However, while such news might spark more spot market interest on the buy-side, one would assume, last week saw little interest from buyers such that sellers, including producers, were forced to reduce pricing.

Industry consultant TradeTech reports five transactions in the spot market totalling just under 800,000lbs of U3O8 equivalent. By week's end prices had moved lower, such that TradeTech's indicative spot price has fallen US85c to US$52.00/lb.

Indicative term prices remain at US$55/lb (medium) and US$63/lb (long).

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article 3 months old

Top Ten Weekly Recommendation, Target Price, Earnings Forecast Changes

By Chris Shaw

For the second week in a row downgrades from the eight brokers in the FNArena database have outnumbered upgrades, this week by a score of 12 to three. This brings total Buy recommendations to 58.7%, down from last week's 59.3%.

Among the few receiving an upgrade this week were Cardno ((CDD)), Macquarie lifting its rating to Outperform from Neutral on the back of the company announcing the acquisition of TEC in the US. The new assets are seen as a good fit with existing operations and should boost earnings.

Macquarie also upgraded fund manager Henderson Group ((HGG)) to Neutral from Underperform on valuation grounds. Looking through short-term market headwinds suggest the stock is attractive even post some cuts to earnings estimates, while a 6% dividend yield is also viewed positively by the broker.

Toll Holdings ((TOL)) was also upgraded by Macquarie to Neutral from Underperform, this change also reflecting an improved valuation for the stock at current levels. A review of its model saw Macquarie make minor changes to earnings forecasts and price target.

On the resources side, an initiation of coverage by UBS with a Buy rating on Atlas Iron ((AGO)) has lifted overall ratings for the stock, while bringing about a minor reduction in consensus price target given UBS set a lower target than others in the FNArena database.

Among the companies where ratings were downgraded was Super Retail Group ((SUL)), Citi, BA Merrill Lynch and Credit Suisse all downgrading to Neutral ratings from Buy previously on the back of the purchase of the Rebel Sport assets.

The general view is that the assets being acquired are not top quality and a full price is being paid, while the magnitude of the deal also changes Super Retail's risk profile going forward. Price targets have thus been reduced on the back of the acquisition, while earnings estimates have been adjusted lower to reflect earnings dilution from a share issue to pay for part of the purchase.

While a soft retail environment won't help Super Cheap succeed with the Rebel Sport purchase, it has also seen Deutsche Bank downgrade to a Hold rating on Carsales.com ((CRZ)), the broker also lowering earnings estimates as well as its price target.

It is a similar story for the likes of Computershare ((CPU)) with RBS downgrading to a Hold rating on valuation grounds given tough operating conditions, Credit Suisse downgrading on Aristocrat Leisure ((ALL)) to an Underperform rating and Macquarie downgrading to a Neutral rating on Ten Network ((TEN)) - all on the same basis.

Tough conditions saw Fletcher Building ((FBU)) lower earnings guidance and brokers responded by cutting forecasts and price targets accordingly. Only Macquarie saw fit to downgrade to a Neutral rating from Outperform, the broker arguing the tough environment makes outperformance for the shares unlikely in the shorter-term. 

Oz Minerals ((OZL)) also copped a downgrade to a Neutral rating from Credit Suisse post a quarterly production report that disappointed on the gold side, while Deutsche Bank downgraded Energy Resources of Australia (ERA) to Hold on the back of an unexpected rights issue. Rio Tinto ((RIO)) is underwriting the capital raising and is likely to boost its equity ownership past 80% as a result.

Changes in price targets were largely tied to changes in earnings estimates for the industrial plays such as Cardno and Toll Holdings, while for resources stocks such as ERA, Oz Minerals and PanAust ((PNA)) the changes tended to reflect either production reports falling short of expectations or adjustments to commodity price assumptions by brokers. 

The consensus target for Jetset Travelworld ((JET)) has fallen as UBS's initiation added a lower target than those already in the market.

Changes to earnings forecasts for Macquarie Airports ((MAP)) were modest following September traffic data, while a better performance on costs contributed to increases to earnings forecasts for Fortescue Metals ((FMG)). 

Estimates for Caltex ((CTX)) moved slightly higher as broker models were updated for the latest refiner margins, while better volumes and cost performance saw estimates lifted for mineral sands play Iluka ((ILU)). 

Cochlear (COH)) continues to struggle from an earnings perspective given uncertainty with respect to total costs relating to its hearing implant recall, while a slower than expected ramp-up of some operations has led to Macquarie trimming estimates for Beach Energy ((BPT)). 

For Bank of Queensland ((BOQ)) full year earnings were a little lower than expected and so estimates have been trimmed, the changes also impacting on price targets for brokers in the database. BHP Billiton ((BHP)) and Customers ((CUS)) also experienced minor changes to earnings estimates over the week.


Total Recommendations
Recommendation Changes


Broker Recommendation Breakup


Broker Rating

Order Company Old Rating New Rating Broker
1 CARDNO LIMITED Neutral Buy Macquarie
4 TOLL HOLDINGS LIMITED Sell Neutral Macquarie
5 CARSALES.COM LIMITED Buy Neutral Deutsche Bank
7 CSG LIMITED Buy Neutral RBS Australia
10 OZ MINERALS LIMITED Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
11 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE LIMITED Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
13 SUPER RETAIL GROUP LIMITED Buy Neutral BA-Merrill Lynch
14 SUPER RETAIL GROUP LIMITED Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
17 WESFARMERS LIMITED Buy Neutral Credit Suisse


Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 CDD 33.0% 67.0% 34.0% 3
2 TOL 25.0% 38.0% 13.0% 8
3 SGT 40.0% 50.0% 10.0% 6
4 TTS 50.0% 57.0% 7.0% 7
5 AGO 71.0% 75.0% 4.0% 8

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 SUL 100.0% 33.0% - 67.0% 6
2 OZL 88.0% 63.0% - 25.0% 8
3 CRZ 100.0% 83.0% - 17.0% 6
4 JET 67.0% 50.0% - 17.0% 4
5 CPU 29.0% 14.0% - 15.0% 7
6 TWE - 14.0% - 29.0% - 15.0% 7
7 WES 63.0% 50.0% - 13.0% 8
8 TEN 50.0% 38.0% - 12.0% 8
9 SVW 60.0% 50.0% - 10.0% 4
10 FGL - 13.0% - 14.0% - 1.0% 7

Target Price

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 TWE 3.376 3.390 0.41% 7
2 TOL 5.254 5.275 0.40% 8
3 CDD 6.190 6.203 0.21% 3
4 SVW 9.314 9.318 0.04% 4
5 TTS 2.409 2.410 0.04% 7

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 JET 1.050 0.988 - 5.90% 4
2 SUL 7.297 6.996 - 4.12% 6
3 OZL 13.641 13.169 - 3.46% 8
4 TEN 1.105 1.090 - 1.36% 8
5 WES 33.108 32.941 - 0.50% 8
6 CRZ 5.477 5.452 - 0.46% 6
7 CPU 8.550 8.526 - 0.28% 7

Earning Forecast

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 PDN 1.753 2.075 18.37% 7
2 MAP 6.187 7.259 17.33% 6
3 GBG 1.014 1.157 14.10% 6
4 STO 56.425 61.125 8.33% 8
5 WPL 204.950 216.917 5.84% 8
6 FMG 66.736 70.301 5.34% 8
7 GNM 6.600 6.933 5.05% 3
8 GCL 47.800 50.200 5.02% 5
9 NCM 217.229 222.250 2.31% 8
10 AWC 5.777 5.897 2.08% 8

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 PAN 16.450 11.475 - 30.24% 4
2 OZL 113.513 95.200 - 16.13% 8
3 COH 255.638 220.275 - 13.83% 8
4 MQA 9.683 8.433 - 12.91% 6
5 WSA 53.667 48.700 - 9.26% 6
6 PRU 25.433 23.600 - 7.21% 6
7 GWA 19.583 18.250 - 6.81% 6
8 BHP 446.994 426.732 - 4.53% 8
9 CUS 12.740 12.200 - 4.24% 5
10 GUD 78.100 74.983 - 3.99% 6

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article 3 months old

All Quiet On The Uranium Front

By Greg Peel

This weekly report noted last week the US Energy Commission had for sale an inventory of UF6 which it is offering below current spot pricing. Last week, reports industry consultant TradeTech, a discretionary buyer was in the market seeking material for delivery in Europe where prices on offer are sitting US25-50c above prices elsewhere.

The ongoing disconnect in both form and location currently dominates a global uranium market which is otherwise deathly quiet at present. TradeTech reports a mere three transactions in the spot market totalling 300,000lbs of U3O8 equivalent last week. The gap between buyers and sellers is closing, nevertheless, with buyers becoming slightly more willing.

TradeTech has lifted its spot price indicator by US35c to US$52.85/lb.

article 3 months old

Treasure Chest: UBS Turns Positive On Commodities

By Greg Peel


UBS analysts have now become more “constructive” on the outlook for particular commodity prices and related mining stocks after being bearish for most of 2011.


Markets began to turn sour in April and fear accelerated on a combination of European sovereign debt issues, US deficit and potential recession issues, and concern over a hard landing in China. Prior to the downturn, large volumes of “carry trades” were implemented by speculators who looked to profit on commodity prices rising on the back of a structurally weak US dollar. When the European situation began to outweigh all others, the US dollar turned and began to rally leaving commodity prices vulnerable.

That these positions needed to be unwound meant the UBS analysts maintained a bearish view on commodity prices and the prices of related mining stocks, and that view was still in place up to August. But September has brought rapid and substantial unwinding of these carry trades, so while there may remain a couple more months of downward pressure, UBS is looking ahead to upside potential once the overhang is cleared.


September saw carry trade unwinding “with a vengeance”, UBS notes. This has gone some way to reducing positions and has also begun to force supply chain inventories towards unsustainably low levels. While the analysts suggest there may be two or three months more of unwinding to come, the panic lows hit by global markets at the beginning of October priced in a large proportion of fundamental deterioration, they believe.

UBS also believes that inventory patterns in China are driven much more by monetary policy than any trends in actual end-demand. End-demand is now weakening sharply at the margin which may well be a trigger for Beijing to consider its first policy easing after two years of tightening. UBS suspects this will take the form of stimulus for social housing. The lengthy tightening period has impacted heavily on Chinese copper supply chain inventories, the broker notes, so the subsequent potential for restocking is significant.

Add Chinese stimulus to the likely geared-up EFSF and commodity prices have the potential to rally. It won't be a full-blown commodity bull market – that would also require QE3 from the Fed. The trigger for QE3 will not come as easily as that of QE2, but the potential is there if the Fed believes deflationary pressures are building in the US.

UBS suggests BHP Billiton ((BHP)) is a proxy for the global commodities sector. BHP shares were sold down into October to a 40% discount to the UBS analysts' fair value at which point they see a compelling margin of safety for investors looking to buy. With QE3, that discount gap could close completely, UBS suggests. Without QE3, a rise to a 20% discount is the target.

The analysts preferred commodities are thermal coal (Chinese and Indian buying, speculators have had no access), iron ore (reduced Indian exports, seasonally restocking in China), and gold (broad appeal in uncertain markets). Least preferred are those commodities with very large inventory surpluses, being aluminium and nickel.

Special positive mention also goes to copper (China is “desperately” short), metallurgical coal (recent price falls have been seasonal, China restocks in November), platinum/palladium (cost and supply pressures in South Africa) and alumina (the switch to spot pricing is still running its course).

China has already restocked zinc, so upside would require Chinese stimulus and QE3. Uranium has found a floor and appears stable. Silver has been very volatile and reminds investors, UBS suggests, that it really is “gold's poor cousin”.

UBS has listed ten global mining stocks it most prefers. The Australian inclusions in that list are Rio Tinto ((RIO)) and Fortescue Metals ((FMG)).

Note: the change in view at UBS comes at a time when other market experts have either grown more positive on resources stocks or have remained positive all the way through the recent correction. Both Macquarie and Credit Suisse have been issuing positive reports on the sector as well.

For more background information: see the Weekly Broker Wrap, published earlier today on the FNArena website as well as the next Materials Matters story, to be published on the website later today.

For further research on individual companies: FNArena subscribers have access to Stock Analysis on the FNArena website, as well as R-Factor and the Icarus Signal.

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article 3 months old

Top Ten Weekly Recommendation, Target Price, Earnings Forecast Changes

By Chris Shaw

In a change from the recent pattern, the last week has seen broker downgrades outnumber upgrades by a score of seven to three based on recommendations by the eight brokers in the FNArena database. This brings total Buy ratings to 59.3%, down slightly from 59.5% last week.

Fund manager Henderson Group ((HGG)) enjoyed one of the upgrades courtesy of Macquarie, the broker moving to Neutral from Underperform to reflect improved value following recent share price weakness. This has offset ongoing weakness in fund flows thanks to still tough equity market conditions. Macquarie is also attracted to the yield of 6%.

Macquarie also upgraded Tabcorp ((TAH)) to Neutral from Underperform following a trading update that supports the view the stock offers value around current levels. A move to a more positive rating is not justified in the broker's view given overhanging uncertainty of compensation relating to claims in the Victorian market. Earnings estimates have been trimmed as part of the review.

Among resource stocks Credit Suisse has upgraded to an Outperform rating on Western Areas ((WSA)) from Neutral, this due to revisions to earnings and price target on the back of changes to nickel price expectations.

Credit Suisse has also upgraded CSL to Outperform from Neutral following changes to foreign exchange assumptions. Again, there have been related changes to earnings forecasts and price target. Charter Hall Office ((CQO)) has been upgraded by UBS to Buy from Neutral, as while a consortium bidding for the stock has lifted its offer there remains scope for a revised offer closer to net tangible asset backing.

On the downgrade side, Credit Suisse has lowered its rating on Navitas ((NVT)) to Neutral from Outperform to reflect a full valuation. While the Knight Review offered some positives the broker notes earnings are unlikely to be impacted prior to FY13. This suggests a full short-term valuation.

A rights issue announced by Energy Resources of Australia ((ERA)) has prompted Deutsche Bank to downgrade the stock to Hold from Buy. Not only was the issue a surprise but Deutsche notes even if the key Ranger 3 Deeps project goes ahead, it will be one of the world's most expensive uranium mines.

Deutsche has sliced its price target as well on the news, while other brokers in the market similarly lowered both targets and earnings forecasts to reflect the dilution to earnings per share from the capital raising.

A downgrade to earnings guidance by Fletcher Building ((FBU)) given ongoing difficult operating conditions has seen brokers lower earnings forecasts and price targets. Macquarie has gone a step further, downgrading to Neutral from Outperform on valuation grounds, as any recovery in earnings appears set to take some time.

James Hardie ((JHX)) is another building materials group to suffer a downgrade, JP Morgan moving to an Underweight rating from Neutral on the back of lower earnings forecasts. Price target also comes down as the broker sees little chance of strong performance relative to the sector in the current market.

Brokers ceasing coverage have also been a feature this week, with both Macquarie and JP Morgan stopping coverage on ConnectEast ((CEU)) given shareholder approval of a takeover offer. Macquarie has also dropped coverage on Minara ((MRE)).

With respect to earnings, an increase to long-term iron ore price assumptions by Credit Suisse has had a positive impact on expectations for Gindalbie ((GBG)). Forecasts for Paladin ((PDN)) have been adjusted to reflect an equity issue that has also meant changes in price targets, while changes to gold price assumptions have impacted on earnings estimates for Newcrest ((NCM)). 

BA Merrill Lynch rolled forward its model for Caltex ((CTX)) and this has prompted some increases in estimates, while higher margin assumptions saw Citi also lift its numbers for the stock. Virgin Blue ((VBA)) also saw an upgrade to forecasts from Macquarie as the company is seen as a beneficiary of the issues at Qantas ((QAN)).

Forecasts for Alumina ((AWC)) have come down slightly thanks to a lower than expected 3Q earnings result from Alcoa, while a slower project ramp up has contributed to Macquarie trimming its numbers for Beach ((BPT)). 

For Perpetual ((PPT)), a move to outsource some back office functions will impact on earnings in the medium-term, prompting JP Morgan to lower its forecasts and price target. Others have similarly adjusted estimates to reflect weak market conditions. 

Conditions also remain tough for Oakton ((OKN)) and brokers have reacted to AGM commentary by trimming earnings estimates, which has also brought about a trimming in price targets.  

Total Recommendations
Recommendation Changes


Broker Recommendation Breakup


Broker Rating

Order Company Old Rating New Rating Broker
1 HENDERSON GROUP PLC. Sell Neutral Macquarie
2 TABCORP HOLDINGS LIMITED Neutral Neutral Macquarie
3 WESTERN AREAS NL Neutral Buy Credit Suisse
7 NAVITAS LIMITED Buy Neutral Credit Suisse


Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 HGG 60.0% 80.0% 20.0% 5
2 WSA 33.0% 50.0% 17.0% 6
3 CQO 29.0% 43.0% 14.0% 7
4 PNA 75.0% 88.0% 13.0% 8
5 CSL 50.0% 63.0% 13.0% 8
6 TAH 13.0% 25.0% 12.0% 8
7 CPA - 17.0% - 14.0% 3.0% 7

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 GPT 67.0% 50.0% - 17.0% 6
2 CER 50.0% 33.0% - 17.0% 3
3 NVT 43.0% 29.0% - 14.0% 7
4 CQR 43.0% 29.0% - 14.0% 7
5 ERA - 25.0% - 38.0% - 13.0% 8
6 FBU 50.0% 38.0% - 12.0% 8
7 JHX 50.0% 38.0% - 12.0% 8
8 MRE - 25.0% - 33.0% - 8.0% 3
9 CAB 67.0% 60.0% - 7.0% 5
10 CEU - 17.0% - 20.0% - 3.0% 5

Target Price

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 CQO 3.426 3.568 4.14% 7
2 WSA 6.325 6.400 1.19% 6
3 CSL 33.249 33.499 0.75% 8
4 TAH 3.356 3.375 0.57% 8

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 ERA 4.650 3.795 - 18.39% 8
2 PNA 4.591 4.348 - 5.29% 8
3 CAB 5.627 5.426 - 3.57% 5
4 HGG 2.624 2.574 - 1.91% 5

Earning Forecast

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 GBG 0.614 1.014 65.15% 6
2 OGC 15.388 18.697 21.50% 3
3 PDN 1.672 1.753 4.84% 7
4 NCM 208.971 217.229 3.95% 8
5 PRU 24.600 25.433 3.39% 6
6 CTX 110.900 113.550 2.39% 6
7 WHC 37.950 38.750 2.11% 5
8 TCL 12.157 12.400 2.00% 7
9 AIZ 10.326 10.524 1.92% 4
10 VBA 2.571 2.614 1.67% 7

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 ROC 0.259 - 0.169 - 165.25% 4
2 MRE 5.400 3.500 - 35.19% 3
3 CER 4.250 3.633 - 14.52% 3
4 AWC 6.832 6.009 - 12.05% 8
5 BPT 5.280 4.780 - 9.47% 5
6 FBU 49.214 46.293 - 5.94% 8
7 PPT 169.614 160.486 - 5.38% 7
8 PAN 17.325 16.450 - 5.05% 4
9 OKN 20.300 19.420 - 4.33% 5
10 IGO 25.294 24.334 - 3.80% 5

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article 3 months old

Disconnect In Uranium

By Greg Peel

When we talk of talk of “the uranium spot price”, we talk of the “U3O8 equivalent” price. However, not all traded and consumed “uranium” is in the form of U3O8, with UF6 being another molecular form.

The two forms are not completely interchangeable for users despite both being, in effect, “uranium”. Thus occasionally we will will see a price disconnect between forms. Moreover, there is also a price consideration related to point of delivery which can again imply price discrepancies.

Industry consultant TradeTech notes that last week saw UF6 offered at the US Energy Commission for prices below that of uranium material offered elsewhere. Not everyone wants UF6 nor wants to go to USEC to get it, so a price disconnect appeared. This meant that the spot uranium market, based on U3O8 or equivalent, was quiet last week, the consultant notes. One assumes traders are preferring to let the overhang clear before pitching new prices.

Only three transactions thus occurred last week for a total of 325,000lbs of U3O8 equivalent, but TradeTech's indicative spot price still managed to tick up US50c to US$52.50/lb.

While no transactions occurred last week in the term market, TradeTech notes various requests for supply proposals beginning to emerge.

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article 3 months old

Uranium Contract Prices Slip

By Greg Peel

Unlike the uranium spot market, which in recent weeks has been dominated by traders and hedge funds on both sides of the price, the uranium term market more represents legitimate supply deals between producers and utilities and is thus more representative of ongoing longer term uranium demand.

Term uranium prices slipped initially after the Fukushima disaster but for many weeks prices have remained stable in a quiet market while spot traders have battled back and forth around the significant US$50/lb level in somewhat of a vacuum of uncertainty with respect to uranium's future. Last week, however, those stable term prices finally gave way.

Industry consultant TradeTech's mid-term price indicator has fallen US$1.00 to US$55.00/lb and TradeTechs' long-term price indicator has fallen US$2.00 to US$63.00/lb. The price falls may not be large but they are nevertheless significant in a market now dominated by the collapse of Japanese demand.

The falls come in a week when the spot price once again found itself under pressure, and in which traders and hedge funds were the dominant players on both the buy and sell sides. Producers and utilities have largely moved to the sidelines.

TradeTech's weekly spot price indicator has fallen US$1.00 to provide an end-September price of US$52.00/lb. While that price is encouragingly US$2.75 above the end-August price, spot uranium traded as high as US$54.50/lb intra-week during the month.

TradeTech notes the uranium market has historically been well insulated from the immediate global economic cycle, given the long term nature of “real” supply contracts informing speculative spot deals. The mood has changed, however, with the consultant suggesting, “The thin and illiquid nature of the spot uranium market means that even the slightest shift in supply or demand can directly impact on price, which was evident during September”. 

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article 3 months old

The Future Of Nuclear: Is Thorium A True Threat To Uranium?

By Justin Dove, Investment U Research

Nuclear power took a huge public relations hit in the wake of the Fukushima disaster. A supposed “clean” energy, it caused massive devastation and left miles of land uninhabitable for thousands of years. At least 25 reactors in Europe were shut down or cancelled since the triple meltdown in March.

But what if nuclear power could produce more power with less material, while being incredibly less risky?

There’s a growing sentiment that it may be possible with a little-known radioactive metal called thorium. An article in the latest issue of Los Alamos Laboratories’ National Security Science opened with this introduction:

“Imagine an element that when used in a nuclear reactor is so safe that it may never lead to the possibility of the type of catastrophic meltdown that threatened the reactors in Japan. Picture one ton of such an element producing as much energy as 200 tons of uranium or 3,500,000 tons of competitiveness.”

Changing The Way Our Economy Views Thorium

Currently thorium has no real uses in today’s economy. It’s actually viewed as waste, a radioactive byproduct of rare earth mining.

The U.S. government even has 3,200 metric tons of thorium trapped in nuclear waste from the 1960s. Since disposal would cost $60 million, the waste is buried in a shallow grave in Nevada.

It’s estimated that there are only about 80 years left of sustainable uranium production.

Thorium would be inexpensive to mine, since it’s plentiful and little is needed.

Because of this, the mining and production of thorium would probably never be as profitable as it is for uranium. Thorium will most likely be produced and cheaply sold as a byproduct by rare earth miners, such as Molycorp (NYSE: MCP).

Lynas Corp. (OTC: LYSCF.PK) is actually planning to get rid of the thorium it will encounter at Mount Weld. The expensive plans involve diluting the radioactive metal with lime, encasing it in concrete and using it for artificial reef systems.

But if China, India, France, Norway, or even the United States’ plans for thorium nuclear reactors take hold, costs could be reduced greatly for Lynas. Instead of the expensive disposal of thorium, it could be sold for use in reactors. Thorium probably wouldn’t be very profitable, but the lack of expense would certainly help the company’s bottom line.

The Companies Leading the Way in Thorium Technology

Rather than investing in the miners or directly in thorium, the biggest beneficiaries will be entrepreneurial companies that lead the way in producing the reactors.

So far, the only publicly traded pure play on thorium nuclear power is Lightbridge Corp. (Nasdaq: LTBR). Dr. Alvin Radkowsky, who was a chief scientist at the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (later named the Department of Energy), founded the company in 1992. Originally called Thorium Power, Ltd., the name was changed to Lightbridge in 2009.

However, with a market cap of $34 million and no profitability, Lightbridge is a wildly speculative company.

Another company to watch is Flibe Energy. It’s a private start-up created in May by Kirk Sorensen, a former NASA engineer who dedicated his life to promoting Weinberg’s work with thorium molten reactors. There’s no telling if the company will ever become public or profitable, but this guy seems to be the current authority on thorium nuclear power.

Also, pay attention to the effect this could have on energy companies that currently use coal plants or uranium-based reactors. Uranium miners and producers will also likely take a hit if this technology comes to fruition.

Good investing,
Justin Dove

Reprinted with permission of the publisher. The above story can be read on the website www.investmentU.com. The direct link is: http://www.investmentu.com/2011/September/thorium-the-future-of-nuclear-power.html

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article 3 months old

Volatility Hits Uranium

By Greg Peel

It was a relatively busy week in the spot uranium market last week given industry consultant TradeTech reports eight transactions were completed totalling over a million pounds of U3O8 equivalent. It was all about speculation, however, with traders and hedge funds battling it out while utilities and producers watched on.

The spot uranium price has been quietly bouncing back from below the significant US$50/lb level in recent weeks as it recovers from the shift away from a nuclear energy focus among some developed economies. Last week began as no exception, with the spot price pushing up US50c to US$54.00/lb mid-week. However, Thursday night's action in global stock and commodity markets finally had an impact on a sport uranium market which has to date been relatively removed from panic over Europe.

One feature of Thursday night's trade was a capitulation dumping of commodity positions by commodity funds in oil, gold, base metals and softs. With speculators also dominating last week's trade in uranium, some crossover became inevitable. Hence by week's end the spot price had fallen back US$1.00, resulting in a weekly indicative price from TradeTech of US$53.00/lb, down US50c from the week before.

No doubt this week investors in uranium producers will be hoping there is some light at the end of the tunnel of European woe in the wake of last weekend's G20 meeting.

article 3 months old

Material Matters: Equities and Commodities, Plus The End For Nexus?

- Disconnect between equity and physical commodity markets
- Some evidence bulk commodity markets are close to cracking
- An assessment of potential Oz economic downside
- MD departure signals issues at Nexus

By Chris Shaw

Recent equity market moves imply both spot commodity prices and future expectations for these prices are sharply overdone, but this view is not shared by Macquarie. The broker continues to believe in at least a partial disconnection between the equity and physical markets, as the range of potential outcomes continues to broaden due to ongoing concerns about the future of European and US economic growth.

The key for Macquarie is how these events impact on Chinese raw material demand, as it is this that ultimately will drive commodity prices. Looking forward, Macquarie expects persistent Chinese inflationary pressures will ease in coming months, something that would allow for a relaxing of domestic credit tightening measures.

To factor this in Macquarie has revised its commodity price expectations, the biggest changes being sizable increases in Australian dollar, gold and silver price expectations. While copper price estimates have been trimmed from previously aggressive levels, Macquarie continues to see upside from current spot prices. The broker's long-run copper price estimate has been lifted.

Thermal coal forecasts have also risen but the increases have not been to levels above current contract levels. Other bulk commodity forecast changes are small, while Macquarie has lifted aluminium price expectations to account for lower US interest rate risk and increased nickel price forecasts from 2014 to account for nickel pig iron cost pressures.

For Macquarie, key exposures include BHP Billiton ((BHP)) and Rio Tinto ((RIO)), as the big diversifieds continue to offer strong long-term fundamental valuation support. This is especially the case given the expectation iron ore prices can be sustained at US$150-$190 per tonne through the next few years.

This positive view on iron ore prices also means Macquarie remains positive on the pure plays of Fortescue ((FMG)) and Atlas Iron ((AGO)). In thermal coal the key pick is Whitehaven Coal ((WHC)), while Macquarie likes Aston Resources ((AZT)) and Gloucester Coal ((GCL)) among the met coal plays. 

In the base metals Macquarie continues to recommend Oz Minerals ((OZL)) at current levels, while changes to gold price estimates suggest Newcrest ((NCM)) and Perseus Mining ((PRU)) are now even more attractive at current levels.

All the stocks mentioned are rated as Outperform, while Macquarie also ascribes Outperform ratings to Alumina Ltd ((AWC)), Iluka Resources ((ILU)), Independence Group ((IGO)), Panoramic Resources ((PAN)) and OceanaGold ((OGC)). Paladin has been upgraded to Neutral from Underperform

In contrast to Macquarie, BA Merrill Lynch reports there are accumulating anecdotes coming from the coal and property sectors in China increasingly suggesting bulk commodity prices are on the verge of cracking. 

If these markets do in fact crack the implications for Australian investors would be significant, as BA-ML notes many investors continue to see commodities as a safe haven in the current downturn.

Most at risk from a stock perspective in the view of BA-ML would be the major miners, the juniors and the mining services stocks. With this in mind, the broker has looked back to what happened in 2008 to determine the best course of action for investors.

In 2008 the sequence was the major miners actually rose for a few weeks even after iron ore prices peaked, as investors switched from juniors to majors. BA-ML sees scope for a similar outcome this time around.

Junior miners fell first and experienced the largest declines, then were hit again with more selling as liquidity in markets blew up and getting out of positions became harder. Mining services stocks saw steady declines through the initial downturn, then kept falling even after junior mining stocks started to recover.

Given these guidelines, BA-ML suggests the appropriate response from investors is to go underweight the junior miners now, while adopting more of a wait-and-see approach with the majors. This is especially the case as valuations are not as stretched as was the case in 2008. 

Finally, BA-ML notes mining services companies are unlikely to be immune to selling pressure, as while major miners have indicated projects won't be delayed, the impact on the services companies will be even greater when some projects eventually are delayed.

This week the International Monetary Fund (IMF) released new economic forecasts for global growth of 4.0% this year and in 2012 and Goldman Sachs notes these were broadly in line with its own expectations. But a key point is while financial markets are increasingly embedding in more pessimistic views for global growth, equity markets are not yet fully embracing the IMF's risk scenario. 

The broker's analysis suggests the global MSCI price index could decline a further 15% from current levels if the 'risk scenario' was fully embraced. On the flipside, if current economic forecasts prove correct then global equity markets could rally by as much as 30% from current levels by the middle of next year.

For Australia, Goldman Sachs suggests despite the Australian dollar's fall below parity against the US dollar, the sharp fall in equity markets and the inversion of the yield curve implies materially weaker underlying economic growth next year than is currently being forecast.

The tightening of financial conditions in the past few weeks is consistent with a 2% growth rate in Australia in 2012, which Goldman Sachs notes is about 75-basis points below its own growth estimate next year of 3.5%. Preliminary calculations for Australia using the IMF risk scenario is economic growth in 2012 of 1.5%, a cut in the cash rate to 3.5%, an Australian dollar rate of US88c and unemployment around 6.75%.

This would be a better outcome than most other developed nations, but at the same time it would still post a number of challenges to policymakers and local asset prices. Assuming there was a shock transmitted to the Australian economy, Goldman Sachs suggests the most likely transmission channels would be via confidence levels and financial conditions and wealth.

Confidence levels in Australia have fallen more sharply than in other major developed nations in recent weeks, while even more concerning in the view of Goldman Sachs is the decline in confidence indicators over the past month.

On Goldman Sachs's numbers, net household wealth in Australia has likely fallen by 5% in year-on-year terms to the end of the September quarter, while household gearing is again approaching the high levels seen in the global financial crisis. This suggests savings rates will again increase, which is not a positive for consumer spending.

Other potential transmission channels according to Goldman Sachs are commodity prices and credit market paralysis. In terms of policy response, while Australia has good scope to cut interest rates, a cut of more than 100-basis points would be needed to bring conditions back to an expansionary level. 

A discretionary fiscal package is also a possibility given relatively low levels of government debt, but Goldman Sachs sees monetary policy taking a lead role in supporting economic activity in Australia. 

Finishing with a stock specific update, Nexus ((NXS)) has announced the immediate departure of its MD, an outcome stockbrokers suggest means prospects for the development of the Crux field are now far diminished from what had previously been assumed.

Developing Crux had been a key element of valuations for Nexus, so on the news of MD Richard Cottee's sudden departure both Macquarie and BA-ML have been quick to slash valuations. This is reflected in cuts in price targets, Macquarie halving its target to $0.20 and BA-ML lowering its target to $0.11 from $0.31.

The uncertainty with respect to the future for Nexus has also prompted Macquarie to downgrade its rating to Neutral from Outperform. BA-ML had already rated Nexus as Underperform given the uncertainty of the Crux development even with Cottee at the helm, so there is no change in its view. 

Overall the FNArena database shows Nexus is rated as Buy once, Hold twice and Underperform once, though changes could come as Deutsche Bank and RBS Australia update their views on news of Cottee's departure.