
After another steady gain, the uranium price is now up 49% from its lows.

Feb 14 2017

The uranium spot market appears to now be feeding on itself as stronger prices lead to increasing interest.

Feb 07 2017

The spot uranium price last week booked its eighth consecutive week of positive or neutral price changes.

Jan 31 2017

Uranium Week: There Can Only Be Upside

It appears 2017 may prove a brighter year for uranium, but it’s a very long way back.

Jan 24 2017

Previous Stories

What Chance A BHP Buyback?

Nov 05 2010

Canada’s initial knock-back of BHP’s Potash bid has been met with relief by the market, but is the market wrong to now assume a buyback ahead?

Uranium Prices Consolidate Recent Gains

Nov 02 2010

Industry observer TradeTech notes spot uranium prices are consolidating as the market remains active.

Big Jump In Spot Uranium

Oct 27 2010

The weekly spot uranium price has seen its biggest jump in two years while analysts see a possible supply deficit ahead.

Spot Uranium Price Creeps Higher

Oct 19 2010

A pick up in market activity has seen uranium prices creep higher, uranium market consultant TradeTech lifting its spot price forecast by US50c/lb.

Poor Production Report Costs ERA

Oct 14 2010

Energy Resources of Australia delivered what the market viewed as a poor production report, seeing brokers cut earnings forecasts and ratings for the stock.

Uranium Market Hots Up

Oct 12 2010

Suddenly the uranium market has become active after drifting about in the doldrums for some time.

Uranium Prices Creeping Higher

Oct 05 2010

Increased market activity sees TradeTech lift its uranium price indicator.

Aus-American Working Towards Re-Rating

Sep 28 2010

DJ Carmichael suggests positive news flow could spark investor interest in junior uranium play Aus-American Mining.

Spot U3O8: Lower Prices Trigger More Interest

Sep 28 2010

U3O8 spot prices took a hit last week, but buyers quickly moved into action.

Uranium Is Becoming Interesting Again

Sep 22 2010

It would seem support for U3O8 prices is coming from all corners of the uranium market these days.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle