
After another steady gain, the uranium price is now up 49% from its lows.

Feb 14 2017

The uranium spot market appears to now be feeding on itself as stronger prices lead to increasing interest.

Feb 07 2017

The spot uranium price last week booked its eighth consecutive week of positive or neutral price changes.

Jan 31 2017

Uranium Week: There Can Only Be Upside

It appears 2017 may prove a brighter year for uranium, but it’s a very long way back.

Jan 24 2017

Previous Stories

A Guide To The Australian Reporting Season

Jul 20 2010

Australian companies begin reporting FY10 results next week. FNArena provides some useful tips for the small investor – what to look out for, and what traps not to fall into.

Uranium Struggles

Jul 13 2010

The inability of the spot uranium price to break out of the doldrums (down again this week) has led to broker target price cuts for Australian miners.

Resource Sector Valuations Under The New Tax Proposal

Jul 07 2010

Analysts compare the impact of the new MRRT and PRRT tax proposals to the previous RSPT proposal.

Uranium Awaits The DOE

Jul 06 2010

The spot uranium market was quiet last week ahead of the final US Department of Energy inventory sale for 2010.

Uranium Finds Some Buyers

Jul 02 2010

The last week of June saw some late buying to push the uranium spot price up US75c.

Material Matters: Mining’s Importance, Chinese Rebates And Forecast Price Increases

Jun 30 2010

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities, with Macquarie looking at the impact on Australian growth of mining sector investment, how Chinese policy changes could impact and Deutsche updating its commodity sector forecasts.

China Seeking Long Term U3O8 Supply Contracts

Jun 29 2010

Chinese buyers have put some oomph in the spot uranium market.

Uranium Market Goes Quiet

Jun 22 2010

It would appear spot U3O8 activity has gone quiet.

Spot Uranium Quiet

Jun 15 2010

Uranium markets remained quiet during the week ending Friday.

Uranium Prices Holding Up Well

Jun 08 2010

Amidst pure carnage elsewhere, prices for uranium are holding up well.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle