
After another steady gain, the uranium price is now up 49% from its lows.

Feb 14 2017

The uranium spot market appears to now be feeding on itself as stronger prices lead to increasing interest.

Feb 07 2017

The spot uranium price last week booked its eighth consecutive week of positive or neutral price changes.

Jan 31 2017

Uranium Week: There Can Only Be Upside

It appears 2017 may prove a brighter year for uranium, but it’s a very long way back.

Jan 24 2017

Previous Stories

Deutsche Bank Sees Uranium Rising

Jan 14 2009

Analysts at Deutsche Bank expect the uranium spot price to strengthen during this quarter, which bodes well for both Paladin and ERA.

Static Year Ahead For Uranium

Jan 13 2009

The price of uranium plumbed highs and lows in 2008 and while the outlook for 2009 is for stable prices, there are no safe bets in this market.

Uranium Sellers Offering Discounts Before Year-End

Dec 23 2008

Spot uranium fell in price during the week past as sellers felt they needed to offer some discount.

Uranium Spot Flat As Purchasing Switches To Xmas Presents

Dec 16 2008

With no transactions recorded, the uranium spot price is unchanged from US$54/lb leading into Christmas.

November Solid For Uranium

Dec 02 2008

November was a good month for uranium spot prices, which rose more than 20% and the demand picture remains solid.

Exploration Success Adding Value At ERA

Nov 18 2008

Energy Resources of Australia is returning better than expected exploration results from its Ranger 3 Deeps project and this offers significant valuation upside according to brokers.

Uranium On The Move

Nov 18 2008

The spot uranium price jumped another US$5 this week.

Has Uranium Bounced Off The Bottom?

Nov 11 2008

Production problems, increasing demand and the prospect of a new uranium fund sees the uranium spot price rise for the second straight week.

It’s Off A Cliff For Uranium

Oct 21 2008

The price of a pound of yellow cake continues to drop.

Chaotic Markets See Spot Uranium Slide

Sep 23 2008

Even uranium prices are being dragged into the turmoil that is currently defining financial markets.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle