
After another steady gain, the uranium price is now up 49% from its lows.

Feb 14 2017

The uranium spot market appears to now be feeding on itself as stronger prices lead to increasing interest.

Feb 07 2017

The spot uranium price last week booked its eighth consecutive week of positive or neutral price changes.

Jan 31 2017

Uranium Week: There Can Only Be Upside

It appears 2017 may prove a brighter year for uranium, but it’s a very long way back.

Jan 24 2017

Previous Stories

Spot Uranium At US$60 Per Pound

Jul 08 2008

TradeTech has raised its weekly spot price indicator for uranium to US$60/lb, but above all investors are back, the consultant reports.

Mixed Views On Outlook For Uranium Prices

Jun 24 2008

GSJB Were and Rio Tinto see uranium prices heading higher next year but JP Morgan sees few catalysts to drive spot prices over the next 12 months or so.

Rudi On Thursday

Jun 04 2008

Weekly musings from your editor. Banks are out, resources in. But that doesn’t necessarily mean all of them, does it?

Uranium Market Showing Signs Of Improvement

May 30 2008

Resrouce Capital Research has released its latest report on the uranium industry and sees signs of an improvement in prices, with US$75 per pound a likely short-term target.

And You Thought Spot Uranium Couldn’t Go Lower?

May 07 2008

Ux Consulting has lowered its weekly spot price to US$63/lb, US$2 below where fellow industry consultant TradeTech left it at its last sector update.

Spot Uranium Bottoming?

May 06 2008

TradeTech reports sellers are less eager to lower prices in the spot uranium market with buyers ready to conclude deals. Is this the bottom of the price correction?

Paladin Expensive?

Apr 30 2008

Last week Credit Suisse suggested Paladin should Outperform but RBC Capital Markets suggests the stock is expensive at current levels.

And Uranium Drops A Bit More

Apr 17 2008

The slide in spot uranium continues with industry consultant UxC slicing a bit further than peer TradeTech.

Uranium Market Comes To A Standstill

Apr 08 2008

No transactions concluded and no new demand appearing. That’s pretty much all there is to say about uranium right now.

Spot Uranium Remains At US$74/lb

Mar 25 2008

One deal was concluded on the uranium spot market last week. It’s quiet, but at least the spot price isn’t tumbling.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle