
After another steady gain, the uranium price is now up 49% from its lows.

Feb 14 2017

The uranium spot market appears to now be feeding on itself as stronger prices lead to increasing interest.

Feb 07 2017

The spot uranium price last week booked its eighth consecutive week of positive or neutral price changes.

Jan 31 2017

Uranium Week: There Can Only Be Upside

It appears 2017 may prove a brighter year for uranium, but it’s a very long way back.

Jan 24 2017

Previous Stories

Spot Uranium Tumbles

Jan 22 2008

The story of uranium this week is about one forced seller and a tumbling spot price.

Citi Initiates With Buy On ERA & Paladin

Jan 21 2008

Citi is positive on the uranium sector and following a review has initiated coverage on both ERA and Paladin with Buy ratings.

Expectations Up For ERA

Jan 16 2008

Uranium producer Energy Resources of Australia had a tough start to 2007 but came home much stronger and upward revisions to earnings estimates has a number of brokers rating the shares as a Buy.

Spot Uranium At US$90/lb

Dec 19 2007

UxC has followed TradeTech and lowered its weekly price indicator for U3O8 to US$90 per pound.

Issues For Australia In 2008

Dec 17 2007

CommSec gives its view on a wide range of issues that will dominate the Australian landscape in 2008.

Oz Commodity Earnings Forecast Slashed

Dec 06 2007

The latest forecast from ABARE suggests commodity earnings will grow by only 1% in FY08.

Spot Uranium At US$93/lb – It’s Unanimous

Nov 21 2007

Industry consultant UxC joined colleague TradeTech by setting its weekly spot price indicator at US$93/lb this week.

Paladin Still Buying In Uranium

Nov 20 2007

Paladin has been forced to buy in spot market uranium to cover contract shortfalls – a costly business.

Spot U3O8 Remains At US$93/lb

Nov 20 2007

Industry consultant TradeTech has left its weekly price benchmark unchanged for the third week in a row.

Spot U3O8 Takes A Breather

Nov 13 2007

Spot uranium took a breather last week, industry consultant TradeTech reports.

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