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Bull In A China Shock

Jul 09 2015

PFP Wealth Management’s Tim Price looks back at history in the context of the Chinese stock market’s bubble and bust.

Chinese QE?

Apr 30 2015

As Beijing rolls out further stimulus policies, the question is being asked “Has China joined the global QE battle?”

China And Reserve Currency Aspirations

Apr 16 2015

Beijing has announced its intention to make the renminbi a fully convertible currency this year, but analysts believe this is an ambitious target.

China: The New Normal Will Not Be 7% Growth

Mar 09 2015

The Chinese government would be foolish to think 7% GDP growth is the new floor, or the economic transformation is finished, argues GaveKal’s Andrew Batson.

China Landing: Not Hard, Not Soft, But Long

Nov 21 2014

AllianceBernstein argues structural reforms and targeted stimulus will prevent a hard landing for China’s economy but nonetheless ensure a long landing.

Is Chinese Property Headed For a Japanese-Style Bust?

Oct 13 2014

As Chinese property prices continue to decline, much comparison has been made to the Japanese property bust of the 1990s which sent Japan into its lost decade. But is this comparison justified?

The Culprits Behind The Chinese Housing Correction

May 26 2014

Analysts from GavekalDragonomics debate the questions of what is causing China’s property downturn and just how bad can it get.

The Outlook For Chinese Growth In 2014

Nov 27 2013

Most, but not all brokers anticipate a slight moderation in Chinese GDP growth next year as immediate policy tightening and longer term reform measures take effect.

Asia Building A Stable Economic Growth Base

Nov 07 2013

Chinese hard landing fears have diminished, and while China has consolidated at a less runaway growth rate the Asian zone economy in general is broadening and exports to Europe are no longer falling. But beware the Fed.

Emerging Markets Are Stifling Confidence

Aug 22 2013

Jonathan Barratt of Barratt’s Bulletin discusses the implications of this week’s severe Fed-related stock market sell-offs in India, Indonesia and Thailand.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle