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Transitory Tightening?

Jan 23 2023

Franklin Templeton’s Sonal Desai argues markets are too sanguine and the outlook for inflation, and central bankers’ attitude to it, has changed

Are We EV Ready?

Jan 16 2023

Questions about EVs and the future of electrification do not stop with Tesla and its controversial CEO

Insights From The Road Well-Travelled

Oct 24 2022

WaveStone Capital’s Henry Hill has visited 50 UK and US companies to gauge the mood post-covid and the impacts of inflation and a slowing consumer

Gloomy Outlook For Global Growth

Oct 06 2022

Oxford Economics does not anticipate a return to strong global growth any time soon, as a series of short-term and longer-term macroeconomic factors drag on economies

China’s Bubble That Never Bursts

Oct 05 2022

Is it possible the Chinese financial system is more resilient, and its policymakers more innovative, than Western critics give them credit for?

Global Recession Fears Mount

Sep 29 2022

New surveys of businesses point to rising expectations for a global recession 

The Largest Emerging Markets Debt Crisis In 25 Years

Sep 08 2022

A debt crisis wave is building for emerging markets and is likely to crash upon frontier markets and small developing economies

Outlook: Earnings Recession, QT And Volatility

Sep 07 2022

Equity markets are moving into Phase 2 of the 2022 general re-adjustment, experts say

Around The World In 200 Meetings

Aug 23 2022

Boutique Australian and global active fund manager Alphinity spent six months meeting with portfolio managers to assess the state of the global economy

Global Corporate Debt Is Shrinking

Jul 13 2022

Strong profits have driven a decline in global corporate debt for the first year since 2015, leaving opportunity for investors in the bond market as bond prices decline

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle