Feature Stories

Previous Stories

Anatomy Of A Changing Uranium Market

Aug 23 2007

The upward trend in uranium spot prices has come to a halt with the spot price dropping to US$90/lb this week. What’s happening? We sought the answers to the questions.

Australia In Denial Over Subprime Crisis

Aug 08 2007

Politicians and bankers are at pains to point out that Australia cannot suffer a mortgage crisis due to the low level of subprime loans. As the crisis moves beyond subprime, just how immune is Australia really?

What Is This Subprime CDO Crisis?

Jul 20 2007

A deeper look into the various corners of one gigantic web of complex financial instruments that have created the CDO enigma.

Pigs With Lipstick

Jul 04 2007

The US sub-prime mortgage scare appears to have petered out. But that’s only because it takes ratings agencies a long time to reassess, and mortgage delinquencies a long time to crystallise, and hedge fund traders are able to “mark to model”.

Will Yen Carry Trade Fears Return?

Jun 26 2007

The sub-prime mortgage scare in February was accompanied by a brief but panicked unwinding of the yen carry trade. Will this happen again in light of Bear Stearns? And what would it mean for the Aussie dollar and the stock market?

Telstra And The FTTN Debacle

May 24 2007

Will Australia ever get fast broadband? If only the answer to that question were simple.

Building Towards A New Asian Financial Crisis

May 11 2007

It’s ten years since the great Asian Crisis of 1997. Things are different now. It couldn’t happen again. Could it?

Behind The Scenes Of The Wireless Broadband Revolution – Part II

Apr 03 2007

Part two of a two parts series. FNArena will publish a Special Report under the same title in pdf later this month which will contain similar content but with the graphs and charts.

Behind The Scenes Of The Wireless Broadband Revolution – An Analysis

Apr 03 2007

Part one of a two parts series. FNArena will publish a Special Report under the same title in pdf later this month which will contain similar content with the graphs and charts.

Is There Value Left In The Uranium Sector?

Mar 27 2007

The uranium production/exploration sector in Australia has been the big success story of 2006. Is there still upside from here?