The Overnight Report

Wrap of events affecting the market on Friday night and the weekend and a preview of the week ahead.

Feb 20 2017

Tax reform in two-three weeks? Well no, actually. Dow up 7.

Feb 17 2017

Donald Trump mentioned tax last night. Dow up 107.

Feb 16 2017

Dow 20k? That was so yesterday. Wall Street marches relentlessly on. Dow up 92.

Feb 15 2017

Previous Stories

The Monday Report

Mar 24 2014

Wrap of events affecting the market on Friday night and the weekend and a preview of the week ahead.

The Overnight Report: Nothing To Fear

Mar 21 2014

Wall Street has decided that if interest rates do rise soon, so be it. Dow up 108. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEDST)

The Overnight Report: Six Months Or That Type Of Thing

Mar 20 2014

Confusing signals from Janet Yellen sparked significant volatility late on Wall Street. Dow down 114. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEDST)

The Overnight Report: Resume Normal Programming

Mar 19 2014

Wall Street went back to bullish last night as events in Crimea faded on the risk scale. Dow up 88. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEDST)

The Overnight Report: What Would Putin Do Now?

Mar 18 2014

Global markets rebounded last night after the Crimean referendum ended without incident. Dow up 181. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEDST)

The Monday Report

Mar 17 2014

Wrap of events affecting the market on Friday night and the weekend and a preview of the week ahead.

The Overnight Report: Valley Of Death

Mar 14 2014

Weak China data and a tipping point in the Crimea sent markets plunging last night. Dow down 231. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEDST)

The Overnight Report: The China Syndrome

Mar 13 2014

Global markets have steadied but tension remains as China’s shadow banking system feels the heat and Crimea moves towards its referendum. Dow down 11. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEDST)

The Overnight Report: Cracks In The China

Mar 12 2014

Metals prices continued to tumble last night as the wider implications of China’s data and policy reverberate around the globe. Dow down 67. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEDST)

The Overnight Report: Iron Tanks

Mar 11 2014

The iron ore price has plunged since yesterday while Wall Street still managed to mostly shrug off the Chinese data. Dow down 34. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEDST)

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