United States

Michael Gable of Fairmont Equities suggests last night’s fall in the Dow is a warning sign.

Jan 31 2017

Trump Trade With A Twist

As the Trump rally reignites, Kathleen Brooks of City Index ponders the inevitable pullback.

Jan 27 2017

Trump: Making America Volatile Again

Kathleen Brooks of City Index warns the Trump rally may give way to heightened market volatility as Trump reality sets in.

Jan 19 2017

Kathleen Brooks of City Index thinks equity markets are likely to overshoot, as they always do, but it shouldn’t be a worry this month just yet.

Dec 22 2016

Previous Stories

Material Matters: Commodities And Growth, The Value Of New Projects

Mar 27 2012

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities with updates on commodity market expectations and an analysis of copper projects and value creation.

Your Editor On Switzer TV: Equities Over Bonds

Mar 27 2012

Your Editor explained on Switzer TV why equities now seem a better place to be than in government bonds.

The Overnight Report: The Prodigal QE3

Mar 27 2012

A speech by Ben Bernanke hinted QE3 was not off the table at all. Dow up 160. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEDT)

Weekly Broker Wrap: Global Investor Confidence Rising

Mar 26 2012

Surveys by Barclays Capital and BA Merrill Lynch suggest global investor sentiment is rising, but market and sector specific conditions mean stock picking remains important.

The Monday Report

Mar 26 2012

Wrap of events affecting the market on Friday night and the weekend and a preview of the week ahead.

Week Ahead: Searching For The Next Crisis…

Mar 24 2012

Forex.com’s Kathleen Brooks sums up what’s moving markets and attracting attention of the world’s investors.

The Overnight Report: Beware the Global Slowdown

Mar 23 2012

It was a “risk off” session as weak data from both Europe and China gave Wall Street a good excuse to sell. Dow down 78. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEDT)

Shock ‘N’ Oil

Mar 22 2012

General Electric Co chief economist Marco Annunziata suggests an oil price shock would command Europe and the US among key casualties.

The Overnight Report: Momentum Lacking

Mar 22 2012

Wall Street is struggling to post further gains with last night seeing familiar last minute selling. Dow down 45. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEDT)

The Overnight Report: BHP Sneezes, Wall Street Catches A Cold

Mar 21 2012

Chinese demand growth for iron ore is slowing, said BHP yesterday, and last night Wall Street panicked. Dow down 68. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEDT)

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle