United States

Michael Gable of Fairmont Equities suggests last night’s fall in the Dow is a warning sign.

Jan 31 2017

Trump Trade With A Twist

As the Trump rally reignites, Kathleen Brooks of City Index ponders the inevitable pullback.

Jan 27 2017

Trump: Making America Volatile Again

Kathleen Brooks of City Index warns the Trump rally may give way to heightened market volatility as Trump reality sets in.

Jan 19 2017

Kathleen Brooks of City Index thinks equity markets are likely to overshoot, as they always do, but it shouldn’t be a worry this month just yet.

Dec 22 2016

Previous Stories

The Week Ahead

Jan 16 2012

Kicking off 2012 with a look at what’s coming up in the markets this week.

Nasdaq The One To Watch?

Dec 22 2011

Technical analysis by ATW’s Jerry Simmons suggests investors should watch further movements in Nasdaq for clues about the outlook for US equities in general.

Global Savings Glut Or Global Banking Glut?

Dec 21 2011

Princeton University’s Hyun Song Shin explains why deleveraging of European banks will have significant implications for the rest of the world.

Explaining NR7s And Doji’s

Dec 21 2011

ATW’s Jerry Simmmons explains NR7s and doji’s.

Peter Switzer: Growth Is On The Horizon

Dec 16 2011

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report takes a longer term view amidst short term market turmoil.

Oil Market – Iran Remains The Wild Card

Dec 16 2011

Jonathan Barratt of Barratt’s Bulletin suggests Iran’s threat is not enough to offsett weak momentum for crude oil prices in the short term.

Is The Dow Jones Mirroring 2006-2009?

Dec 15 2011

Robert Clayton of AliomFX notes the Dow Jones appears to be mirroring price action of a few years ago, which suggests potential for a significant fall in the next month or two.

Two-Tier Economies, Two-Tier Markets

Dec 15 2011

GaveKal observes global deleveraging is creating two-tier economies, which is translating into two-tier markets.

The Potential For Break-Outs

Dec 14 2011

In the latest video in FNArena’s Educational Section, ATW’s Jerry Simmons zooms in on the potential for Break-Outs.

The Monday Report

Dec 12 2011

Wrap of events affecting the market on Friday night and the weekend and a preview of the week ahead.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle