United States

Michael Gable of Fairmont Equities suggests last night’s fall in the Dow is a warning sign.

Jan 31 2017

Trump Trade With A Twist

As the Trump rally reignites, Kathleen Brooks of City Index ponders the inevitable pullback.

Jan 27 2017

Trump: Making America Volatile Again

Kathleen Brooks of City Index warns the Trump rally may give way to heightened market volatility as Trump reality sets in.

Jan 19 2017

Kathleen Brooks of City Index thinks equity markets are likely to overshoot, as they always do, but it shouldn’t be a worry this month just yet.

Dec 22 2016

Previous Stories

July: If History Is Our Guide

Jul 01 2010

If history repeats itself, Australian equities, copper, oil and silver should all perform well in July.

The Overnight Report: I Robot

Jul 01 2010

Wall Street held steady all session until 3pm when a massive programmed sell order ensured a technical break-down. Dow down 96.

Critical Levels Approaching For Equities

Jun 30 2010

The TechWizard reports equity indices in the US and in Australia are approaching key support levels.

The Overnight Report: Confidence Expires

Jun 30 2010

Low leading indicator and confidence readings in China and the US broke the dam of building disquiet last night sending risk assets tumbling. Dow down 268.

Will The Fed Stage Another Rescue?

Jun 29 2010

Commentators suggest Fed board members are currently arguing over whether or not to reintroduce massive monetary stimulus to a flagging US economy to re-stimulate growth.

Gartman Finds Market Action In US Equities ‘Disconcerting’

Jun 29 2010

Dennis Gartman finds market action for US equities disconcerting. He advocates investors should err to the side of caution.

The Overnight Report: Lack Of Conviction

Jun 29 2010

Wall Street meandered on thin volume last night as investors search for a reason to move either way. Dow down 5.

Material Matters: Thermal Coal, Oil And Oz Iron Ore and Nickel Markets

Jun 28 2010

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities including evidence of strong thermal coal demand, positive signs for oil prices and the implications of recent announcements in the iron ore and nickel markets.

Eurozone Growth Impact Not So Daunting

Jun 28 2010

Danske Bank argues that tighter budgets in Europe will be offset by accompanying positive influences. There is no need to panic.

The Monday Report

Jun 28 2010

A wrap of events affecting the market on Friday night and the weekend and a preview of the week ahead.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle