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Supply Response In Lithium Heats Up

May 26 2016

Major producers of lithium are ratcheting up production as demand for the commodity is surging due to use in electric vehicle and grid storage markets.

Uranium Week: Interest Continues To Build

May 24 2016

The spot uranium price edged up again last week as sellers backed away from growing utility interest.

RERUN: Material Matters: LNG, Ferrochrome, Iron Ore, Steel, Tin, Nickel And Cobalt

May 18 2016

LNG offtake expiries; pick up in ferrochrome; improving fundamentals in iron ore; rapid fall in steel; rise in tin; loss making continues in nickel; demand growth for cobalt.

Material Matters: Oil & Gas, Silver, Zinc And Iron Ore

May 18 2016

Bid for AWE and near and longer term oil trends; silver outperforms; ample zinc stocks; and Macquarie upgrades near term outlook for iron ore.

Uranium Week: Activity Quietly Picks Up

May 17 2016

Buyers returned to the spot uranium market last week as term contract settlements moved forward.

Uranium Week: Activity Slows Once More

May 10 2016

Buyers and sellers in the uranium market have again reached a point of stand-off while awaiting the outcome of several term market tenders.

Uranium Week: Dust Settles

May 03 2016

After a wild April, buyers and sellers have again reached a stand-off in the uranium market.

Material Matters: Chinese Data, Iron Ore, Oil, Coking Coal And Nickel

Apr 28 2016

Large rebound in Chinese imports; break even lowered for iron ore producers; oil risks growing; coking coal finally rallies; supply reductions beginning for nickel.

Uranium Week: Production Cuts

Apr 27 2016

Weak uranium prices are beginning to take their toll on uranium producers.

Uranium Week: Price Drops Ten Percent

Apr 19 2016

An earthquake in Japan is not what the country’s nuclear energy industry needs to bolster confidence in hoped for restarts of more reactors.

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