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Silver At Key Technical Levels

Apr 01 2011

Analysis by ATW’s Jerry Simmons suggests silver is at key technical price levels.

April Loves Equities

Mar 31 2011

Barclays Capital’s analysis of monthly seasonal trends shows April tends to be a good month for global equity markets.

Potential Turning Point

Mar 28 2011

ATW’s Jerry Simmons reports copper might be at a key turning point. This could affect equities too.

A B12 Shot for the Commodity Boom… And the Firm Ready to Profit

Mar 28 2011

China is acting irresponsibly with rare earths, creating opportunities for investors elsewhere, explains Investment U’s David Fessler.

REPEAT Rudi’s View: Value Does Trump Everything Else

Mar 28 2011

For those who didn’t believe in DJS vs RIO, here’s another example (into the future this time). Plus the Melbourne investor meetings.

Your Editor On BoardRoomRadio

Mar 26 2011

Friday’s edition of BoardRoomRadio’s Afternoon Round Table got a little animated at times, and there was some “east” against the rest animosity too.

Grab a Cool 16% Per Year… Even While Underperforming the S&P

Mar 25 2011

Investment U’s Marc Lichtenfeld explains how dividend compounding really works, and delivers surprises investors seldom pay attention to.

How to Avoid Taking it on the Chin… Again

Mar 24 2011

FX trading looks attractive, and many have been lured in, but many have been losing money this month as the Yen changed direction.

The Insidious Effects Of Japan’s Disaster

Mar 24 2011

Euro Pacific’s John Browne believes there’s more to Japanese funds repatriation than initially meets the eye.

US Consumer Sentiment Reveals Its Fragility

Mar 23 2011

Consumer Metrics Institute notes US consumer demand for discretionary durable goods has fallen following the Japanese earthquake.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle