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Dr Boreham’s Crucible: Cyclopharm

Oct 09 2023

FDA approval for Cyclopharm’s device-as-a-drug is welcome news, Tim Boreham reports

ASX Seafood Sector Swimming Against The Tide

Oct 05 2023

The New Criterion’s Tim Boreham navigates the choppy seas of a fraught Australian seafood-farming market

Sigma Healthcare Promises Higher Margins

Oct 03 2023

While interim results for Sigma Healthcare met expectations, brokers see margin upside from improved operating leverage

Dr Boreham’s Crucible: Argenica Therapeutics

Sep 28 2023

Argenica Therapeutics is aiming for a substantial slice of the stroke market, expected to be worth some US$180bn a year by 2030

Lindsay Australia: Transported To Growth

Sep 13 2023

Brokers are excited about the growth prospects of rural transport and logistics company Lindsay Australia as it becomes the number one player in its industry

Dr Boreham’s Crucible: Painchek

Sep 11 2023

Tim Boreham highlights a device used to detect pain in non-verbal patients, such as those suffering dementia and infants

Dr Boreham’s Crucible: Cleo Diagnostics

Aug 30 2023

Tim Boreham shines a light on freshly listed Cleo Diagnostics, in search of an effective diagnostic tool for ovarian cancer

Paw Patrol; Investing In Non-Discretionary Pets

Aug 28 2023

Let’s talk about the unbreakable bond between households and their pets, and about the companies that offer exposure. Updated with today’s FY23 result release

Breaking Boundaries: Medical Psychedelics

Aug 21 2023

Australia is the first country in the world to legalise the use of psychedelic drugs for mental illness

Temple & Webster Spends Up For A Bigger Share

Aug 18 2023

Temple & Webster seems destined for strong growth, but at a lower margin as spending increases to grab more market share

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle