Iron Ore

Brokers brushed aside a robust first half result for Aurizon, instead looking at the issues which cloud the outlook beyond FY17.

Feb 14 2017

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities. China and coal; ASX gold sector; outlook for energy sector; iron ore prices.

Feb 09 2017

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities. Silver use in PV cells; tight zinc markets; China’s coal policies; dividend outlook for miners.

Jan 30 2017

BlueScope Steel has upgraded earnings estimates for the first half and brokers welcome the work done to improve the outlook and balance sheet.

Jan 25 2017

Previous Stories

The Overnight Report: Who Said Overvalued?

May 07 2015

Yesterday’s local trashing may not have been apparent to Janet Yellen when last night she called Wall Street overvalued, Dow down 86. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEST)

The Overnight Report: Fun And Games All Round

May 06 2015

Madness in the local market, a Grexit back on the cards, alarming data out of the US – it has all been happening over the past 24 hours. Dow down 142. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEST)

The Monday Report

May 04 2015

Wrap of events affecting the market on Friday night and the weekend and a preview of the week ahead.

South32 Depends On Manganese (And Vice Versa)

May 01 2015

Manganese has suffered a similar fate to iron ore in the slowing of steel production growth but the upcoming South32 de-merger has reinvigorated interest in the outlook for the metal.

The Overnight Report: No Reason To Buy

May 01 2015

Wall Street joined the rest of the world in a general sell-down last night as the Aussie also retreated. Dow down 195. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEST)

The Overnight Report: Slow US Rewrites Views

Apr 30 2015

Long-held assumptions have been put to the test as big moves in stock and currency markets over the past 24 hours reflect a weaker US economy. Dow down 74. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEST)

Material Matters: Oil, Thermal Coal, Copper, Gold And Platinum

Apr 29 2015

Oil production decline in US; China’s thermal coal exports; copper supply diversifies; gold under pressure; platinum demand lacklustre.

Further Upside For Iron Ore?

Apr 29 2015

The Chartist reports the recent bounce in the iron ore price might not simply represent a short term snap-back.

The Overnight Report: Aussie Rockets

Apr 29 2015

The Aussie broke out of its trading range and leapt 2% to over 80 last night as Wall Street awaits the Fed statement tonight. Dow up 72. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEST)

The Overnight Report: Iron Willed

Apr 28 2015

The iron ore rebound has given global materials stocks a new lease of life although a sell-off in biotech spoiled the party for Wall Street last night. Dow down 42. (Accessible only for subscribers before 10:15 AEST)

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