article 3 months old

Your Editor On Twitter

FYI | Sep 16 2011

By Rudi Filapek-Vandyck, Editor FNArena

I joined Twitter. Not because I am curious what this celebrity has to say about her kids, or to read that another one is waiting for a connecting flight, impatiently. Twitter allows me to follow news and commentary sources such as Dow Jones' Marketwatch, Bloomberg News and the Wall Street Journal. It assists me in keeping up with what is happening across the globe, while I am observing and analysing financial markets myself.

While I am on Twitter, reading a quote here and a news flash there, I offer my own succinct insights and commentary. Those amongst you who have already discovered the virtues of a Twitter account can add my Tweets to their daily news via @filapek.

For those who have no intention to join Twitter, but would like to stay up to date, below are my Tweets from the week past:

– GS cuts year-end target for S&P500 to 1250 from 1400, implying 5% upside for next three months

– Concludes ANZ: if European markets go into another tail spin, there will be no save havens."The window for a resolution is closing rapidly"

– Dennis Gartman: hedge funds both long equities and gold, which explains weaker gold when margin calls in equities become an issue

– BA-ML strategists: downturn looking less like a pause, but investors should look for entry, seeking yield, growth and quality (all in one)

– Analysts and economists across the globe are converging towards one central view: Europe needs its own TARP programme… but when oh when?

– NAB's FX experts: last night's trading reminds us AUD is still a high beta, pro-cyclical currency. No safe-haven? Please stop the nonsense!

– NAB FX analysts maintain: underlying trend AUD/USD is likely for more downward pressure medium term, initial target at 1.0380

You can add my regular Tweets on Twitter via @filapek

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