United States

Michael Gable of Fairmont Equities suggests last night’s fall in the Dow is a warning sign.

Jan 31 2017

Trump Trade With A Twist

As the Trump rally reignites, Kathleen Brooks of City Index ponders the inevitable pullback.

Jan 27 2017

Trump: Making America Volatile Again

Kathleen Brooks of City Index warns the Trump rally may give way to heightened market volatility as Trump reality sets in.

Jan 19 2017

Kathleen Brooks of City Index thinks equity markets are likely to overshoot, as they always do, but it shouldn’t be a worry this month just yet.

Dec 22 2016

Previous Stories

The Overnight Report: Relentless

Oct 08 2008

The Dow fell another 500 points last night as the selling wave continued.

The Overnight Report (Monday): Europe Shatters

Oct 07 2008

The Dow was down 800 points at its lows last night, driven by a rout in Europe, before rebounding in the last hour to be down 370 at the close. (Locked for subscribers until 10:00 AEDT)

The Overnight Report (Friday): That Was The Week That Was

Oct 04 2008

The Dow fell 150 points on Friday having been up 300 points when the bill was passed.

The Overnight Report: Anxiety Reigns, Reality Bites

Oct 03 2008

The Dow fell 348 points last night on anxiety over whether the bill will be passed but more specifically on very poor economic data.

The Overnight Report: On Stand-By

Oct 02 2008

Wall Street took a breather last night as it awaits a modified bill to pass through the Senate and go back to the House.

What Now For Oil?

Oct 01 2008

Plan or no Plan, it’s still a rocky road ahead for the oil price.

The Fair Value Debate That Could Save The World, For Now

Oct 01 2008

Could a rescue of Wall Street come down to simple accounting?

The Overnight Report: Let’s Just Move The Goal Posts Back

Oct 01 2008

The Dow bounced back 485 last night as Congress vowed to reach resolution and the SEC decided to readdress CDO accounting rules.

A New Golden Age? (Part II)

Sep 30 2008

Gold is back in favour, at least for the moment. Will gold now regain its rightful status (and continue to appreciate)?

The Overnight Report: Black Monday – Congress Votes Down Plan B

Sep 30 2008

Main Street voted down Wall Street last night on both sides of the House, rejecting the rescue plan . The Dow fell 770 points, its biggest fall since trading opened after 9/11.

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